LITERACY, MATHS & SCIENCE. Downs Junior School Year 5 Homework Grid World War 2 9 week topic, complete at least 4. OPTION 1: CREATIVE ARTS. Make gas mask box with a name tag (to wear during our visit to Newhaven Fort 1st/2nd March. Visit the Imperial War Museum, London or Wings Museum, Balcombe. Write down at least 5 facts you learnt whilst you were there. Design a poster warning or reminding people about how they should behave during WW2. There are a lot of examples that you can find on line. We also have some on display in the classroom. P4c Consider the argument 'War is never necessary' discuss with an adult. Make notes. Practice making your bed for when you go to the Isle of Wight (Mon 14th March!) You could bring in a photo to prove you can do it or ask your parents to jot a note to your teacher. Make up a code for a member of your family to solve. Show us the code and tell who solved it and how they did it. How does code making link to WW2? Try to find out. In literacy we will be studying ‘Just William’. He was very naughty. Ask your parents if they were ever naughty at home or at school. Retell their story. Cartoon/audio/picture/story...the choice is yours. Imagine you had to be evacuated. You are allowed one small suitcase. What would you bring and why? Draw/pack and photograph/list….the choice is yours. OPTION 2: LITERACY, MATHS & SCIENCE. Research the battle of Britain. Write a diary entry from the perspective of a Brightonian who witnessed the bombs landing in Brighton. How did you feel? Who inspires you? Write their biography and tell us what it is about them that you admire. (RE link) Play battleships (practicing co ordinates) Research a war time recipe. Are their any ingredients that change state during the cooking process? Melting? Expanding? Can you think of any other materials that can change state? Instructions: A task in bold means you must complete it and hand it in by the given date. We also ask you complete at least one other English or Maths task alongside other homework of your choosing. Trips can be documented in photo form as well as anything else mentioned in the task. Alongside these tasks we still expect daily reading of at least 20 minutes, preferably to an adult, as well as completion of the weekly phonic-related spelling tasks and regular times-tables practice from your booklet.