Importing Draft and Tentative Budgets Into MUNIS KASBO Conference April 2017 Presented by: Jeff Herron Bowling Green Independent School District Finance Director
ORG OBJ Project Requested$ Draft$ Tentative$ First let’s look at the Formatting for the draft and tentative budget imports We want to create a text (.prn) file where each row (account) looks like this. 110|0999||-3767596|-4107596|0|0|0| ORG OBJ Project Requested$ Draft$ Tentative$ The last two places are for level 4 and level 5 budgets that we do not use, but the positions are required for importing
One way to get the MUNIS data into EXCEL Find the accounts you want in Account Inquiry Select the browse button Select the Excel button to export
Another way to get MUNIS data into Excel Open Next Year Budget Entry for a previously generated budget projection Find the accounts you want to export Select the Excel button to export
With your munis data now in excel, adjust your budget to the desired amounts then add formula to convert required data in the proper format to importing
Now copy this reformatted data onto a new sheet by RIGHT CLICK then select “paste values”
Save the file for importing. Save the file as Formatted Text ( Save the file for importing Save the file as Formatted Text (.prn) or Text (.txt)
Save file to Import . . . Select YES
Save file to Import . . . Close Excel Select NO
Import into MUNIS Open the MUNIS Define/Start Budget Projection program Financials > Budget > Define/Start Budget Projection From the Menu select Import
The Import File screen imports budget accounts and budget level (Draft and/or Tentative) amounts. The imported information can create a new budget projection or update an existing one. If you are importing a budget projection with an existing projection number, the program displays the following message: “A projection already exists with the current projection number. Import of budget detail will update this projection. Continue with import (Y/N)?” If you click Yes, this import updates the current projection. If you click No, the program returns your cursor to the Projection box.
If you are starting a new projection Complete the import screen and select import file
Importing a budget amendment/working budget changes Create your amendment in Excel
Copy to Budget Template Copy account codes-You can’t select the column header, you have to select each cell Copy amounts – VERY IMPORTANT – after you select your amounts when you switch to the Budget Template Tab, you must RIGHT CLICK and select Paste Values instead of All so only the numbers are copied and not the formula
Copy to Budget Template Cont.. Modify columns E, F, and G in row 1 and copy down to all rows in the spreadsheet. Column E is the individual line description, F and G are reference fields from the budget header screen. Copy column K, the “B”, down to the last row in the amendment
Save the file for importing. Save the file as Formatted Text ( Save the file for importing Save the file as Formatted Text (.prn) or Text (.txt)
Save file to Import . . . Select YES
Save file to Import . . . Close Excel Select NO
Import Into MUNIS Go into Import Journals Define: Import Source should be Budget Import File Import File – find your .prn file Budget amendment type – In my example with the import amount as the “final” budget amount, it should be 6 for Exp/Rev one-sided amendments
Import Into MUNIS . . . Select the Pre-Edit button No Errors were Found should appear – select OK Select Import Print or Spool or Display your amendment report Exit the Import JE menu and go to the Budget Transfers & Amendments Menu Select Browse all your own journals and select your journal to post Adjustments can be made if you forgot an account
Import Into MUNIS . . . If errors were found, a print option would appear for you to print the errors Errors that I have encounter while learning this process Forgot to copy the column K, the “B” down to all rows Forgot to change values from XXX.XX to XXXXX Forgot to change to positive numbers Forgot to remove Zero amounts from import file
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