Class Vocabulary and Practice An Interpersonal and Interpretive Skill Practice
I can… Say my class schedule (in writing and verbally) Interpret a school schedule
Class Vocabulary In small groups, try to use your knowledge of ‘cognates’ to define the classes vocabulary from Spanish to English. Use context clues to help fill in the words that are not cognates.
Class vocabulary Las matematicas Las ciencias Math Las ciencias Science Los estudios sociales/la historia Social Studies/History El lenguaje/el ingles Language/English El espanol Spanish La musica Music El arte Art
Class vocabulary La educacion fisica El salud Physical Education El salud Health La computacion/la tecnologia Computers/Technology El enriquecimiento Enrichment El almuerzo Lunch El descanso/el recreo Recess
Let’s practice pronunciation! It’s important for us to know how to properly pronounce this vocabulary because we will be assessed in our speaking and listening skills during this part of our unit. Repeat after me…
Interpretive Listening You will view and listen to a video of two Spanish speakers discussing their school schedules in Spanish. Your job: Listen to the video and as you hear each student name the classes that he/she has, list them in ENGLISH on your worksheet. We will play the video TWO times.
Listening exercise Pablo Laura English History Spanish Math Art Science
Interpretive Reading Each student will be given a school schedule. You are either ESTUDIANTE A or ESTUDIANTE B (located in the top right hand corner) Let’s review what is on the schedule Hora, Days, Classes At the bottom of the page there are questions in English. Ask your partner each question in English. Your partner will use his/her schedule to answer your question in ENGLISH. Check your partners answer with the answer in ( ) next to the question. Switch roles.
Helpful Vocabulary Locate the helpful vocabulary at the bottom of your vocabulary page. El horario – schedule ¿Que clase tienes? – What class do you have? Yo tengo – I have Where and when did we use “Yo tengo” before?
Speaking practice We are going to practice in small groups asking and saying some of YOUR OWN school schedule at MEMORIAL! In groups of 3 or 4 (your small group table) one person will START by ASKING the person to their LEFT: ¿ Que clase tienes ____? In that blank pick a class period 1-7 The person to your LEFT will answer in Spanish: Yo tengo _____________ In that blank will be the class period asked about.
Speaking Practice Model Person 1 says: ¿Que clase tienes 2 (dos)? Person 2 says: Yo tengo el espanol. PERSON 2 turns to PERSON 3 and ASKS: ¿Que clase tienes 4 (cuatro)? Person 3 says: Yo tengo el lenguaje. PERSON 3 turns to PERSON 4 and ASKS: ¿Que clase tienes 6 (seis)? Person 4 says: Yo tengo las ciencias. PERSON 4 turns to PERSON 1 and ASKS: ¿Que clase tienes 1 (uno)? Person 1 says: Yo tengo el enriquecimiento.
Authentic Video You will hear a Spanish-speaking student describe the classes at his school. Your only job is to listen and try to pick out the new classes vocabulary and maybe any other vocabulary you may recognize as cognates or from previous lessons. L-L8
Interpersonal Graded Assignment Tomorrow we will conduct a graded assignment that will assess your speaking skills. The topic will be on class vocabulary. Let’s check out the rubric…
Pronunciation Fluency/Pauses Vocabulary With a teacher, School Supplies
How to prepare Writing Fill out the preparation worksheet in Spanish listing your personal class schedule at Memorial You should use your notes to fill out the chart and have correct spelling and grammar Let’s discuss how to “meet expectations” vs. “exceed expectations” in your prepared responses
Y = and Con = with
How to prepare Speaking Listening 3 rounds: 1st – with notes, 2nd –limited notes, 3rd – no notes Now is your time to practice pronunciation and ask questions. ASK: Que clase tienes ____? ANSWER: Yo tengo ____________. Listening As you listen to your partner describe their class schedule in SPANISH, complete the listening chart in ENGLISH.
Tarea (Homework) Take your preparation worksheet home to practice speaking and pronunciation.