Marketing Communications and Promotional Practice The Communication Process
The AIDA Model Attention Interest Desire Action Get noticed. What’s in it for me? Problem solving? Desire ‘Want’ factor Brand Action How do I get it?
The DAGMAR Model (Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results) also known as ‘Hierarchy of Effects’ model
The DRIP Model Differentiate Remind Inform Persuade Be different from the competition Remind Who are we? What do we stand for? Inform What’s new? Features-Benefits Persuade Why is it right for you?
David Bernstein’s VIPS checklist To be effective, an advertising message should be checked to see that it has the following qualities: VISIBILITY IDENTITY PROMISE SINGLEMINDEDNESS
The DMP Model (Decision Making Process) 1.Recognition of need Remind or create perception of need? 2.Define parameters of need / solution We’ve got just the solution 3.Search for information Find out what we have to offer 4.Evaluation of alternatives Aren’t we better than the competition? 5.Determining terms of purchase We’re great value for money 6.Purchase It’s so easy to buy 7.Post-purchase evaluation You made the right decision! 8.Re-purchase? You are our valued customer
The PLC Model (The Product Life Cycle)
The PLC Model Pre-Launch Introduction Growth Maturity Teaser campaign Introduction Launch campaign Growth Maximise sales Maturity Tactical campaigns Decline / Withdrawal Why advertise?
Conclusion No-one knows why some ads work and others don’t No-one can predict for sure which ads will work and which ones will not Models should act a guide for structuring creativity – not a staightjacket
MarComs Mix There are 4 main elements. Advertising Sales promotion Publicity/Public Relations Personal Selling The mix varies with product type….
Models of Consumer Buying Behaviour Mass communication sources - television, press/magazines, radio Awareness Mass communication sources - press/ magazines television, radio Interest Personal sources - relatives, friends, colleagues , Web 2.0 Evaluation These stages correspond to the previous slide: The process can be terminated at any stage. A consumer loses interest. Marketing communications fail, etc. Complexities arise when: many brands may try to influence a consumer at the same time An innovation is under a familiar brand (consumer might jump stages) Mass communications important in early stages, personalized coms in later ones. Personal sources - sales people – in store, relatives & friends Trial Personal sources and mass media communication (for re-assurance). Adoption
DAGMAR Unawareness Awareness Comprehension Conviction Action
DRIP Differentiate Reinforce Inform Persuade To make a product stand out from competing brands Reinforce To build on previous marketing communications Inform To make known and advise of availability and features Persuade Turn features into consumer benefits
Branding What is a brand? A name, term, sign, symbol, or design or a combination of them intended to identify the product – goods / services of a seller/producer and to differentiate them from the offerings of competitors More than a symbol etc it is SHORTHAND of values that consumer perceive a brand to have… Page 32
Brand equity This is the result of an INVESTMENT in effective Marketing Communications over a period of time Successful brand investment will result in an irrational price price premium and brand LOYALTY = a willingness to continue to buy the brand.. High top of mind awareness – EVOKED SET.. More on Branding Week 2…
Source Credibility How much does a Receiver of a Message believe the Sender? Mass media advertising is one of the least credible promotional tools Third party endorsement is one of the most credible promotional tools Eg, magazine articles; opinions of friends, family, work colleagues To some extent celebrity testimonials