Benefits of Bodyweight Exercises, Stretching, and Plyometrics By: Matt, Luke, Pat, Dante
Why Bodyweight? Why Circuits It can be performed anywhere Short, efficient, intense sessions Increased muscle mass Increased energy Its Free!
Stretching: Dynamic vs Static Stretching is important to improve muscle elasticity and prevent Injury Static Stretching-Form of stretching muscles at rest Alleviates muscle soreness Aids in muscle relaxation Safest form of stretching Dynamic Stretching- Static-active form of stretching using momentum Prepares muscle for workload Stretches multiple muscle groups at once Increases heart rate
Dynamic Stretching Lunge and twist Knee to chest High kicks Hip stretch and twist
Lunge and Twist Muscles activated Quadriceps Hamstrings Hip adductors Glutes Soleus Obliques Transverse abdominis Improves Balance
Walking Knee to Chest Muscles activated Gluteus maximus Hip flexors Hamstrings Used to stretch muscles listed above Improve balance
High Kicks Muscles activated Glutes Hip flexors Hamstrings Quadriceps Used to stretch muscles listed above Improve balance
Hip Stretch and Twist Muscles activated Hamstrings Abdominals Chest Quadriceps Used to stretch muscles listed above Improve balance
What are Plyometrics ? (Plyos for short) are explosive bodyweight exercises Designed to increase power, explosiveness, balance, agility Workouts are high intensity Utilizes eccentric load to concentric motion Maximize power output in as minimal time as possible
Plyometric Exercises Box Jumps (with variations ) Skater Hops Burpees
Box Jumps Exploit and utilize elastic energy (stretch-shortening cycle). Helps increase explosiveness and power in the hamstrings glutes, quads, hip flexors/extensors. Place plyo box about 6 apart from the body Keep legs about shoulder width apart Start in quarter squat position and explosively jump onto the box Land softly on the balls of feet Push knees out upon landing
Box Jump Variations Individuals who are more advanced can add several variations Add weight Dumbbells, medicine balls, etc. Increase height of box Single legged jumps instead of both Add eccentric emphasis Land in a squat and explode into jump squat Add more boxes to create a series of jumps Lateral jumps Start parallel to box and jump laterally
Skater Hops Build lateral strength and power in quadriceps and glutes Start in quarter squat position with feet close together Distribute majority of body weight on outside leg Explosively hop laterally and land softly on opposite leg Absorb landing with soft knee Repeat the movement at a high tempo for desired reps or time period
Skater Hop Variations Individuals who are more advanced can add several variations Add eccentric pause before next repetition Pause after absorbing landing to build more power & improve balance Utilize a mini hurdle to hop over Requires more power and explosiveness depending on height of hurdle Explode into sprint Explode into a sprint rather than hopping to other leg at the end of a set
Burpees High intensity exercise that generally works muscles in the upper and lower body simultaneously Being as explosive as possible, start in the squat position and then: Drop into pushup position Keep core stabilized. Don’t let hips drop Bring knees to chest As if performing a double legged mountain climber Explosively jump up and land softly Immediately transition into next repetition
Lower Body Exercises Pause Squat Jumps Multi-Directional Lunges Jump Lunges Standing Long Jump
Pause Squat Jumps Muscles Used: Quadriceps Hamstrings Gluteus Maximus Technique: Keep feet shoulder width apart Bend knees so legs are parallel with ground Hold squat until instructor tells you to jump up Important Tips: Keep back aligned in natural position First movement should be moving hips back Keep knees/feet pointed forward or slightly out
Multi-Directional Lunges Muscles Used: Quadriceps Glutes Hamstrings Hip Abductors/Adductors Technique: First do a normal Lunge Second is a diagonal lunge Third movement is a lateral lunge Repeat with other leg Important Tips: Do each lunge once before repeating
Jump Lunges Variation of basic lunge by adding plyometric transition Muscles Used: Quadriceps Hamstrings Glutes Hip Flexors Technique: Requires no equipment (Can add dumbbells or medicine ball as you progress) Start from normal lunge position, explode up off ground, switch legs and land back in lunge position Important Tips: Keep knee off ground Keep Tibia parallel to ground
Standing Long Jump Measures the explosive power of legs Muscles Used: Quadriceps Hamstrings Glutes Gastroc/Soleus Technique: Athletes jump as far as possible Uses a two-foot takeoff and landing Swinging arms and bending knees to provide forward drive Important Tips: Give with landing
Upper Body Body-Weight Exercises
Upper body body-weight exercises Standard Pushup Close grip Pushup Chair dip Elevated Leg abdominal crunch
Standard Pushup Is a basic upper body strength building exercise that improves total upper body strength as well as core strength Muscles used Pectoralis Deltoid Triceps brachii Serratus anterior Abdominals Techniques In a prone position on your hands and feet Using a hand placement that is shoulder width apart Slowly lower your body using your upper body Then slowly rise back up to complete a full push up with Full ROM Important Tip- Utilize your core muscles to keep pelvis off of the ground
Close Grip Pushup Is a basic exercise used to take stress off the pectoralis muscles and put all the load on the triceps Muscles used: Pectoralis muscles Triceps brachii Front deltoid Technique: Start in a prone position on hands and feet with a narrow grip Slowly lower your body putting emphasis on the tricep Slowly raise yourself up to complete a full pushup. Important tip- slow your tempo on the eccentric movement for greater muscle breakdown
Chair Dip This exercise is a very basic movement that utilizes the entire upper body Muscles used Anterior Deltoid Pectoralis Major/ Pectoralis Minor Rhomboids Levator Scapulae Latissimus Dorsi Lower trapezius (stabilizer) Bicep Brachii( stabilizer) Technique Sit down on the edge of the seat and place your hands behind your hips Lift your buns off of the seat and walk your feet forward Slowly lower your body downward till elbows are 90 degrees then raise back up.
Elevated Leg Abdominal Crunch This exercise is more beneficial for the core due to the fact that the hip flexors are not utilized like most abdominal exercises. Muscles used: Rectus abdominis Technique: lie on the floor and lift your legs up to 90 degrees, knees bent. Contract your abdominals and lift your shoulders off the floor crunching your upper body towards your legs. Keep your legs still and your lower back pressed into the floor. Lower down slowly and repeat. Breathe out as you crunch up and breathe in and you lower down slowly Important tip: Slow the tempo for a greater muscular breakdown