The 1st Ccommercial Electric Vehicle in Hong Kong


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Presentation transcript:

The 1st Ccommercial Electric Vehicle in Hong Kong Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University The 1st Ccommercial Electric Vehicle in Hong Kong Dr. Norbert Cheung …..Power the future

Equipment and Research for Power Electronics Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Equipment and Research for Power Electronics Largest Power Electronics Group in the region 30 Research Personnel 14 Academic staff More than $11M R&D funding in 2008 More than 20 Consultancy projects Produces more than 30 Journal papers and 40 Conference papers in per year Supporting research for automotive: DC power conversion, Battery technology, Electrical system, Lighting, Motor technology, Actuation, Green energy The team is well-known in the region for EV and power electronics design …..Power the future

Acknowledgement ShenZhen Plante Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Acknowledgement Silver Step Holding Ritech Engineering General Hope Ltd FD Power Ecotech Environ. Tech. ShenZhen Plante …..Power the future

Examples of Large Industrial Projects Dept. of Electrical Engineering Hong Kong Polytechnic University Examples of Large Industrial Projects 大型工业项目 Automotive HID and LED lightings $8.8 Million (车载HID及LED照明系统,经费880万) Polymer-bonded magnetic $4 Million (聚合物粘合磁性元件,经费400万) IVVC control for motors $0.72 Million (电动机的IVVC控制系统,经费72万) In-Wheel motor for vehicle $4.1 Million(车轮电动机系统,经费410万) Next generation electric vehicle $4 Million(新型电动汽车,经费400万) Integrated Charger and controller $4 Million (集成充电器及控制系统,经费400万) Electric Air-conditioning $2.5 Million(电子空调系统,经费250万) Active suspension $6 Million (电子空调系统,经费600万) Funding source: Guangdong and HK Governments industry and University(经费来源:广东省及香港政府,工业界,大学 ) ….Power the future

Our Electric Vehicle Capability to develop EV from 2kW to 20kW Dept. of EE Our Electric Vehicle Capability to develop EV from 2kW to 20kW Real prototype developed. EV has designed: MyCarTM 3-4kW SmartTM 5kW 4-wheel Vehicle 10kW Golf cart 3kW, 4kW Integrated charger and motor vehicle: 3-20kW …..Power the future

Electric Vehicle components Dept. of EE Electric Vehicle components In-wheel motor High Power Battery charger Integrated charger and motor driver LED front lighting Adaptive front lighting system High power motor drive and regeneration …..Power the future

Electric Vehicle – Old generation of development 10 year ago Power Electronics Research Centre Hong Kong Polytechnic University Electric Vehicle – Old generation of development 10 year ago Capability: Conventional motor Less Vehicle safety No fail-safe No battery management Low-power Power conditioning Incandescent lighting Applications Vehicle conversion Moped ….Power the future

Dept. of EE EV show case …..Power the future

Dept. of EE EV show case …..Power the future

Three units of MyCar developed for commercial market …..Power the future

Specification Euauto Technology Ltd 3.75kW motor Weight 726kg 2 seats Dept. of Electrical Engineering Specification The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Euauto Technology Ltd 3.75kW motor Weight 726kg 2 seats Battery 48V, 200Ahr Maximum Speed 65km/h Range: 100km / charge Price : HK$90K – 100K …..Power the future

The MyCar development Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University …..Power the future

Vehicle Power Conversion and Power Converters Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Vehicle Power Conversion and Power Converters …..Power the future

EV Platform technology 电动车平台技术 Dept. of EE EV Platform technology 电动车平台技术 High power battery charger Battery diagnosis system High power traction (propulsion) drive Regenerative braking Fully soft-switching for all DC distribution DC conversion …..Power the future

Polymer bonded Magnetics Dept. of Electrical Engineering Hong Kong Polytechnic University Polymer bonded Magnetics To develop new generation Polymer-bonded magnetic devices Four companies support Project $4 million Duration 2 years ….Power the future

The techniques we use(核心技术): Dept. of Electrical Engineering Hong Kong Polytechnic University The techniques we use(核心技术): High frequency switching (高频开关) Soft-switching (软性开关) High frequency magnetics (高频磁学技术) High Speed synchronous conduction motor drive (高速同步传导电机驱动) Features(特性): High power density (高功率密度) High reliability (高可靠性) High temperature range(宽工作温度范围) ….Power the future

My Car in London Dept. of Electrical Engineering Hong Kong Polytechnic University My Car in London ….Power the future

In-wheel motors Dept. of Electrical Engineering …..Power the future The Hong Kong Polytechnic University In-wheel motors …..Power the future

Motor Drive Dept. of Electrical Engineering Hong Kong Polytechnic University Motor Drive Technologies and Features: Based on switched-reluctance machines High efficiency High low speed torque Simple design and high performance 1st SR in-wheel machines in the world Why our drive better : Fault tolerance Low cost – 20% < Induction motor Direct drive High power regenerative braking Extend to Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) Extend to Skid steering (EST) ….Power the future

Optimal Control for Motoring Operation Dept. of Electrical Engineering Optimal Control for Motoring Operation The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Multi-objective Function Optimized variables Turn-off angle and turn-on angle Developed optimization function …..Power the future

2. Optimal Control for Motoring Operation Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2. Optimal Control for Motoring Operation 2-4 Block Diagram of Optimization Algorithm …..Power the future

Optimal Control for Motoring Operation Dept. of Electrical Engineering Optimal Control for Motoring Operation The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Optimization Results - 1 Optimal turn-off angles (average value = 26 degree) …..Power the future

Optimal Control for Motoring Operation Dept. of Electrical Engineering Optimal Control for Motoring Operation The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Optimization Results - 2 Optimal turn-on angles (average value = 5.5 degree)

Optimal Control for Motoring Operation Dept. of Electrical Engineering Optimal Control for Motoring Operation The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Optimization Results - 3 Maximum multi-objective function

The structure In-wheel Switched Reluctance Motors Dept. of Electrical Engineering The structure The Hong Kong Polytechnic University In-wheel Switched Reluctance Motors Appearance

The rotor In-wheel Switched Reluctance Motors Dept. of Electrical Engineering The rotor The Hong Kong Polytechnic University In-wheel Switched Reluctance Motors Rotor silicon steel lamination …..Power the future

The stator In-wheel Switched Reluctance Motors Dept. of Electrical Engineering The stator The Hong Kong Polytechnic University In-wheel Switched Reluctance Motors Stator silicon steel lamination …..Power the future

The wheel In-wheel Switched Reluctance Motors In-wheel SRM Dept. of Electrical Engineering The wheel The Hong Kong Polytechnic University In-wheel Switched Reluctance Motors In-wheel SRM and wheel rim In-wheel SRM …..Power the future

Motor and Drives Electric Vehicle Development Dept. of EE Motor and Drives Electric Vehicle Development Integration of motor and wheel Minimize mechanical interfacing Realize in-wheel motor vehicle SRM driver SRM Finite element model

In-wheel Motor Vehicle Dept. of EE In-wheel Motor Vehicle

Battery and energy storage systems Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Battery and energy storage systems …..Power the future

Energy storage Critical for vehicle performance Development: Dept. of Electrical Engineering Energy storage The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Critical for vehicle performance Development: Battery charger Battery management system Super-capacitor energy storage …..Power the future

Battery charger Single phase power for up to 13A Dept. of Electrical Engineering Battery charger The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Single phase power for up to 13A Easier to obtain for power charging Protection for over rating added …..Power the future

Integrated Charger and motor drive Dept. of Electrical Engineering Hong Kong Polytechnic University Integrated Charger and motor drive Combine two separate systems: Charger and Motor drive into single system Reduce cost, size and weight by half ….Power the future

Integrated Charger and motor drive Dept. of Electrical Engineering Hong Kong Polytechnic University Integrated Charger and motor drive Technology: Based on phase-shifted power converter Fully soft-switching The power transistors are used for both charger and motor drive Can be used for any battery and motor drive ….Power the future

Battery Management System Dept. of Electrical Engineering Battery Management System The Hong Kong Polytechnic University …..Power the future

Vehicle motor drive Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Vehicle motor drive …..Power the future

Motor drive Development Dept. of Electrical Engineering Motor drive Development The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Development for universal motor drive Low cost High power Power regeneration 3-5kW : Market $6,000, Our price: $500 10-20kW: Market $20,000, Our price: $2,000 …..Power the future

Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University …..Power the future

Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Control Circuit

Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Power Supply

Golf-Cart development Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Golf-Cart development Motor drive Charger Power conversion Body design …..Power the future

Vehicle Lighting Dept. of Electrical Engineering …..Power the future The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Vehicle Lighting …..Power the future

Vehicle lighting High power superbright LED Dept. of Electrical Engineering Hong Kong Polytechnic University Vehicle lighting High power superbright LED Maximum power point tracking Thermal management ….Power the future

EV Platform technology Dept. of EE EV Platform technology Car lighting using LED Design technology in LED head and tail lighting Lighting control with superbright LED and tri-colour control Replace all existing conventional tail and head light Refractors …..Power the future

Ballast of LED and HID technology Dept. of EE Ballast of LED and HID technology High power, instant start Life time compenstaion Tail lamp Ballast Lid design Headlamp prototype Headlamp …..Power the future

EV Platform technology Dept. of EE EV Platform technology Test of Car lighting

What is AFS Dept. of Electrical Engineering …..Power the future The Hong Kong Polytechnic University …..Power the future

Overall Structure Dept. of Electrical Engineering …..Power the future The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Overall Structure …..Power the future

Mechanical Design Dept. of Electrical Engineering …..Power the future The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Mechanical Design …..Power the future

Circuits Design Dept. of Electrical Engineering …..Power the future The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Circuits Design …..Power the future

Mathematical Model of Motion Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Mathematical Model of Motion X Axis Model R: Turning radius; A: Stability factor; V: Velocity of vehicle L: Wheelbase V: velocity of vehicle Y Axis Model is static inclination angle. is dynamic inclination angle. ratio between height of lamp and height of vehicle p static inclination value. a accelerations.

Design From Others Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Design From Others

Our Implementation Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Our Implementation

Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University …..Power the future

Vehicle Retrofit Convert conventional vehicle into electric vehicle Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Vehicle Retrofit Convert conventional vehicle into electric vehicle Remove the engine and replaced by electric motor and drive Re-do power distribution Rep-configuration the gear …..Power the future

Smart Vehicle Development Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Smart Vehicle Development …..Power the future

Other vehicle components Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Other vehicle components …..Power the future

Active Suspension Dept. of Electrical Engineering …..Power the future The Hong Kong Polytechnic University …..Power the future

The control methods Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Block diagram of test on force characteristics Block diagram of test on magnetic characteristics Inverter provides switching signals Block diagram of test on position trace …..Power the future

Features Energy recovery from suspension motor High level of comfort Dept. of Electrical Engineering Features The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Energy recovery from suspension motor High level of comfort Higher dynamic response Adjustable control parameter to suit different vehicle and condition Longer life time

Power Electronics Research Centre EMI for Vehicle Hong Kong Polytechnic University The high frequency around, the environmental is full of high frequency EMI The high dv/dt and di/dt induce high damaged voltage and current to attack the automotive system Near field test Develop the EMI signature for vehicle components ….Power the future

Electric Vehicle Show Dept. of Electrical Engineering ….Power the future

Electric Vehicle (Mercedes Benz -SmartTM) Dept. of Electrical Engineering Electric Vehicle (Mercedes Benz -SmartTM) Technology (技术): Battery management and Battery charger(蓄电池管理与蓄电池充电) Electrical system design(电气系统设计) Vehicle lighting(汽车照明) Motor design(电机设计) Motor drive(电机驱动) System control(系统控制) Vehicle safety(汽车安全) Type approved(类型有效) Smart Specifications(参数): Battery (蓄电池): 48V Power(功率): 5kW Range(路程): 100km Charging time(充电时间): 8hr (slow) 2 hr (fast) ….Power the future

Solar Golf Cart Development 太阳能高尔夫车的研发 Dept. of EE Advantages of Solar Car(太阳能车的优点): Extend the life time of battery(延长蓄电池寿命) Reduce cycling problem of the battery(减少蓄电池回升问题) Plug-in power or solar power(插电式或太阳能) Life time extend to 5 years(寿命延长到5年) Specifications(参数): Battery(电压): 48V Travel distance per charge(每次充电的行程): 100km Maximum speed(最大速度): 50km/hr Solar panel(太阳能板): 300Wp Charging time(充电时间): 8 hr slow慢, quick快 2 hr (plug-in插电); 12 hr (solar太阳) ….Power the future

MyCar Launching Ceremony Dept. of Electrical Engineering Hong Kong Polytechnic University MyCar Launching Ceremony in Hong Kong 23 Oct 2009 ….Power the future

Conclusion 1st plastic magnetic core for power conversion in the world Dept. of Electrical Engineering Hong Kong Polytechnic University Conclusion 1st plastic magnetic core for power conversion in the world 1st Large EV research group in Hong Kong 1st Self developed commercial 1st electric vehicle in Hong Kong 1st in-wheel motor using the switched-reluctance technology 1st Integrated charger and motor drive in Town car 1st charger station network in Hong Kong Largest power electronics research group in the region Highest number of research papers in power electronics, machines and drives in the region ….Power the future

Conclusion 结论 Power Electronics Research Centre (PERC) 电力电子研究中心(PERC) Hong Kong Polytechnic University Conclusion 结论 Power Electronics Research Centre (PERC) Fully supported from the industry and government. Research in fundamental study as well as applied research Aims - to help local industry and the region 电力电子研究中心(PERC) 得到了工业界和政府支持 基础研究和应用研究同时进行 目标 - 提升本地区及其工业界的竞争力 Contact: 郑家伟 教授 Prof. Eric Cheng, 香港理工大学,电机工程学系 Dept. of EE, HK PolyU Tel: +852-27666162, Email: ….Power the future

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