i wanna be yours by John Cooper Clarke Name: Class: Starter Which the objects below might have something to do with a love poem? Explain why. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ let me be your vacuum cleaner breathing in your dust let me be your ford cortina i will never rust if you like your coffee hot let me be your coffee pot you call the shots i wanna be yours let me be your raincoat for those frequent rainy days let me be your dreamboat when you wanna sail away let me be your teddy bear take me with you anywhere i don't care i wanna be yours let me be your electric meter i will not run out let me be the electric heater you get cold without let me be your setting lotion hold your hair with deep devotion deep as the deep atlantic ocean that's how deep is my emotion deep deep deep deep de deep deep i don't wanna be hers i wanna be yours
St.1 _______________________ ___________________________ Mini Task 1 - To help you identify the ‘Story of the Poem’, briefly write down what you think is happening in each stanza of the poem. Stanza 1 Stanza 2 Stanza 3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mini Task 2 – KEY LINE Underline or highlight what you think is one KEY LINE from each stanza and say why you think the line is important. St.1 _______________________ ___________________________ St.2 _______________________ St. 3 _______________________ let me be your vacuum cleaner breathing in your dust let me be your ford cortina i will never rust if you like your coffee hot let me be your coffee pot you call the shots i wanna be yours let me be your raincoat for those frequent rainy days let me be your dreamboat when you wanna sail away let me be your teddy bear take me with you anywhere i don't care i wanna be yours let me be your electric meter i will not run out let me be the electric heater you get cold without let me be your setting lotion hold your hair with deep devotion deep as the deep atlantic ocean that's how deep is my emotion deep deep deep deep de deep deep i don't wanna be hers i wanna be yours
Mini Task 3 - Now in your own words write down what you think is ‘the story of the poem’? _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mini Task 4a - Copy down this description of stanzas. ________________________________________________________________________ Mini Task 4b - Copy down this description of Stanza Lines. Mini Task 4c – Count the line length of the section you have been given. Mini Task 5 - Method 1: Using words write down the rhyme scheme for Stanza 1. _______________________________________________________________________ Mini Task 6 - Method 1: Using words write down the rhyme scheme for Stanza 3. _______________________________________________________________________
Mini Task 7a, 7b & 7c. 7a: Copy down the letters used to show the rhyme scheme for Stanza 1. 7b: Starting with the letter ‘d’ for Stanza 2 and ‘g’ for Stanza 3, put letters in for the rest of the poem. Use an underscore _ to show an unrhymed line. 7c: Copy down the letter method to show the rhyme scheme for the poem. let me be your vacuum cleaner -a breathing in your dust -b let me be your ford cortina -a i will never rust -b if you like your coffee hot -c let me be your coffee pot -c you call the shots -c i wanna be yours -_ let me be your raincoat for those frequent rainy days let me be your dreamboat when you wanna sail away let me be your teddy bear take me with you anywhere i don't care i wanna be yours let me be your electric meter i will not run out let me be the electric heater you get cold without let me be your setting lotion hold your hair with deep devotion deep as the deep atlantic ocean that's how deep is my emotion deep deep deep deep de deep deep i don't wanna be hers i wanna be yours Mini Task 8 - In you own words, describe the structure of the poem. You should mention Stanzas, Lines, Line length and Rhyme Scheme in your answer. _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mini Task 9 – Two reasons why a poet might want to use repetition in any poem they write? 1: _________________________ 2: _______________________ 3: ________________________ Mini Task 10 – Copy out the explanation below. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mini Task 11 – Copy out the explanation below. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mini Task 12 – Copy out the definition of ENJAMBMENT. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Romantic/Intimate Objects Mini Task 13 - Enjambment Now put in full stops or an arrow at the ends of lines in the whole poem to mark where you think punctuation or Enjambment is. let me be your electric meter i will not run out let me be the electric heater you get cold without let me be your setting lotion hold your hair with deep devotion deep as the deep atlantic ocean that's how deep is my emotion deep deep deep deep de deep deep i don't wanna be hers i wanna be yours let me be your vacuum cleaner breathing in your dust let me be your ford cortina i will never rust if you like your coffee hot let me be your coffee pot you call the shots i wanna be yours let me be your raincoat for those frequent rainy days let me be your dreamboat when you wanna sail away let me be your teddy bear take me with you anywhere i don't care i wanna be yours MINI TASK 14- Write down what you think the two TONES of the poem are. 1_________________________________________ 2 ________________________________________ Mini Task 15- Place the objects mentioned in the poem into one of the two columns in the table below. Useful Objects Romantic/Intimate Objects 1 2 3 4 5 Mini Task 16: What do you notice. Stanza 1: _____________ Stanza 2: __________ Stanza 3: _________