Superheroes topic overview Literacy Our work will be based around a book called ‘Traction Man’ in which we will explore and interpret through creative activity, poetry, drama, writing, art and role-play. PE Superheroes skills – Daring dribbling and balancing of balls with bats, super skipping and astonishing apparatus. 1sn will also be participating in Street dance. ICT We will be using the laptops to support learning in other areas of the curriculum. Maths We will be reading and writing numbers in words, counting an grouping in 2s, 5s and 10s, partitioning 2 and 3 digit numbers hundreds, tens and units, doubling 1 and 2 digit numbers, more than and less than. PSHE/P4C/Circle time New beginnings in a variety of contexts including New Year’s resolutions. We will be considering the virtues of superheroes and how we are all superheroes in our own way. Superheroes topic overview Year 1 Spring 1 2015 Music We will be exploring pitch and creating theme tunes for our own superheroes. Science Our topic this term will be ‘Sorting and using Materials’ We will be exploring, sorting and grouping materials, considering the properties of materials and their uses through investigations. Art We will be creating our own superheroes and making toy prints based on the work of Andy Warhol. History We will be investigating, researching and making comparisons between old and modern toys. RE We will be learning about holy days and special celebrations with a focus on Hinduism