Year One transition meeting
Class teachers Mrs Moore Mrs Hunter Miss Limbert
Life in Year One Doors open at 8.45am, the children need to be independent! Organisation (book bag, lunch box, water bottles, coats, rucksacks) Children won’t need pencil cases, as they will be provided with a ‘toolkit’ at the start of the year Sit at table spaces at the end of the day, the teacher will call their name when they see their parent (children are taken to their after school provision)
Typical Day 8.45am Enter and ‘Blast off Book’ 9.00am Door closed (late comers enter through reception) 9.00am Register and dinner options taken 9.05 Guided Reading 10.20am Break (take fruit and milk out) 10.35am Maths 11.30am Phonics 12.00pm Lunch 1.00pm Register 1.10pm Assembly 1.35pm Connected Curriculum 3.00pm Story 3.10pm Ready for home 3.20pm Exit 3.30pm Teachers available (except Wednesdays)
Typical Week Children will have 2 x PE sessions Computing session each week Connected Curriculum Handwriting X Factor Homework and spellings
Typical Lesson Starter altogether Teacher input including modelling Independent activities: Rotational activities All completing same task Group work Learning through play opportunities (Autumn Term) Outdoor learning Learning stops Time for review (Peer/ Self/ Teacher)
Reading and Homework Read at home at least three times a week Reading books changed daily; however, book bags MUST be placed in the ‘change’ box Children will choose their own books and parents should record the titles in their Boomerang Books Reading passports Guided Reading session will happen once a week with Teacher Homework Bingo (one per half term) Spellings/ Phonics
Family sessions We are very keen to invite you into school to help support your child in their learning journey Family sessions will take place focusing on… Phonics and Reading Spelling Grammar Punctuation Maths skills Further information will be handed out at the start of the next academic year
Curriculum Curriculum information is shared via the website and class newsletters New National Curriculum High expectations: children becoming independent writers, heavy focus on spelling and spelling patterns, reading a wide range of genres, using and applying in maths
Year one topics Autumn Term 1.1 – Moon Zoom Autumn Term 1.2 – Bright Lights, Big City Spring Term 2.1 – Dinosaur Planet Spring Term 2.2 – Enchanted Woodland Summer Term 3.1 – Paws, Claws and Whiskers Summer Term 3.2 - Superheroes
assessment New assessment guidelines Each child will leave Year One being either Beginning Working Within Secure Continuous assessment for all curriculum subjects Informal assessments carried out on a half termly/ termly basis Targets shared within Boomerang Books Phonics Screening Check
Expectations Behaviour (classroom and playground) Traffic Light (warning systems) Red and yellow cards (playtimes) Golden Rules (whole school) Classroom rules (set by the children)
Communication School newsletters and class newsletters Teacher at the door – preferably at the end of the school day so that they can settle class in the morning Please feel free to arrange to meet with teacher if you have a concern Boomerang books Twitter Year One email address
Building Plans Year 1 will be undergoing LOTS of building work over the holiday There will be… A partition New windows New doors New carpet and lots more Shared area for whole of KS1
Questions and Tour! Please feel free to have a look around the Year One area (inside and outside) and ask as many questions as you like.