1st Quarter Performance Report, Audit Matters and 2016 – 2017 1st Quarter Performance Report, Audit Matters and Financial Position
Presentation Content Vision and Mission Performance Reporting Framework 2016/17 SANParks Strategy Map Performance Dashboard 2015/16 Financial Performance Update on IT Governance Model
A Sustainable National Park System Connecting Society SANParks Vision and Mission Vision A Sustainable National Park System Connecting Society Mission To develop, expand, manage and promote a system of sustainable national parks that represents biodiversity and heritage assets, through innovation and best practice for the just and equitable benefit of current and future generations
Performance Reporting Framework SANParks Performance Reporting Framework is based on both the National Treasury and DPME Framework, expanded to address requirements of the Board. Although SANParks operates as an independent SOE, its strategic and operational performance are mainly influenced by is legislative and public obligations; Government MTSF priorities and DEA medium strategic goals, in addition to its Board’s corporate governance directives.
SANParks Strategy Map
1st Quarters Performance 2016/17 1st Quarters Performance
Birds-eye view on performance ytd
Key to dashboard % of target achieved Status Traffic-light ≥90% 75% - 89% Work in Progress <75% Off Target No target
Performance Dashboard SO 1: Improved Representative Conservation Estate Performance indicators Baseline 2015/16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 achievements Challenges / Corrective measures Total Area Added to National Parks Terrestrial = 3715 ha Terrestrial = 1 387 ha Valuation Reports for 5 properties completed Six valuations completed. Plan approved by EXCO, ARC & CTSED. Expedite the Land Acquisition Fund in order to purchase as per priority Marine =0 km2 Marine = 0 km2 Asses implications of published intent to proclaim Marine Protected Areas Implications assessed Continued engagement with Oceans and Coasts State of Biodiversity Rating New Indicator State of Biodiversity (SoB) Baseline determined Identify and finalise SOB parameters and approach Consolidation and analysis of previous SOB assessment to set baseline for next assessment . Staff to be up-skilled to do assessment METT Score 70% Initial METT assessment report finalised The METT-SA 3 assessment has been finalised and submitted to DEA. SANParks achieved an average score of 71% None
Performance Dashboard SO 1: Improved Representative Conservation Estate Performance indicators Baseline 2015/16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 performance Challenges / Corrective measures State of Area Integrity Assessments (SoAIM) New Indicator State of Area Integrity Baseline determined Establish SOIA Parameters and rating system Process & scope (Scoring, weighting & risk) in draft Finalise and submit to EXCO for approval % Reduction of fossil fuel generated energy consumption Energy audit completed and baseline established Scope of SANParks energy audit determined and approved by EXCO Scope of energy audit determined for KNP and Parks Divisions. % Reduction of water consumption Water consumption audit completed and baseline established Scope of SANParks water audit determined and approved by EXCO Scope of water audit determined for KNP and Parks Divisions.
Performance Dashboard SO 2: Effectively managed ecosystem, species and cultural heritage assets Performance indicators Baseline 2015/16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Challenges / Corrective measures Total Hectares of Land Rehabilitated / Restored Initial = 50 086 ha Initial = 38 537 ha Initial = 5 781 ha Initial = 1 951 ha Funding was delayed and training occurred in April. Catch-up plans are in place Follow-up = 212 678 ha Follow up = 209 630 ha Follow up = 31 445 ha Follow up = 9 724 ha Wetlands = 16 128 m³ (26 sites) Wetlands = 6 600 m³ (26 sites) Wetlands = 330 m³ Wetlands = 0 m³ Total Number of Park Management Plans Reviewed and Submitted per annum 2 Desired state and hierarchical objectives for Karoo and Mokala NPs completed The desired state and hierarchical objectives for Karoo and Mokala NPs have been completed. None % Reduction in recorded fatalities of rhinos and elephants poached as a ratio of recorded number of poaching activities in KNP New Indicator 2% reduction from baseline (YoY) 0.5% reduction (YoY) 16% reduction (YoY) [April-June 2016 = 204 poached rhino and elephant versus 923 poaching activities] 1:4.52 ratio [April-June 2015 = 204 poached rhino and elephant versus 588 poaching activities] 1:2.88 ratio
Performance Dashboard SO 2: Effectively managed ecosystem, species and cultural heritage assets Performance indicators Baseline 2015/16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Achieved Challenges / Corrective measures Number of rhinos poached per annum in 6 Rhino Parks (other than KNP) Continuation of implementing rhino protection plans None % Implementation of SANParks Rhino Management Strategy New Indicator 100% implementation of planned annual activities 100% implementation of planned quarterly activities Implement as per plan. % Increase in SANParks EMI fines (J534) for key spp (+total) and arrests for key spp (+total) No of J534 fines ( key species) : 0 2% increase from baseline (fines key species) EMI operations and activities implemented as plan. Number recorded 0 arrests made Joint operations between EMIs, SAPS and SANDF 63 arrests made No of arrests ( key species): 326 2% increase from baseline (fines - total) 681 J534s issued No of J534 fines ( total) : 156 2% increase from baseline (arrests – key species) No of arrests ( total) : 168 2% increase (arrests - total)
SO 2: Effectively managed ecosystem, species and cultural heritage assets Performance indicators Baseline 2015/16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Achieved Challenges / Corrective measures % Variation against sustainability threshold of identified key species managed New Indicator Rhino sustainability Threshold determination Parameters and methodology for sustainability threshold developed and approved Rhino monitoring is now integrated Mortality and population growth calculated Rhino poaching figures included in determination of thresholds Elephant sustainability Threshold determination Survey methodology evaluated Parameters informed by collation and analysis of elephant poaching data. Cycad sustainability Threshold determination Internal report on cycads developed Monitoring methods to be finalised Penquin sustainability Threshold determination Determining penguin sustainability in progress Q 2 workshop planned
Performance Dashboard SO 2: Effectively managed ecosystem, species and cultural heritage assets Performance indicators Baseline 2015 /16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Achieved Challenges / Corrective measures % Implementation of Wildlife Utilisation Strategy New Indicator Complete the Wildlife Utilization Strategy Framework and Parameters for wildlife utilisation strategy developed and approved Parameters determined as precursor to consultation determined. Framework to be presented to EXCO for approval % Implementation of SANParks Cultural Heritage Management Plan 85% implemented Finalisation of SANParks Cultural Heritage Management Plan Framework and Parameters for Cultural Heritage Management Plan developed and approved Framework and Parameters for plan completed. Framework to be presented to EXCO for approval
Performance Dashboard SO3: Enhanced Knowledge for decision making Performance indicators Baseline 2015-16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016-17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Achieved Challenges / Corrective measures % of research projects relevant to SANParks key issues 73% 75.0% 80.2 % ( 239 of 298 registered projects ) None Total Number of Peer Reviewed SANPARKS Research Publications 20 5 8
Performance Dashboard SO4: Enhanced tourism returns Performance indicators Baseline 2015-156 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016 -17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Achieved Challenges / Corrective measures % growth in Gross Operating Tourism Revenue (YoY) 11,5% 11.0% 11.% (YoY) 10% Accommodation occupancy to be increased by continued marketing Total Number of Visitors to National Parks 5, 600 000 5 660 000 1 069 680 1 214 396 Continued marketing % Growth in Total Number of local Black Visitors 506 275 2% (YoY) 15,5%
Performance Dashboard SO4: Enhanced tourism returns Performance indicators Baseline 2015/16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016-17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Achieved Challenges / Corrective measures % Growth in Over Night local Black Visitors 40585 4% 4% YoY 14,0% None % Accommodation Occupancy 71% 72.5% 70,1% 71,0% Total Number of Accommodation Unit Nights Sold 560 000 565 600 132 350 137 934 Customer Satisfaction Index 76% ‘ 78% 82,1%
Performance Dashboard SO5: Diversified and enhanced Tourism Opportunities and experiences Performance indicators Baseline 2015/16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Achieved Challenges / Corrective measures Total Number of Revenue Generating Products Implemented 5 7 1 Skukuza Spa PPP agreement concluded Agreement not yet concluded,. Quality of bids from local SMME’s not up to standard Total Number of Park Visitor Management and Interpretation Plans Implemented 6 *3 Parks – Visitor Plans and 3 Interpretation Plans Research best practice examples for target Parks in Visitor Management and Interpretation and development of templates for surveys and audits to facilitate planning. Templates have been developed and research is completed. Commence the plans for the first three plans
Performance Dashboard SO6: Optimised contribution to the green and blue economy Performance indicators Baseline 20145/16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Achieved Challenges / Corrective measures Total Number of Full-time Equivalent Jobs Created EPWP: 7942 EPWP = 6 469 970 735 FTE’s Delay in funding & training in April. Catch –up plan in place Socio-Economic Development Strategy completed Draft SED Strategy completed New Target Total Number of SMMEs / Enterprises Supported EPWP: 500 EPWP = 540 435 267 SMME’s Delay in funding & training in April. Catch- up plan in place Socio-Economic Development (SED) strategy completed Draft SED strategy completed Draft SED strategy has been completed. Internal Consultation to be completed Total Number of Green & Blue Economy Project Implemented New Indicator Green = 2 (Nkambeni; Bevhula –Gidjani; Khomani San; Awelani; Mdluli; Enon Bersheba) Blue = 1 (Tsitsikamma) 25% of annual project plan for 5 Green Economy and 1 Blue Economy Projects implemented - Initial meetings held Draft profiles developed; Approval of delivery of 11 zebras to the Khomani- San. DEA in process of compiling comments and response report for Tsitsikamma MPA Annual plan to be developed Number of social legacy projects implemented New indicator 5 (4 Science Labs and 1 e- learning support system Planning and Procurement processes concluded Planning & Procurement concluded
Performance Dashboard SO7: Enhanced awareness and skills Performance indicators Baseline 2015-16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016/-7 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Performance Challenges / Corrective measures Total Number of Participants in Environmental Education Programme 215 881 218 000 41 400 56 213 None Total Number of Free Access Entrants during SANParks week and other planned events 53 500 Parks week: 54 000 Parks Week: 0 19 480 stakeholders had free entry. Register for planned events had been compiled Established and compile register of Planned Events to be included in Free Access Entrants
Performance Dashboard SO 8: Enhanced Stakeholder engagement Performance indicators Baseline 2015-16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016-17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Achieved Challenges / Corrective measures Total Number of Proactive Media Engagements 100 Media Releases Articles = 125 30 108 TDI to be changed to Media releases 14 Media Events Media Events = 10 2 27 Media Reputation rating Positive/ Neutral > 95% Positive/ Neutral > 95% > 95% 99% None % of PAIA Requests Responded to within time frames 100%
Performance Dashboard SO9: Adequate, appropriately skilled, transformed and diverse human capital Performance Indicators Baseline 2015-16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016-17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Achieved Challenges / Corrective measures % of Employees from Designated EE Groups Black as % of Management Women as % of Management People with Disabilities Total Male: Female Ratio Black as % of Management = 55% Women as % of Management = 36 % People with Disabilities = 1.2% Total Male: Female Ratio = 1:0.8 Black = 60% Women = 50% PwD = 2% M:F:1:0.8 Women = 40% PwD = 1,8% M:F = 1:08 Black = 56.6% Women: 36,5% PwD = 1,3% M:F = 1:06 No vacant positions to fill the gaps. All vacant position to target the gaps within advertising and recruitment processes. % of Employees Meeting Minimum Educational Requirements (C and Upper) 94% 95% 62% 33% below the target. Target to be reworked during the Mid- term review. % of payroll spent on the Skills Development Programme 1% 3% 100% Implementation of Planned Skills development activities 0.33% 0,33% of allocated budget spent. Skills Development Activity plan to be developed
Performance Dashboard SO10: Conducive working environment Performance indicators Baseline 2015-16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016-17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Challenges / Corrective measures % Staff Turnover New Indicator ≤ 5% 0.937% None % Staff Vacancy Rate 2.94% Develop Recruitment and Selection Plan for swift and accurate execution. % Success Rate at CCMA 80% 85% 100% Effectively and efficiently managed labour litigation % reduction in average number of sick leave days taken annually per capita Baseline established: 5.6 days on average ( sick leave days taken: 22668; staff establishment (filled) 4017 2% reduction 100% Implementation of Wellness Programme as per annual plan; Quarterly leave report 6216 compared to 1903 of the previous quarter. Wellness programme to be developed and implemented Disabling Injury Frequency Rate (DIFR) 0.87 < 0.78 0.26
Performance Dashboard SO11: Optimised business processes and knowledge management systems Performance indicators Baseline 20145/16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Achieved Challenges / Corrective measures Total number of business processes reviewed New Indicator Mapped = 3 Automated = 3 Mapped: 1 Mapped:2 Contract Management process Design & documentation of supplier rotation completed Automate the 2 processes Number of ICT Strategy projects implemented 1 4 100% implementation of planned activities 100% of planned activities completed Project Plan with clear milestones to be developed
Performance Dashboard SO12: Accountable corporate governance Performance indicators Baseline 2015-16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016-17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 achieved Challenges / Corrective measures Auditor General Audit Report Unqualified with no other matters Unqualified with no other matters AG audit Implementation of agreed Audit Findings and Recommendations 100% implementation of planned Internal Audit Plan (quarterly activities)PFMA and Treasury Regulations Quarterly Compliance report completed Audit in progress % Compliance with Governance Requirements 100% 100% for matters relevant to quarter 100% compliance None
Performance Dashboard SO12:Accountable Corporate governance Performance indicators Baseline 20145/16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Challenges / Corrective measures % of Legal Opinions on SANParks business needs generated as per requests (provided no more than 80 requests received per annum) 100% None % of Litigious Matters Attended
Performance Dashboard SO 13: Financial Sustainability Performance indicators Baseline 2015/16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016-17 Quarterly Target (Q1 Q 1 Achieved Challenges / Corrective measures Income-to-Cost Ratio 1:1 1 : 1 1.16:1 Continuous budget variance monitoring, Regular financial forecast Improve financial controls and management of assets. % Expenditure Budget Variance ≤ 0% - 4% Concerted efforts to effect savings Direct HR cost as % of Total Expenditure 57% ≤56% 58% Overtime to be managed. Own revenue generated as % of Total Revenue 70% 64% This under achievement could be affected by the economic downturn. Regular financial forecast to be undertaken to mitigate any financial risks
Performance Dashboard SO 13: Financial Sustainability Performance indicators Baseline 2015/16 Annual Performance Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Target (Q1) Q1 Challenges / Corrective measures Average number of days: Debtor collection 30 ≤30 20 days Strict Management controls of contractual agreements. Average number of days: Creditor payment 42 days Creditors invoices relies on ineffective postal services. Total Revenue generated from Fundraising per annum ( change in indicator) Fundraising strategy completed R 50 million 100% implementation of fundraising strategy implementation plan Strategy not implemented Although R 30 million had been collected, the strategy has not been developed.
Financial or Trading Position
Statement of Financial Performance
Statement of Financial Performance
Statement of Financial Performance
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Financial Position
Audit in progress
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