Animal Abuse By: Victor Gonzalez
Animal Abuse Definition: Cruelty to animals is the infliction of suffering or harm upon animals, other than humans, for purposes other than self-defense. More narrowly, it can be harm for specific gain, such as killing animals for food or fur use. Types of animal abuse: Beating, bestiality, burning, choking/suffocating, drowning, hanging, hoarding, kicking, torture/multilation, neglect/abandonment, poisoning, shooting, stabbing, throwing, smuggling, vehicular (dragging animal behind a vehical), and fighting (i.e. forcing two animals to fight against each other resulting in serious injuries or death.
Beating In New York City, a one-year old dog named Oreo was intentionally thrown off a sixth floor Brooklyn roof top by her abuser. Oreo sustained two broken legs and a fractured rib. Oreo also appears to have been beaten in the past—several of the neighbors in the building where Oreo lived reported hearing the sounds of the dog being hit. The ASPCA nursed her back to health and arrested the perpetrator. They also dubbed her the “miracle dog.”
A horribly burned and disfigured young dog, Mambo, will have a rare opportunity to face his alleged tormentors in open court in December. Set on fire and left for dead on August 10 in the small French Pyrenees village of Espira-de-l’Agly in southern France, the dog suffered third-degree burns to 50 percent of his body. A local police spokesman said: “Mambo was clearly looking for help when he went missing. He approached the pair because he is extremely friendly, but they showed him nothing but cruelty. He was held down by the woman, and then the man poured petrol [gasoline] over him, and set him alight. He was left for dead, but animal aid workers were alerted and managed to save him. He has made an amazing recovery.” Burning
This dog was attacked by his owners, the result was the dog got his tail and a good chunk of meat. How would you feel if they did this to you?
This dog was drowned because its owners were drunk. Stabbing Drowning This dog was drowned because its owners were drunk. CLONING In 2001, when it became apparent that animal cloning may become a commercial venture to help improve the quality of herds, FDA requested livestock producers and researchers to keep food from animal clones or their offspring out of the food supply. Since then, FDA has conducted an intensive evaluation that included examining the safety of food from these animals and the risk to animal health. Based on a final risk assessment, a report written by FDA scientists and issued in January 2008, FDA has concluded that meat and milk from cow, pig, and goat clones and the offspring of any animal clones are as safe as food we eat every day.
This was done to her by her owners, they would hit her and cut her at some points… AND THEY WOULDN’T EVEN CLEAN HER UP! I will NOT stand by while an ANIMAL I will NOT stand by while an ANIMAL is being ABUSE, but would YOU?
Would you care to feed me Would you care to feed me? This is what you call a stray, a animal with no home, family and no FOOD. The owners of this horse named Brownie would never give her anything to eat…
SPCA Some of the goals of SPCA organizations are to protect animals against negligence, abuse, and exploitation, and by providing food and shelter and arranging adoptions, representing animal interests to ensure their well-being while working with law enforcement agencies, and to develop public awareness and compassion for all living creatures, whether pets, farm animals, or wild creatures. The SPCA takes in stray or abused animals into there shelter and take care of them feeds them and loves them. Then they help the animals find loving homes SPCA's are meant for animals that are currently getting abused, for them to help them until they are hopefully claimed. They have the SPCA for the purpose that they spend most attention with the hurt, or needed animals. If no one claims them in a certain amount of time, sadly they will put them down. If people find homeless pets or can't take care of their pets anymore they take them to the SPCA. There the SPCA will get them back to health (if they're sick or hurt) and then put them up for adoption. They are a great place to get a pet from. If you are looking for a new pet I strongly suggest you get it from them.
= Factory farming began in the 1920s soon after the discovery of vitamins A and D; when these vitamins are added to feed, animals no longer require exercise and sunlight for growth. This allowed large numbers of animals to be raised indoors year-round. The greatest problem that was faced in raising these animals indoors was the spread of disease, which was combated in the 1940s with the development of antibiotics. Farmers found they could increase productivity and reduce the operating costs by using mechanization and assembly-line techniques When you keep buying and eating meat from places like… Anywhere where they sell meat, you are encouraging for factory farming to continue. FACTORY FARMING
Animal Testing What this image is showing is that the make-up that women buy, is first tested on animals. Why? To know if it is safe for humans to use. THAT’S NOT FAIR!!! IF SOMETHING DOESN’T WORK, THEN THE ANIMAL GETS HURT, NOT YOU!
What kind of animals are tested on? Cats Rabbits Gerbils Fish Chimpanzees… Monkeys Dogs Guinea Pigs Hamsters Mice