“It’s a drought-fueled crisis in the Horn of Africa that is killing people and their animals. It’s spiraling into one of the worst food situations we’ve seen in years…” Akililu Hunqe, ERDO’s Director of International Programs Many have lost livestock and family members to hunger.
Two years of failed rains has led to severe drought across the Horn of Africa. ERDO is working to save lives in Somalia and Kenya.
Three-quarters of Somalia’s livestock has died of hunger and thirst. The situation is growing more dire for people each day.
“The condition is so bad, we hope to God rain will come.” Jimco Ibrahim, whose entire herd of 230 animals are now dead.
Over 1.3 million people are facing drought-related food shortages in Kenya. ERDO is providing EMERGENCY FOOD, matched 4:1 by the Canadian Government
DONATE TODAY – Each dollar raised =$5 of food erdo.ca/Horn-of-Africa “When you provided food for the hungry, a drink for the thirsty, refuge to the stranger, clothing for the naked, care for the sick, and comfort for the prisoner, you were doing it unto me.” – Jesus DONATE TODAY – Each dollar raised =$5 of food erdo.ca/Horn-of-Africa ERDO is the humanitarian agency of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Charitable Registration #875912701RR0001