ABC: Innovation and Best Practice PFA HYDERABAD ABC: Innovation and Best Practice 15 July 2017
PROBLEM Too many dogs on the street Fighting, Biting and Chasing Leads to human animal conflict
DOG POPULATION CONTROL IN ANCIENT DAYS Dogs were killed by the civic bodies all over the country It was an obligation on their part For over 100 years we killed and only killed with no results
DOGS ON THE STREETS Where there is food there are animals Vacuum doesn’t exist in nature More the food more the animals
WHO FEEDS THE STRAYS? Our garbage feeds the strays More the garbage more the number of dogs
SOLUTION To protect and manage the population of our Indian dogs living on the streets Animal Birth Control Rules 2001, came into existence under sub-sections (1) (2) of Sec. 38 of the Prevention of Cruelty Animals Act, 1960 WHO recommended ABC- AR program for all developing countries with huge populations Killing stray dogs violates these rules.
ESSENCE OF ABC Sterilise all dogs Protect them against rabies Release them back in the same area Program to be conducted in a systematic manner
BENEFITS OF ABC No more pups No fear of rabies Sterilized dogs calm and friendly Territorial nature ensures no new dogs in the area
HOW TO START THE ABC PROGRAM? It is obligatory on the part of the civic bodies to stop killing & start ABC Most major cities in India have a program going If its a city with existing program If the program needs to be started
WHAT YOU CAN DO Write to the head of the civic body Meet them with a plan based on the SOPs of AWBI Involve all the stake holders Facilitate the starting of the campaign
WHERE TO BEGIN Survey of the dog population: Calculate the average number of dogs and pups in each area Selection of a predetermined ‘area’ by using the map of the city, and then moving in sequential order Use a ‘periphery to centre’ approach Use a female centred approach
FORMATION OF A COMMITTEE A monitoring Committee consisting of following persons shall be constituted by local authority Commissioner/Chief of the local authority, who shall be the ex-officio chairman of the Committee. A representative of the Public Health Department of the local authority. A representative of the Animal Welfare Department if any of the local authority.
A veterinary doctor A representative of the district SPCA At least two representatives from the AWOs operating within the said local authority.
ROLE OF THE STAKEHOLDERS: MONITORING COMMITTEES Issue instructions for catching, transportation, sheltering, sterilisation, vaccination, treatment and release of sterilized, vaccinated or treated dogs. Authorize veterinary doctor to decide on the need to put to sleep critically ill or fatally injured or rabid dogs in a painless method by using sodium pentathol. Create public awareness, solicit co-operation and funding.
Provide guidelines to pet dog owners and commercial breeders. Get a survey done of the number of street dogs by an independent agency. Take steps for monitoring dog bite cases to ascertain the reasons of dog bite, the area where it took place and whether it was from a stray or a pet dog. Keep a watch on the national and international development in the field of research pertaining to development of vaccines and cost effective methods of sterilization etc.
ROLE OF THE STAKEHOLDERS: LOCAL AUTHORITIES Sterilise and immunise street dogs with the participation of animal welfare organisations, private individuals and the local authority Establishment of a sufficient number of dogs pounds including animal kennels/shelters which may be managed by animal welfare organizations Requisite number of dog vans with ramps for the capture and transportation of street dogs
An ambulance cum clinical van to be provided as mobile centre for sterilization and immunization One driver and two trained dog catchers to be provided for each dog van Incinerators to be installed for disposal of carcasses. Periodic repair of shelter or pound Reimbursement of expenses of sterilisation/immunisation to AWOs
ROLE OF THE STAKEHOLDERS: CAPs PFA Hyderabad issues COMMUNITY ANIMAL PROTECTOR (CAP) Identity Cards to caretakers of animals, who can help with ABC through: Awareness programmes in schools, colleges, companies and community centres By bringing the dogs to the dog catching van or to the ABC centre. Ensuring that all the dogs in their respective localities are vaccinated and sterilized.
ROLE OF THE STAKEHOLDERS: MEDIA To sensitize, inform and educate the community about the effectiveness of ABC in reducing dog population and eradicating rabies
CAPTURING - STERILIZATION-IMMUNIZATION-RELEASE Capturing of dogs shall be based on: Specific complaints about nuisance or dog bites General complaints 2. The dog capturing squad shall consist of the driver of the dog van (ii) Two or more trained employees of the local authority who are trained in capturing of dogs. (iii) One representative of any of the animal welfare organisation
All the dogs caught will be tagged for identification purposes and to ensure that the dogs are released in the same area after sterilisation and vaccination. Only stipulated number of dogs, according to the ABiC Program target, shall be caught by the van. A record of dogs captured shall be maintained in a register, mentioning therein the name of the area/locality, date and time of capture, names of persons in the dogs squad on that particular day
The dogs shall be captured by using humane methods prescribed under the provisions of Prevention of Cruelty (Capture of Animals) Rules, 1979. The representative of the local authority or of the AWO will make announcements on a public address system that dogs are being captured from a specific area for the purpose of sterilization The announcement may also briefly educate the residents of the area about the dog control program
The captured dogs shall be brought to the dog kennels/dog pounds managed by the Animal Welfare Organizations (AWOs). The dogs will be sterilized/vaccinated under the supervision of the veterinarians of the hospital run by the SPCA, AWO or other dog shelters. The dogs shall be released at the same place or locality from where they were captured and the date, time and place of their release shall be recorded.
At a time only one lot of dogs from one locality shall be brought for sterilization, immunization at one dog kennel or dog pound. The dog kennel must have sufficient space for proper housing and free movement of dogs. Adults and puppies must be housed separately Adequate arrangement for drinking water and food shall be made for dogs while in captivity. Female dogs found to be pregnant shall not undergo abortion and sterilization
RECORDING & IDENTIFICATION Sterilized dogs shall be vaccinated before release and the ears of these dogs should either be clipped and/ or tattooed for being identified as sterilized or immunized dogs. In addition, the dogs may be given token or nylon collars for identification and detailed records of such dogs shall be maintained.
WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE Garbage management: Link ABC Program to Swach Bharat. Cleaner the colony, lesser the number of dogs. Every RWA (Resident Welfare Association) registered with the civic body to be enrolled into having Community Animal Protectors (CAPs). Take the help of the Community Animal Protectors across the city in the implementation of the program. CAPs could be responsible for issues related to other animals too.
Strategy Dog catching on the basis of complaints alone to be stopped and area wise catching to be made compulsory. Releasing the dogs back into the same area is critical. It is important to ensure that at least 90% of the dogs in any given area have to be sterilized for seeing any positive results.
LET US REITERATE…. ABC-AR is a proven program with 100% success rate. It is up to us to make it happen. YES WE CAN!