Making best use of Scotland’s Homelessness Framework
Change in culture Do you fit the criteria? A joined up response How can we help?
Towards the New Culture Corporate – Homelessness Strategy Regulation Holistic Prevention Sustainability Remember task force not just legislation - changes in practice as important as changes in the law
A unique framework Homelessness strategies (local authorities) – now incorporated in housing strategies Health and Homelessness Action Plans Health and Homelessness Standards All corporate responsibilities
The changing political environment ‘Concordat’ Fewer ring fenced funds for homelessness and housing support ‘decluttering’ of landscape of providers of services Contract culture ‘Equally well’- no specific focus on homelessness But Health and Homelessness Standards remain
Standard 2 ‘The Board takes an active role with relevant agencies to prevent and alleviate homelessness’
Standard 2 More than simply housing and health Housing support Social care Social networks Training and employability General wellbeing
Standard 5 ‘The Board’s services respond positively to the health needs of homeless people’
Standard 5 Service continuity – joined up approach i.e. not only health services (temporary accommodation) Transition from specialist to mainstream services Ensuring relevant services available at the right time (e.g. detox) Training in mainstream services (e.g. GP receptionists)
Prevention - the key Identifying those at risk Being effective at signposting Training 1st point of contact (health visitors?) Sharing appropriate information (data protection versus effective intervention)
Some challenges Health and homelessness often viewed as a fringe issue Staff in some areas not supported well Keeping abreast of developments (e.g. substance misuse and homelessness research) Better networking at project level Better networking at policy planning level
Making it a mainstream activity Link to other key objectives for example in ‘Equally Well’ Integrate into other mainstream strategies – rather than a stand alone issue If you get it right for homeless people, you get it right for a broad range of hard to reach groups