Shawlands Primary School Welcome to Year One! Parents information meeting 21st September 2017
Meet the team Teacher– Mrs Butterwood Teaching assistant – Mrs Leather Mrs Hill will be covering PPA on Monday afternoon. Mrs Hill – welfare and safeguarding lead
Year 1 subjects Literacy Phonics Numeracy Science Topic Work which includes History, Geography, Art, D & T and ICT PSHE and Religion PE Music
Topics in Autumn 1 That’s entertainment Maths – Number, place value, addition, subtraction Literacy – Reading, writing, phonics through the Wizard of Oz Science – The human body PE – Ball skills History – Ourselves and comparing present and past. DT– Food Art – Character paintings ICT – Online safety and uses of ICT RE – Judaism
Class timetable Mornings – Early morning work, phonics, literacy, playtime, numeracy. Afternoons – Handwriting/mental maths, guided reading, topic based activities, continuous provision, assembly.
A typical day in Year 1 8:50 am - School opens 9:00am - Registration 9:10am – Phonics 9:30am - Literacy 10:30am - Break Time 10:45am – Numeracy 12:00pm – Lunch Time 1:00pm – Handwriting/mental maths 1:30pm – Guided reading/continuous provision 2:00- Topic work/continuous provision 3:00pm - Assembly 3.30pm - Home Time
Year 1 PE Wednesday morning. Please ensure earrings are out for PE and that PE kits are in school. Trainers, colour t-shirt, shorts, joggers. PE kits can be left in school until the half term holidays.
Homework Spellings – Test on Mondays. New spellings stuck in books on a Tuesday and on Twitter. Practised in school several times in the week. Any practise at home helps too! Reading – Children will read regularly in school and this will be written in their reading record. Any reading at home can also be recorded. One reading mile for each home entry. Homework - The children will be provided with a homework book with a grid of tasks they need to complete each half term. Homework books should be placed in the homework box when all tasks are completed so they can be marked.
Key points for Year 1 Please make sure water bottles, PE kits, uniform and pumps are labelled with your child's name. Reading books will be changed on Mondays. You are welcome to change your child’s book during morning work time. Please make sure your child’s reading book, reading record and spelling book are in school every day. They need to be put in their drawers in the classroom. Please do not bring toys to school to play with as they may get damaged or lost.
Behaviour and rewards In line with the school’s behaviour policy we use a traffic light system. Praise Reward time e.g golden time/iPad time Dojo points – link to traffic lights. Can be awarded or deducted.
Year 1 assessment Ongoing, informal assessment throughout the year to inform teacher planning Year 1 children will complete the phonics screening test in June time If they did not meet the required standard in the phonics screening test in Year One they will have the opportunity to try again in Year Two
Any questions??