Due FRIDAY- typed MLA heading/title/Introduction Review MLA heading/title
Introduction Hook/Attention Grabber (4-6 sentences) Transition (1-2 sentences) Thesis & PP (use given, copy EXACTLY- fill in own archetypes) Title in italics Indent 5
Example Intro 1 Michael Oher may not have achieved the goal of being an offensive lineman for the Baltimore Ravens if it were not for those who helped him find his way. In the movie, The Blind Side, directed by John Lee Hancock, Michael Oher starts off as a troubled child with no hope for the future. His prospects for the future change, however, when he meets Leigh Anne Tuohy, a generous, but tough mother. Tuohy, her family and Oher’s football coach and team help him find his strength and passion (The Blind Side). Without their aid, Oher would likely be living a less glamorous and successful life. The realization that one can be most successful with help from those around him is also apparent in The Alchemist. In Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, character and symbolic archetypes assist Santiago, the epic hero to fulfill his Personal Legend and Return with the Elixir. In particular, the mentor, the white goddess, the desert, and the oasis contribute to Santiago’s journey.
Example Intro 2 She grew up as a poor African American child struggling with a dysfunctional home life. As the age of six, she moved in with her mother and experienced the hardships of poverty. By age thirteen, however, she had skipped two grades and been awarded a scholarship for her efforts in school. From that point on, she worked toward finding her own Personal Legend. In time, small achievements brought her to the position of cofounder of the cable station, Oxygen, and eventually, she founded her own network and talk show. Currently, she is worth 1.5 billion dollars and continues to be the richest African American (“Oprah Winfrey”). It was not easy, but this woman, Oprah Winfrey, found her Personal Legend. Winfrey’s struggles are mirrored by Santiago and his quest in search of his Personal Legend in The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho. Similar to Winfrey, Santiago begins his journey in life with few possessions and knowledge, but strives to achieve his dreams nonetheless. However, he does have help along the way. In Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, character and symbolic archetypes assist Santiago, the epic hero to fulfill his Personal Legend and Return with the Elixir. In particular, the shapeshifter, the magician, the tree, and the wind contribute to Santiago’s journey.
Example Intro 2 She grew up as a poor African American child struggling with a dysfunctional home life. As the age of six, she moved in with her mother and experienced the hardships of poverty. By age thirteen, however, she had skipped two grades and been awarded a scholarship for her efforts in school. From that point on, she worked toward finding her own Personal Legend. In time, small achievements brought her to the position of cofounder of the cable station, Oxygen, and eventually, she founded her own network and talk show. Currently, she is worth 1.5 billion dollars and continues to be the richest African American (“Oprah Winfrey”). It was not easy, but this woman, Oprah Winfrey, found her Personal Legend. Winfrey’s struggles are mirrored by Santiago and his quest in search of his Personal Legend in The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho. Similar to Winfrey, Santiago begins his journey in life with few possessions and knowledge, but strives to achieve his dreams nonetheless. However, he does have help along the way. In Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, character and symbolic archetypes assist Santiago, the epic hero to fulfill his Personal Legend and Return with the Elixir. In particular, the shapeshifter, the magician, the tree, and the wind contribute to Santiago’s journey.
Example Intro 3 While sitting at a train station in Manchester, London, J.K. Rowling first imagined the story of a young boy in a magical world. This dream soon turned to reality when the first book was published in 1997. Since then, this story about a boy named Harry Potter has sold over 400 million copies. The story of Harry Potter has touched millions and continues to receive worldwide attention and awards (“Rowling’s Success”). In this series, Rowling uses character and symbolic archetypes to help Harry on his journey. Another story that contains these archetypes is an international, best-selling phenomenon called The Alchemist. In Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, character and symbolic archetypes assist Santiago, the epic hero, the fulfill his Personal Legend and Return with the Elixir. In particular, the black goddess, the herald, the oasis, and Urim and Thummin contribute to Santiago’s journey.
Example Intro 3 While sitting at a train station in Manchester, London, J.K. Rowling first imagined the story of a young boy in a magical world. This dream soon turned to reality when the first book was published in 1997. Since then, this story about a boy named Harry Potter has sold over 400 million copies. The story of Harry Potter has touched millions and continues to receive worldwide attention and awards (“Rowling’s Success”). In this series, Rowling uses character and symbolic archetypes to help Harry on his journey. Another story that contains these archetypes is an international, best-selling phenomenon called The Alchemist. In Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, character and symbolic archetypes assist Santiago, the epic hero, the fulfill his Personal Legend and Return with the Elixir. In particular, the black goddess, the herald, the oasis, and Urim and Thummin contribute to Santiago’s journey.
Attention Grabbers QUOTATION: Famous quote or song quote about helping others, not giving up etc. Lead-in with author’s name or website title EXAMPLE: example of getting help or archetypes from film/literature ANECDOTE: story about real person who gets help/pursues dream, etc. BACKGROUND: info about Paulo Coelho/his vision of book as guide for living/achieving happiness DEFINITION: define alchemy or some other concept from book and discuss application in story; put defined term in italics DISCUSSION: discuss happiness; film: Pursuit of Happyness, TV: The Buried Life, multimillion dollar (or more) health/beauty/youth industry...connect to The Alchemist