INSTRUCTIONS HOME BUTTON Follow these instructions for a proper navigation through the material Follow the cursor through its path Click on the highlighted sections to continue HOME BUTTON Denotes special emphasis on the selected area This allows you to reproduce the next scene.
TELUS CLOUD CONTACT CENTRE FINESSE AGENT DESKTOP Welcome to the TELUS Cloud Contact Centre training. In this course you will be able to navigate through the Finesse Agent Desktop at your own pace. This course will allow you to familiarize yourself with the TELUS Cloud Contact Centre software.
LOGGING ONTO THE TELUS CLOUD CONTACT CENTRE In this part of the course, you will learn how to log onto the TELUS Cloud Contact Centre Software. To login, navigate to the Finesse URL provided to you. Example:
TABLE OF CONTENTS LOGGING ON PARTS OF YOUR FINESSE DESKTOP INTERACTION STATUS AREA CHANGE STATUS MAKE A CALL PLACE A CALL ON HOLD TRANSFER A CALL CONFERENCE A CALL MAKE NOTES Click on the icons to navigate through the material; or simply click on the next button below. Click on the home page button to get back to this menu. END A CALL LOGGING OUT TROUBLESHOOTING
LOGGING ON Access the site STEP 1: Enter your Sign-In Credentials STEP 2: Dial Number and Connection Mode STEP 3: Upon signing in, you will see a message and your phone will ring STEP 4: Pick up the phone. You will then be redirected to the Home Page
Sign in as a Mobile Agent LOGGING ON | STEP 1: Sign in Credentials ID: Stands for your numeric agent ID Password: Case sensitive Extension: Always the same as your ID Mobile Agent: Always check the box Sign in as a Mobile Agent
LOGGING ON | STEP 2: Dial Number and Connection Mode Type in your Sign In Credentials 1234 ******* 901150250501234 Call by Call: The system will call you each time there is a call for you Nailed Connection: The system will call you once when you first log in Dial Number: 91+ your 10-digit phone # North American agents: 91+ Phone # International agents: 9011 + (Country Code) + Phone #
LOGGING ON | STEP 3: Connecting
LOGGING ON | STEP 4: Receiving phone call If "Nailed Connection" was selected, this message will be displayed and the system will initiate a call to the number entered in Step 2. The phone will ring and upon answering the phone, the connection will be established. If "Call By Call" mode was selected in Step 2 this message will not appear and the login procedure will be finalized without an established phone connection.
LOGGING ON | Home Page If your login was successful, the Agent Desktop will be displayed. At the top, the agent name and extension are displayed. To the right of the screen notice that the agent state shows “Not Ready”. This is the default state. Agent Desktop will not present a call to you, while you are in “Not Ready” state.
Interaction Status Area PARTS OF YOUR FINESSE DESKTOP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sign Out drop down Agent Session Details Incoming Call Queue Keypad Interaction Status Area Contact Lists
INTERACTION STATUS AREA The Interaction Status Area allows an agent to perform multiple actions within a call. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Conference Wrap up Reason Answer Call Hold / Retrieve Transfer Call Notes Hang up
CHANGE STATE STEP 1: Change the current State from the Status drop down menu located in the Agent Session Details STEP 2: Once changed, you’ll see your state as “Ready” on the Agent Session Details In this state you are ready to receive calls that you can view in your Incoming Call Queue
CHANGE STATE| STEP 1: Selecting a State Change the current State from the Status drop down menu located in the Agent Session Details
CHANGE STATE| STEP 2: New State Your state will change to “Ready” and now you’re ready to receive calls that you can view in your Incoming Call Queue.
MAKE A CALL STEP 1: Change state to “Not Ready” STEP 2: Access your Phone book to view phone numbers or use the Dial Pad to dial the phone number STEP 3: Your state will change to “Talking” once connected
MAKE A CALL | STEP 1: Not Ready State After logging on properly, ensure that you are on “Not Ready” state. Access your Phone book to view phone numbers.
MAKE A CALL | STEP 2: Phone book 19051234567 Select a contact from your Phone book. Alternatively, you can use the Dial pad to manually enter the number you wish to dial.
MAKE A CALL | STEP 2: Phone book 15141234567 Once the number has been entered, click on "Call" to dial.
MAKE A CALL | STEP 3: Talking 15141234567 +15141234567 The call will appear in the "Interaction Status Area“ and the state will change to “Talking”. The action buttons will allow you to manage the call.
PLACE A CALL ON HOLD STEP 1: Click on the "Hold" button from the actions section of the "Interaction Status Area" (the hold music will be played to the other party) STEP 2: Click on the same button to “Retrieve” the call
PLACE A CALL ON HOLD | STEP 1: Call on Hold 15141234567 +15141234567 While on a call, click the “Hold” button on the Interactions Status Area.
PLACE A CALL ON HOLD | STEP 1: Call on Hold 15141234567 +15141234567 Your state will change to "On Hold" and the other party will hear hold music.
PLACE A CALL ON HOLD | STEP 2: Retrieve 15141234567 +15141234567 Click on the same button to Retrieve the call.
PLACE A CALL ON HOLD | STEP 2: Retrieve 15141234567 +15141234567 State will change back to “Talking”.
TRANSFER A CALL STEP 1: Place your current call on Hold STEP 2: Dial the second phone number and make the call STEP 3: To transfer, once the second line answers, click “Transfer” on the first call in the Interaction Status Area Step 4: Your state will change to “Wrap-Up” once the transfer is successful
TRANSFER A CALL | STEP 1: Current call on Hold 15141234567 Click +15141234567 Place the current call “On Hold” Place the current call on Hold.
TRANSFER A CALL | STEP 2: Dial second number 15141234567 +15141234567 Once your state is “On Hold”, Make the second call and dial out to the second phone number.
TRANSFER A CALL | STEP 2: Second Call 14161234567 15141234567 +15141234567 Make the new call
TRANSFER A CALL | STEP 3: Transfer Call 14161234567 14161234567 +15141234567 +14161234567 The second call will appear on the Interaction Status Area and your state will change to “Talking”.
TRANSFER A CALL | STEP 3: Transfer Call 14161234567 14161234567 +15141234567 +14161234567 Click on the “Transfer call” button on the Interaction Status Area of the first call.
TRANSFER A CALL | STEP 4: Call Transferred 14161234567 14161234567 14161234567 14161234567 Your call has been transferred and your state will change to “Wrap-Up”.
CONFERENCE A CALL STEP 1: Place your current call on Hold STEP 2: Dial the second number and make the new call STEP 3: Click on the “Conference” button to start a conference STEP 4: Your state will change to “Talking” once the conference is successful
CONFERENCE A CALL | STEP 1: Current call on Hold 15141234567 +15141234567 Place the current call on “Hold”.
CONFERENCE A CALL | STEP 2: New Call 15141234567 +15141234567 Make sure the current state is “On Hold” then dial the second number.
CONFERENCE A CALL | STEP 2: New Call 14161234567 15141234567 +15141234567 Make the new call
CONFERENCE A CALL | STEP 3: Conference button 14161234567 14161234567 +15141234567 +14161234567 The second call will appear on the Interaction Status Area and your state will change to “Talking”.
CONFERENCE A CALL | STEP 3: Conference button 14161234567 14161234567 +15141234567 +14161234567 Click on the “Conference” button on the Interaction Status Area of the first call.
CONFERENCE A CALL | STEP 4: Conference Call 14161234567 14161234567 +15141234567 You’re now on a conference call, both calls will be merged into the first call and your state will remain on “Talking”.
MAKE NOTES STEP 1: While on a call, click on the “Make Notes” button on the Interaction Status Area STEP 2: Type in your notes and click “Save”. Click the “X” button to exit the notes entry box
MAKE NOTES | STEP 1: Notes button 15141234567 +15141234567 While on a call, click on the “Make Notes” button on the Interaction Status Area.
MAKE NOTES | STEP 2: Type your notes Transferred customer. Type in your notes and click “Save”.
MAKE NOTES | STEP 2: Type your notes Transferred customer. Once your notes are saved, click on the “X” button to exit the notes entry box.
MAKE NOTES | STEP 2: Type your notes 15141234567 +15141234567 Your notes have been saved
END A CALL STEP 1: While on a call, click on the “X” button on the Interaction Status Area STEP 2: Once the call has ended, your state will change to “Wrap-Up” STEP 3: There will be no calls on your current queue and your state will be back to “Not Ready”
END A CALL| STEP 1: End a call button 15141234567 +15141234567 While on a call, click on the “X” button on the Interaction Status Area.
END A CALL| STEP 2: Wrap-Up 15141234567 +15141234567 Once the call has ended, your state will change to “Wrap-Up”.
END A CALL| STEP 3: Empty Queue 15141234567 There will be no calls on your current queue and your state will be back to “Not Ready”.
LOGGING OUT STEP 1: Make sure your state is “Not Ready” and then click on the “Sign Out” drop down menu STEP 2: You will then be directed to the Sign In page
LOGGING OUT| STEP 1: Log Out 15141234567 Make sure your state is “Not Ready” and then click on the “Sign Out” drop down menu.
LOGGING OUT| STEP 2: Sign In page You’ll be directed to the Sign In page
TROUBLESHOOTING LAUNCHING: “My account won’t launch” UPDATE: ”The agent window is not updating” SSL CERTIFICATES: ”SSL certificates error” INTERFACE ISSUES: Interface related issues
TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM REASON SOLUTION My account won’t launch The agent window is not updating SSL Certificates error Interface Issues Knowledge Base
TROUBLESHOOTING | Launching PROBLEM REASON SOLUTION My account won’t launch My account won’t launch You may not have the correct system requirements Finesse does not support Internet Explorer in Compatibility View. The minimum supported screen resolution for Finesse clients is 1280 x 1024. To make sure you can launch your account correctly, check if you have the correct system requirements for the TELUS Cloud Contact Centre software: Finesse Desktop is fully supported only with the following software components: Operating System: Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or later) Browsers: Internet Explorer 9.0 , Firefox (Version 24 or later) Operating System: Windows 7 Browsers: Internet Explorer 9.0 and above, Firefox (Version 24 or later) Operating System: Mac OS X Browsers: Firefox (Version 24 or later) Ports 443 and 7443 have to be open. The agent window is not updating SSL Certificates error Interface Issues Knowledge Base
TROUBLESHOOTING | Update PROBLEM REASON SOLUTION If you encounter a delay or lag in your agent desktop window, please try the following: Double-check your internet connection, then Right click your mouse, and click “Refresh” If the problem persists, you might need to clear your cache. You can do this by simply hitting Ctrl + Shift + Delete. My account won’t launch System refresh is not updating due to cache settings. Internet connection is lost The agent window is not updating SSL Certificates error Interface Issues Knowledge Base
TROUBLESHOOTING | SSL Certificates PROBLEM REASON SOLUTION My account won’t launch Your computer cannot connect to the TELUS Cloud Contact Centre server. Your VLAN settings may not be properly configured If you receive the following message when logging in to Finesse, click on the "X" and you should be able to continue with the login process. You may also want to ensure that the agent desktop meets the Finesse Software Requirements. The agent window is not updating SSL Certificates error Interface Issues Knowledge Base
TROUBLESHOOTING | Interface Issues PROBLEM REASON SOLUTION My account won’t launch Finesse interface related issues If there are any interface related issues, click on the “Send Error Report” function on the right lower corner of the interface. Whenever this type of issue occurs, remember to open a ticket as soon as you click on the Send Error Report button. The agent window is not updating SSL Certificates error Interface Issues Knowledge Base
TROUBLESHOOTING | Knowledge Base PROBLEM REASON SOLUTION My account won’t launch The agent window is not updating SSL Certificates error Interface Issues Knowledge Base