Becoming a PAES expert
In the last session… … we were talking about: what PAES are which sources of information about PAES people use the reliability of friends & peers as the main source among young athletes and exercisers
Sources of information etc. 7,3% Internet advertisement & online stores Coaches & Personal Trainers 14,3% 23,3% Doctors & Health Professionals Internet communities 10,2% 19,4% Friends & peers 25,6%
Content 2 Blocks Session 1: Friends & Peers Session 2: The Internet Role Play Discussion & Development of Evaluation Criteria Summary Session 2: The Internet Summary of the last session Development of Evaluation Criteria Summary Transferability of „our Criteria“ Conclusion & Take Home Message First/ second session instead
Is the Internet a reliable source? How do you decide if you should trust a website or not? Look at the given examples and find criteria to evaluate the reliability of websites in the internet! Use sheets “Examples for websites”
Evaluation of the websites Which criteria did you find? Scientificity (scientific studies reported as references) Multiple perspectives (presenting cons as well as pros regarding one substance) Neutrality (not judging) Topicality (recently updated) Correspondence / possibility to contact … what else?
Some good examples
Summary To decide if a website is a reliable source of information about PAES there are several questions to be answered… Any studies referring to my piece of information? Legality of given suggestions? „Is it against the law, if I take PAES?“ Testified by whom? How old is my source? 1950, 2010, ... Are there alternatives mentioned? Anything about side-effects? Evidence? Possibility to contact the author or seller?
Sources of information etc. Internet advertisement & online stores Coaches & Personal Trainers 7,3% 14,3% 23,3% Internet communities Doctors & Health Professionals 10,2% 19,4% Friends & peers 25,6% What about the others? Are there more possible sources?
Overall Evaluation Criteria Now it is up to you! Fill in the given sheet „Is my source reliable?“ with the criteria you found important to evaluate friends and the internet Can you transfer these to evaluate other sources as well? Complete your table with more criteria that are important to evaluate other sources
Being a PAES expert means: Conclusion Being a PAES expert means: to make a decision based on extensive research and the collection of information from several perspectives to consider everybody as well as one‘s decision making process as individual Thus: to critically evaluate every piece of information along personally important criteria
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