Research Paper Editing GET A RED PEN
Make a note on your essay of anything you are missing Check MLA formatting (double spaced, MLA heading, Time New Roman 12) Page numbers with last name 3-5 FULL pages double spaced Works cited page (last page of the essay) 6 in-text citations properly formatted (no direct quotes stand alone as a sentence – pg 4 in research packet) Number your parenthetical (in-text citations)
Partner Editing (optional) Switch papers with a classmate Silently read your partner’s paper and make corrections/comments as you read Circle any words you think can be stronger (more descriptive such as “very” or “hard”) Put a question mark to any sentences that don’t make sense. The author should rewrite the sentence.
Staple your prewrite to your rough draft and turn it in I DO NOT want any papers without a Works Cited page. You will have to turn in your paper late. Minus 10 points every day it is late without a homework extension slip.