My Digital Footprint By Nadia Blower
Reflection on my own digital Footprint When I search up my name on Google, I find something I wish I didn’t have up, but things I’m glad others can see. I find my old blog from when I was very young, which I really wish I never posted as it is a bit embarrassing, but I also find lots of things from my Autism Awareness Fundraising, including my nana’s paper article, and my old fundraising page! I find a photo from last year, as well as a photo from almost 3 years ago! There isn’t too much of myself online, and I am proud that I don’t really have anything bad or embarrassing.
How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Example 1. My digital footprint will show that I volunteer in my community about things that I am passionate about. I enjoy helping out in my community and giving back to those who have helped me.
How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Example 2. My digital footprint will also show that I am an animal lover, as my friend has posted some videos of her and I horseback riding. I think that will help me, as I would love a job with animals!
Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe. Strategy one. I can keep my digital footprint safe by making sure the things I post online are appropriate. If I take pictures at a party, maybe I should just keep them to myself. If I don’t want my parents or grandparents seeing it one day, I shouldn’t post it.
Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe. Strategy 2. I can keep my digital footprint safe by making sure what I post online won’t offend or hurt anyone in anyway. I could say something, but it might indirectly hurt someone if I don’t think. I also should not cyberbully, or post hate behind someone’s back.
Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe. Strategy 3. I can keep my digital footprint safe by not posting anything that would show my address to others, or my passcode, or anything that could put me in danger by giving info out to those who shouldn’t have it.
What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? I think I would tell other students that their digital footprint could effect them the rest of their lives and that they need to be careful in what they post. They should always check and stop to think before they post because even if they delete it, it is still in the internet cyberspace!
How would you go about telling other students you information? I wouldn’t tell them straight up, because if they are younger that might scare them. I think I would tell it in a fun, appropriate manner that would get my point across without making it seem scary or boring.
Conclusion on My Digital Footprint. My digital footprint is very important to me as I want to get a good job in the future, and I know that if I post something rude, or revealing, I could lose that job, or a scholarship, or even a friend in the process. A bad digital footprint could wreck my career and personal life!