Welcome! Sign-in at the computer Grab some pizza (1 slice per person for now) Sit next to someone! If you are alone Sarah will come bug you. Icebreaker Question: If you were a lollipop what flavor would you be and why?
Society of Women Engineers August 24th, 2016 607 Old Chem
What is SWE? A group of like-minded people who wish to give opportunities for women to take on leadership roles in the STEM field. Mission Statement: To stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity. UC Section Goals Provide the tools to succeed professionally, personally, and academically Give opportunities to network with companies, your peers, and other UC groups Give a scope of the STEM fields to middle and high schoolers through outreaches HAVE FUN!!!
SWE Facts Started in Philadephia 1950 50 original members Currently 35,000+ members Current President: Jessica Rainnow
Exec Board Sarah Pulliam – President Treasurer – Elizabeth Sheetz Secretary – Madison Summers Faculty Adviser – Jill Flood SWE Adviser – Anita Todd
Trent Bushle, UC SWE VP Senior Chemical Engineering 3rd year SWE member Worked co-op positions at Ecosil Technologies & Givaudan Flavors Fun Fact: Always smiling MEN CAN BECOME SWE MEMBERS AS WELL!
Anita Todd, SWE Adviser BS Mech. Eng., Master and Doctorate in Education Worked for UC, Penn State, Cummins Co-oped with Cummins, Walt Disney World Married, two (step) sons, three grand kids LOVE to travel - been to 6 continents Live in PA - work for UC from a distance UC SWE Counselor, Former UC SWE Faculty Advisor (UC SWE - 11 years) Former UC EE Co-op Advisor, then ProPEL Assoc. Director Master of Engineering Internship Program Director at UC (currently)
Public Relations Officer
Fundraising Lillian Minnich: minniclk@mail.uc.edu Looking for 2 interns to help plan, setup, and run fundraising events! Application will be in minutes Email Lilly if you have any questions! Possible Events: Biweekly T-shirt sales Monthly Bake/Food Sales Chipotle/Bdubs/Pieology Fundraiser Battle of the Bands
Special Events & Community Service Kelly Cooper: coopeky@mail.uc.edu (440)319-5138 4 social events, 1 community service event per semester Upcoming Dates! Social with Triangle & RallyCats (our HC partners!) - This FRIDAY, August 26th 10 PM @ the Triangle House on Swiss Chalet Ct. Bowling on Sunday, Sept 4th 6 PM - 8:30 PM @ Western Bowl $1.75/game Look for sign up in minutes!
Middle/High School Outreach MSO: Sid Stacy (stacysm@mail.uc.edu) Maria Koenig (koenigmg@mail.uc.edu) HSO: Marie Stevenot (stevenf@mail.uc.edu) Emily Schneider (schneiem@mail.uc.edu) Goal: To get younger people interested in STEM First MSO: September 17th Take Apart A Toaster First HSO: October 18th Volunteers will be needed for both events Counts to Cincinnatus Hours Sign ups to come!
Mentors/Mentees Wanted Trent Bushle: bushleta@mail.uc.edu Mentee Participants will… Match with a current SWE member to help navigate their first year of college & SWE Experience both professional & social growth Mentor Participants will… Gain leadership experience Assist new SWE members in getting their college career to a great start Applications due by Monday September 12th, signups in meeting minutes.
Society Conference Philadelphia, PA October 27-29 Leaving Oct 26th afternoon/evening 9 hour trip Getting back Oct 30th evening Double Tree by Philadelphia Airport MUST BE A NATIONAL MEMBER Sign up in minutes by September 7th!
“Who Am I?” Game Get a card but DON’T LOOK AT IT Put it on your forehead Pair up with someone in front of or behind you Find out who is on your card WITHOUT your partner using the following words Their name The title of their book/movie/TV show if fictional character Their occupation if a real life person
Meet with your partner from the game for a “friend date!” CHALLENGE Meet with your partner from the game for a “friend date!” Post a pic of your “date” to Twitter with #SWEetBuddies for the two of you to be entered in a raffle for Starbucks giftcards!
Welcome Dr. Cohen!
Wednesday September 7th 6 PM @ 607 Old Chem Next Meeting: “Navigating the Job Search” Presented by Jill Flood (Our Adviser!) & Batesville Visit Wednesday September 7th 6 PM @ 607 Old Chem
Become a Member Open up your browser and go to swe.org Select Membership > Select Join Select Become a Member Login if you already have an account Create your account and fill out required information Select the type of membership you would like to purchase "Collegiate to Career" is the first option for $50. This allows you to be a member for your entire college career (undergraduate and graduate) and your first year as a professional. This option is highly recommended. "New Collegiate" membership is for $20 and it allows you to be a member for one year of college. Select G053 - University of Cincinnati for the chapter/section and then click continue. Fill out your payment information. Submit your order. You will receive an email confirming your membership.