FRENCH REPUBLIC Delegates: Chan Sros Mom Sothavatey
Country Report : FRENCH REPUBLIC Basic Information : The official name : French Republic Capital city: Paris The official languages : French
The map of France
Politic & Government The head of state: Francois Hollande The head of government : Bernard Cazeneuve Government’s system : a democratic republic with a semi-presidential system. An executive body An legislative body
Politic and Government (cont.) The ruling parties: Socialist Party Religious A secular state
Geography, Culture & Social A Maritime country Population : 66,689,000 (est. 2016 ) Area : 643,801 km² Ethnic groups : Celtic and Latin with Teutonic, Slavic, North African Indochinese, Basque minorities. Literacy rate: 99% Poverty rate : 8.1% below the poverty line ( 2012 est. )
Economy Export : $505.4 billion (2016 est.) Import : $525.4 billion (2016 est.) GDP : $2.737 trillion (2016 est.) GDP/capital : $42,400 (2016 est.) Unemployment rate : 9.7% (2016 est.).
Defense Sector French Republic is a state with Nuclear weapons. Possesses 300 warheads mostly deployed on submarines equipped with M45 and M51. Military expenditure:
Year Dollar Spent %GDP 2001 61, 576, 000, 000 2.5 2002 62, 840, 000, 000 2003 64, 749, 000, 000 2.6 2004 66, 526, 000, 000 2005 65, 123, 000, 000 2006 65, 470, 000, 000 2.4 2007 65, 691, 000, 000 2.3 2008 65, 037, 000, 000 2009 69, 426, 000, 000 2010 66, 251, 000, 000 2011 62, 741, 000, 000 2012 62, 582, 000, 000
Defense Sector (con.t) Alliance Hostile United States of America United Kingdom Federal Republic of Germany
Environment Renewable resources: Nuclear: 75% Hydro-electric: 15% Thermal: 9% Wind and others: 0.1%
Environment (con.t) Nonrenewable resources: Recycling policy Forest: 31% on the total land area Marine resources: barium, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, lead, silica, zinc as well as precious metals, diamonds and the famous rare metals earths. Recycling policy the principle of Extended Responsibility of the Producer (REP) introduction of a tax on waste (TGAP) Extended Responsibility of Producer Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC)