Learning around the World Unit 1 What is the power of reading and education? • How does where people live in the world affect how they access reading and books? • People overcome great challenges in order to access learning and books. •
Lesson 1: Talking with my Peers: Carousel of Reading Superheroes Around the World Vocabulary Question Conversation power Today’s Targets I can have a conversation with my partner in order to record what I Notice and I Wonder about pictures. (SL.3.1) I can ask and answer questions about a text. (RI.3.1)
I wonder I notice
Carousel Brainstorm Protocol Purpose The purpose of using the carousel brainstorm process is to allow participants to share their ideas and build a common vision or vocabulary; Procedure Questions, pictures or issues will be posted on poster paper. Students will be divided into teams. Each team will have a different color of marker and start at a different poster. At each question, participants should brainstorm responses or points they want to make about the posted question. After a couple of minutes with each question, teams will be signaled to move to the next question, until all teams have responded to all questions. Each team can highlight and report key points at their initial question or teams may star the most important points and discuss those.
Lesson Vocabulary notice wonder norms record details
Quote Instructions Read the quote. It is okay if you don’t understand it yet. Think of a question you have based on what you read. Underline words you don’t know or can’t figure out. Circle word that help you figure out possible answers to those questions. Write possible answers to you questions using complete sentences.
Exit Tickets Protocol Purpose At the end of class, students write on note cards or slips of paper an important idea they learned, a question they have, a prediction about what will come next, or a thought about the lesson for the day. Procedure For 2–3 minutes at the end of class students will jot responses to the reading or lesson on 3 x 5 note cards.
What is one tip you have for talking with a partner? Exit Ticket What is one tip you have for talking with a partner?
Lesson 2: Introducing Close Reading Today’s Supporting Targets I can identify the main message of Rain (RL. 3.2) School by reading the text closely. I can sort key details from Rain School into categories. (W.3.8) I can describe what the children in Chad wanted and what they did .(RL.3.3) I can discuss the main message of Rain School is conveyed through key details. (SL.3.1) Vocabulary Gist motivation character problem setting solution detail lesson
Somebody… (character) in…. (setting) wanted… (motivation) but… (problem) so…. (resolution)
Think-Pair-Share What are the steps that you took as a reader today? How did these steps help us to better understand the text?
Lesson 3: Text Dependent Questions and Vocabulary Today’s Targets I can answer questions using details from the Rain School. (RL.3.1) I can explain what I chose specific details to answer questions about the text. (RL.3.1, SL.3.1) I can determine the meaning of a word using clues in the text around it. (L.3.4) Vocabulary evidence detail question clue sapling knowledge rumpled slump
“He gathers grass and saplings with the other children, and they make a roof.”
“Quiz”- “Quiz” “Trade” He gathers grass and sapling with the other children to make a roof. Branch Small tree Choose a word from the unfamiliar words you wrote yesterday. On one side of your card write the whole sentence the word is in, circling the unfamiliar word. On the other side, write two possible words that it might be similar to. Game Partner with another student. When the teacher says, “ quiz”, one student will show their sentence with the word circled. The partner will try and guess one of the two words on the reverse side of the car. When the teacher says, “quiz” again, the other student will show their sentence. The teacher will say, “trade” and students must trade partners with someone near them.
How can the new word that you learned help you better understand the text?
Lesson 4: Choosing a Book that Interest Me Targets I can effectively participate in a conversation with my peers and adults. (SL.3.1) I can speak in complete sentences with appropriate details. (SL.3.6) I can choose books that are at the correct complexity and interest me. (SL.3.10) Today’s Supporting Targets I can select a “power book:” that I want to read. I can talk with a small group about why I chose my power book. I can speak in complete sentences when I participate in group. Vocabulary discuss norms fishbowl genre fiction fantasy series nonfiction
Conversation Criteria Checklist Learning Targets I can follow our class norms when I participate in a conversation. I can speak with complete sentences when I participate in group discuss. What as a class did we decide would be a conversation norms? \
Fishbowl Activity
What went well in your group? What do we need to work on more? Reflection What went well in your group? What do we need to work on more?
Lesson 5: What is one Reason You Want the Power of Reading? Today’s Targets I can follow our class norms when I participate in a conversation (SL.3.1) I can speak in complete sentences when I participate in group discussions. (SL.3.6) I can write an informative paragraph with a clear topic that explains why I want to get the power of reading. (W.3.2) Vocabulary participate norms complete sentences informative paragraph topic
Think-Pair-Share What were some of the extraordinary things the children had to do? Look through your book for facts, examples and details about those extraordinary things Why did the children of Chad want the power of reading so badly?
What is one reason YOU want the power of reading?
Homework What was one reason you wanted to learn to read when you were little?
Lesson 6: How do People Access Books in Afganistan? Today’s Targets I can identify the main message of Nasreen’s Secret School by reading the text closely. (RL.3.2) I can describe what Nasreen wanted and what she did. (RL.3.3) I can sort key details from Nasreen’s Secret School into categories. (W.3.8) I can discuss how the main message is conveyed through key details. (RL.3.1, SL.3.1) Vocabulary gist message (in a story) lesson (in a story) detail characters setting motivation problem solution
Capturing the Gist in a Story Somebody… (character) in…. (setting) wanted… (motivation) but… (problem) so…. (resolution)
What do you think the lesson of this story is? What details in this story helped you decide the lesson?
Lesson 7: Discussion of Questions and Evidence Today’s Targets I can answer questions using details from Nasreen’s Secret School (RL.3.1) I can explain why I chose specific details I found to answer questions (SL.3.1) I can determine the meaning of new vocabulary using clues in the text around it. (L.3.4) Vocabulary evidence detail question clue flourish Taliban frantic Allah
Carousel Brainstorm Protocol Purpose The purpose of using the carousel brainstorm process is to allow participants to share their ideas and build a common vision or vocabulary; Procedure Questions, pictures or issues will be posted on poster paper. Students will be divided into teams. Each team will have a different color of marker and start at a different poster. At each question, participants should brainstorm responses or points they want to make about the posted question. After a couple of minutes with each question, teams will be signaled to move to the next question, until all teams have responded to all questions. Each team can highlight and report key points at their initial question or teams may star the most important points and discuss those.
Today’s Supporting Targets Lesson 8: ? Today’s Supporting Targets I can write a paragraph about what Nasreen wants and why. (W.3.2) I can support my topic with details from Nasreen’s Secret School. (W.3.2) I can write a sentence to close my paragraph (W.3.2) Vocabulary topic detail explain conclusion
What connections do you see between these two books? Think-Pair- Share What connections do you see between these two books? Based on our learning targets, what do you think we will be doing today?
Children of Chad The children of Chad go to great lengths to seek the power of education and reading. For example, they build their own school at the beginning of the year! To do this, they use mud to make bricks to build the walls and desk. They use grass and sapling and make a roof. Also, the children of Chad work very hard studying during the school year. Every day they learn something new. In one part, the teacher writes an ‘A’ on the black board, and the students write it over and over in the air. Finally, the story says that at the end of the year their notebooks are all rumpled from using them, and their minds are fat with knowledge. These are a couple of ways that the children of Chad go to great lengths to see the power of education and reading.
Paragraph Writing Graphic Organizer Children of Chad The children of Chad go to great lengths to seek the power of education and reading. For example, they build their own school at the beginning of the year! To do this, they use mud to make bricks to build the walls and desk. They use grass and sapling and make a roof. Also, the children of Chad work very hard studying during the school year. Every day they learn something new. In one part, the teacher writes an ‘A’ on the black board, and the students write it over and over in the air. Finally, the story says that at the end of the year their notebooks are all rumpled from using them, and their minds are fat with knowledge. These are a couple of ways that the children of Chad go to great lengths to see the power of education and reading. 1 2 3 2 3 1
Today’s Supporting Targets Reflection Today’s Supporting Targets I can write a paragraph about what Nasreen wants and why. (W.3.2) I can support my topic with details from Nasreen’s Secret School. (W.3.2) I can write a sentence to close my paragraph (W.3.2) What did you learn about paragraph writing?
Today’s Supporting Targets Lesson 9: Close reading of that Book Woman How do people access books in rural areas of the United States? Today’s Supporting Targets I can identify the main message of That Book Woman by reading excerpts from the text closely. (RL.3.2) I can sort key details from That Book Woman into categories. (W.3.8) I can describe what the main character wanted and what he did. (RL.3.3) I can discuss the main message of That Book Woman through key details. (SL.3.1) Vocabulary dialect Appalachia rural gist excerpt
Capturing the Gist in a Story Somebody… (character) in…. (setting) wanted… (motivation) but… (problem) so…. (resolution)
How did the language of this story change the experience for you? Reflection How did the language of this story change the experience for you? How did reading the text closely multiple times help you?
Today’s Supporting Targets Lesson 10: Continued close reading of that Book Woman Text dependent questions and vocabulary Today’s Supporting Targets I can answer questions using specific details from That Book Woman. (RL.3.1) I can explain why I chose specific details to answer questions about the text. (SL.3.1) I can determine the meaning of new vocabulary using clues in the text around a word. (L.3.4) Vocabulary plowing dusky scholar britches passel yearn
What do you see? What do you notice? What an important detail you remember from this part of the story?
What do you see? What do you notice? What an important detail you remember from this part of the story?
What do you see? What do you notice? What an important detail you remember from this part of the story?
Reflection What is the most important detail, setting, character, or event, from the story That Book Woman?
Lesson 11: Close Reading and Powerful Note taking ON MY OWN Today’s Supporting Targets I can sort details from The Librarian of Basra into categories. (W.3.8) I can answer questions using details from the Librarian of Basra.(RL. 3.2) I can describe what the librarian of Basra wanted and what she did. (RL.3.3) I can determine the meaning of a word using clues in the text around it. (L.3.4) Vocabulary Basra Alia Anis
Reflection What did the librarian of Basra do that was so extraordinary or important?