Computing Changes Our Lives January 2017 Michael Werner
Catalog Description Few question that the advent of computing has profoundly changed our lives. This course examines a number of current issues regarding the role of computing in society. The Internet has created potential for ordinary people to not only access information, but also tell their own stories. Anyone today can publish his/her own blog or even show their home-made video on YouTube. It’s not all good. We may be overwhelmed by a deluge of questionable reports obtained via social media and unmoderated forums. We examine the Internet of things, in particular driverless cars. But with convenience comes loss of privacy. They are watching us. We look at the role mavericks have played in computing and the threat of hacking and cyber warfare.
Course Information Title: Computing Changes Our Lives Place: Instituto Allende, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato MX Dates: Jan 5, 9, 12, 16 2017 Facilitator: Michael Werner, Web Site: changes-our-lives/
Schedule Jan 5 - Knowledge for All Jan 9 - Internet of Things Jan 12 - Privacy Jan 16 -Mavericks and Hacking
1 Knowledge for all Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition Wikipedia Citizen journalism News from social media Net neutrality
Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition 1911 29 volumes + index volume 40,000 articles by distinguished scholars “the last great work of the age of reason, the final instance when all human knowledge could be presented with a single point of view.” (Hans Koning of the New Yorker) “Unabashed optimism – and unabashed racism” (Nate Pedersen of the Guardian)
“Chief Factors Limiting Access to Facts ― Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion 1922 Artificial censorship Limitations of social contact …meager time in a day for paying attention to public affairs. …events have to be compressed into very short messages …making a small vocabulary express a complicated world Fear of facing those facts which would seem to threaten the established routine of men's lives
WikiWikiWeb 1995 Everyone can view a website What if the viewer can change the site as well? A wiki site allows that The wiki engine is a content management system Users may be able to change or add links, text, images, etc. Documents are written collaboratively “open” wikis practice social Darwinism – Weak edits are culled “moderated” wikis allow some editorial control Ward Cunningham: From the first Wiki to the future of online community (5 mins /\) Wiki is a quick quick Shuttle at the Honolulu Airport
Wikipedia TED -Jimmy Wales The Birth of Wikipedia (20 mins /\) How Woke Is Wikipedia’s Editorial Pool? (Bloomberg News article on male bias in Wikipedia) Woke: “.. aware of — and fighting against — systemic racism and bias in society” Image courtesy Art + Feminism Wiki Editing with Adrianne Wadewitz from FemTechNet (Vimeo video 1 hour)
Editing Wikipedia Unprotected Pages – Anyone can edit by pressing the “Edit Source” tab Protected Pages – Anyone can press “View Source” and submit an edit request An official editor assigned to the page will respond
Wikipedia as a Commons Activity Wikipedia, an introduction - Erasmus Prize 2015 (9 mins /\) UN|COMMONS: Yochai Benkler Interview (12 mins /\) Why Wikipedia Works Really Well in Practice, Just Not in Theory Jonathan Zittrain (4 mins /\)
Citizen Journalism The Future of Journalism: Tom Rosenstiel TEDxAtlanta (18 mins) Citizen Journalism is Reshaping the World: Brian Conley (10 mins /\) Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (12 mins) Makes the case that on-line news depends on newspapers for news gathering.
The Blogosphere Bob Holtzman - Indigenous Boats A personal blog with original and aggregated content. MAKERS Profile Arianna Huffington The Huffington Post (6 min) A commercial blog with original reporting as well as aggregated stories from traditional media. Philosophy of Mind A community blog Ken Foster publishes his sketch book on-line with links to other sketchers world wide
Social Networking News Feed 2003 MySpace 2004 Facebook The Illustrated Story of Facebook (2 mins /\) An Interview with Mark Zuckerberg (9 mins) Social Media and News - Is it Reliable? (5 mins /\) Explains Pew Research Report
Filter Bubble Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" | TED Talk (9 mins 2011 /\)
Fake News on Social Media “Of all the content on Facebook, more than 99% of what people see is authentic. Only a very small amount is fake news and hoaxes. The hoaxes that do exist are not limited to one partisan view, or even to politics. Overall, this makes it extremely unlikely hoaxes changed the outcome of this election in one direction or the other.” Mark Zuckerberg Nov 12, 2016 Facebook, Google trying to stop spread of fake news (4 mins /\)
Net Neutrality Battle Net Neutrality [RAP NEWS 25] (6 mins /\) How Net Neutrality Works - Video - (3 mins) Netflix bypasses the Internet backbone by staging copies of new releases in Open Connect Appliances (OCAs) at the viewer’s local ISPs. How Netflix Works With ISPs Around the Globe
Net Neutrality - the Bright Line Rules: FCC's Open Internet rules 2015 No Blocking: broadband providers may not block access to legal content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices. No Throttling: broadband providers may not impair or degrade lawful Internet traffic on the basis of content, applications, services, or non- harmful devices. No Paid Prioritization: broadband providers may not favor some lawful Internet traffic over other lawful traffic in exchange for consideration of any kind
Session Questions - Knowledge With the decline of traditional media who will do the news gathering? Bill Maher keeps saying “We live in a bubble”. Is that true? Should social media sites such as Facebook police the news posted by users? What are facts? To what extent do facts depend on our point of view?