Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists 2016 AANA Public Relations Awards Submission Overall Public Relations Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Public Relations Objectives Calendar year 2016 has once again been transformational for the Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists (MANA). In response to a newly revised strategic plan developed with the assistance of Chris Bettin, AANA Senior Director of Public Relations & Scholarly Publications, MANA’s public relations (PR) committee took up the torch to put the issues of greatest importance to Michigan CRNAs and their communities of interest at the forefront. Michigan is still one of only 10 states left in the nation with language requiring physician supervision of CRNAs. The primary objective for MANA has been to continue the hard work of moving legislation forward to remove this requirement and to energize MANA members whose passion and drive is needed to see MANA’s initiatives forward.
National CRNA Week 2016 #crnaweek National CRNA Week is the AANA’s annual celebration of anesthesia patient safety and the nation’s 49,000+ Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists and student registered nurse anesthetists who safely and cost-effectively provide approximately 40 million anesthetics each year. Known as National Nurse Anesthetists Week as recently as 2014, the new name for this popular event helps patients, hospital administrators, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and others become more familiar with the CRNA credential and the exceptional advanced practice registered nurses who have earned it.
CRNA Week Radio Spot 30- 30 second spots on WZCD with a net reach of 23,000 listeners. Click here to hear the ad
CRNA Week Movie Theater Ad Click to view
CRNA Week Billboard- Lansing, MI
CRNA Week Billboard- Midland, MI
CRNA Week Proclamation Governor Snyder Proclamation
Program Directors Letters
Member Activities During CRNA Week University of Michigan-Flint
Member Activities During CRNA Week University of Michigan CRNAs
Mid-winter activities Silver Level sponsor of the Michigan Hospital & Health Association Winter Leadership Conference.
Spring Activities MANA Impact Day- April 12, 2016 Lansing, MI 77 CRNAs and SRNAs attended the event
MANA Member Grassroots Public Relations Program Click here to see full document
Lisa Mueller, CRNA attended the McLaren Oakland Golf Outing on July 14, 2016. She met with various hospital administrators including Chad Grant, CEO.
Summer Activity Bronze Level sponsorship at the Michigan Hospital and Health Association (MHA) Annual Meeting. MANA Member Dennis Rivard, CRNA, MS and Board Member Mike Worden, CRNA, MSN with their spouses on the porch of the Grand Hotel.
Veteran’s Golden Age Games Detroit Michigan July 10-14, 2016
45 CRNA and SRNA members volunteered