Improving Dementia Care in Carmarthenshire What did John Bolton say? Carmarthenshire one of three demonstration sites. Focus on dementia care. Joint Health and Social Care Scrutiny Report 2012 -Recommendations
The number of people over 65 with dementia in Carmarthenshire There are 53 people with dementia under 65. In Carmarthenshire there are about 1000 people with dementia on GPs Dementia Registers
Project Work Plan Map services-how do we use our resources? Develop a multi agency strategy Implementation and action plan. Sustainable and embedded outcomes. Complete by November 2013 Only Start
Meeting Needs Providing care for the person with dementia and their family
2764 Increasing levels of need Models of care The differing levels of need and care for people with dementia, their carers & families Models of care The differing levels of need and care for people with dementia, their carers & families 2764 Increasing levels of need
Value Base-What is it all about? Culture Change Person centred care Not enough to rearrange the deck chairs Admitting mistakes of past (present!) Creating dependency Reliance on institutional care Need to do things (very) differently Look at how we do things Putting values into practice
Progress Mapping of services nearing completion Carmarthenshire Dementia Action Board Coordination of Planning Listening to people with dementia and their carers.
People with dementia in Carmarthenshire
Hospitals & GPs in Carmarthenshire
Carmarthenshire Dementia Action Board Membership People who have dementia, who have things to say. Carers People with senior responsibility for planning and delivering dementia care and treatment – all sectors. Work streams Learning and Development Dementia Friendly Communities Service Redesign
Dementia Friendly (Supportive) Communities Work stream members not the ‘usual suspects’. Wide representation. What we need to do. Make it happen. Select a community? Start small?
It is nearly Easter so we end with The Wizard of Oz and Dorothy’s view on dementia care. ‘
‘There’s no place like home.’