2016 Florida Standards Alternate Assessment Coordinator’s Meeting – FSAA Policy Update Program Accountability, Assessment, and Data Systems Heidi Metcalf, Senior Educational Program Director
Course Updates
Course Updates New courses: Access Physical Science Access Algebra 2 Fundamental courses have been daggered and will no longer be available after the 2016-17 school year Link to 2016-17 Course Code Directory: http://www.fldoe.org/policy/articulation/ccd/20 16-2017-course-directory.stml
Class vs. Course Class Course The ideal situation is for all students to be educated together The classroom a student sits in does NOT dictate the type of courses they take Students in a general education classroom may be enrolled in access courses and students in a separate environment may be enrolled in general education courses For students who are now in the 11th grade and below, there are only two course choices for core subjects: general education courses and access courses Both are based on the same standards, but the level of complexity is very different Only students on access points can take access courses Access points are only for students with a significant cognitive disability and parental consent is required
Which Course? Which Assessment? Standards Courses Assessments Florida Standards General Education Courses Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) Access Points Access Courses Florida Standards Alternate Assessment (FSAA)
Course Enrollment Reminders Access courses are only for students determined to have a significant cognitive disability Emails have been sent to districts to ensure that students are properly enrolled Fundamental courses have been daggered and will no longer be available after the 2016-17 school year Reminder emails have been sent to districts that are still using these courses
Course Code Directory (CCD) The CCD can answer questions related to available courses, credits and certification requirements Link to the draft 2016-17 CCD: http://fldoe.org/policy/articulation/ccd/2016- 2017-course-directory.stml
Performance Task Administration Survey Results 2016 FSAA Administration Number of respondents doubled 648 in 2015 and 1382 for 2016 58 districts participated In 2014, there were 402 errors that effected 380 students. Knowing first hand the amount of time that it takes to administer the FAA, I’m really passionate about this. I think that with the some of the new safeguards that Angie mentioned earlier will assist us to meet this goal! The lowest number of errors was in 2010 with 325, so if we can be less than 200 that would be significant progress! In 2014, 58 out of 67 districts logged in at least once to complete the verification process during the “window” in December. This year, we expect 100% of the districts to complete this verification process as this is a “non-negotiable”. In Florida, # of students in grades 3-10 that were enrolled in ACCESS courses, only # participated in the FAA. Please check your districts roster and be sure that the right kids are taking the FAA. We will talk more about this in a few, when we get to the 1% cap.
District Participation Alachua Baker Bay Bradford Brevard Broward Calhoun Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Columbia Dade Desoto Duval Escambia Flagler Franklin Gilchrist Gulf Hardee Hernando Hillsborough Holmes Jackson Lafayette Lake Lee Leon Madison Manatee Marion Monroe Nassau Okaloosa Okeechobee Orange Osceola Palm Beach Pasco Pinellas Polk Putnam St Johns St Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Union Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington FSDB UF Lab School
Total number of years teaching
2015 2016 Less than 1 year = 2.63% (17) 1-5 years = 20% (132)
Participation in the online administration training modules 92% 8%
Use of Practice Materials 68% 30%
Accommodations Used for FSAA 1. Assistive technology (12%) 2. Teacher assistance with materials (12%) 3. Other Transcribe writing Picture symbols Picture cards Cut out answer choices 4. 62% didn’t use accommodations
20 % 77% 68%
What kind of information was assessed on the FSAA Portal What kind of information was assessed on the FSAA Portal? (Check all that apply) Administration modules - 686 respondents Important dates – 855 respondents Printable administration support documents – 379 respondents
74% 23%
Additional Information Requested (Top Three) 1. Open-Response writing prompt administration procedures (28%) 2. Allowable adjustments and supports (15%) 3. Use of practice materials before the test (15%)
Additional Training Needs (Top Three) 1. Entering answers and responses in the online system 2. Support and preparation for the writing test 3. Uploading documents in the system
Open Response Summary Aspects of the assessment that worked well 784 total responses Aspects of the assessment that worked well FSAA Service Center was helpful Size of the booklets were much better FSAA online training modules were beneficial Test items were aligned to the standards
Open Response Summary (cont.) Aspects of the assessment that did not work well Support for classrooms during administration Loss of instructional time due to the amount of time it takes to administer the test ELA and Writing were very time consuming to administer Recommendations for computer-based assessment for future Online response system needs work
Florida Standards Alternate Assessment FSAA 2017 Overview
FSAA Datafolio Performance Task The Florida Standards Alternate Assessment (FSAA-PT) will include two separate components for the 2016–2017 school year. Students will participate in alternate assessment either through the FSAA-PT—Performance Task or through the FSAA-PT—Datafolio. Today’s training applies to the performance task.
The Florida Assessment Program Continuum Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) Florida Standards Alternate Assessment (FSAA) (~23,000 students) FSAA-Performance Task (~22,200) FSAA-Datafolio (~800)
FSAA – Datafolio 2015/2016 Trial Administration Participants: 29 Districts 55 Schools 61 Teachers 88 Students
Datafolio Feedback Utilization Assessment Resource Planning Guide for IEP Teams Activity Choice Differentiation Guide Broadened examples in Blueprint & Activity Choices Reduced the number of required standards from five to three Increase training length/breadth Increased length of collection period windows Added Level of Assistance (Non-Engagement)
2017 FSAA FSAA-Datafolio Overview Eligible students are those students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who typically do not have a formal mode of communication and are working at pre-academic levels. Designed to show student progress on a continuum of access toward academic content rather than mastery of academic content
2017 FSAA FSAA-Datafolio Overview For students being assessed via Datafolio, teachers submit student work samples across three collection periods throughout the school year Samples are teacher-developed from typical classroom activities/tasks that are aligned to Access Point Standards Student evidence from all three collection periods is submitted by the teacher via an online system and independently scored to determine the student’s progress
FSAA – Datafolio Participation Checklist New for 2016/17 FSAA – Datafolio Participation Checklist
Assessment Participation Checklist Who should be assessed with the FSAA? Individual IEP teams are responsible for determining whether students with disabilities will be assessed through administration of the general statewide standardized assessment or the FSAA IEP teams will use the Assessment Participation Checklist to make this determination We will now discuss participation guidelines for the Florida Standards Alternate Assessment. Who should be assessed with the FSAA? A student's Individual Educational Plan team, is responsible for determining if a student will be assessed with the Florida Standards Alternate Assessment. The IEP team should consider the student’s present level of educational performance. IEP teams should use the questions in the Assessment Participation Checklist to determine if the Florida Standards Alternate Assessment is appropriate for the student. The IEP team should also be knowledgeable of appropriate testing accommodations. Remember: parents must provide signed consent to have their student instructed in Access Points and assessed using the Florida Standards Alternate Assessment For questions on participation criteria, contact your district’s alternate assessment coordinator.
Assessment Participation Checklist The IEP team should use these 3 questions to determine if the Florida Standards Alternate Assessment is appropriate for the student. All 3 questions MUST be answered YES for the Florida Alternate Assessment to be an appropriate meaningful evaluation of the student.
Assessment Participation Checklist
Assessment Participation Checklist
Assessment Participation Checklist
FSAA Assessment Planning Resource Guide
2017 Mode of Administration 2017 FSAA-PT will be administered in a paper-based format only Teacher will continue to record student responses in the Test Booklet and enter the responses online following administration
2017 FSAA-PT – What’s New? Civics US History Content changes Social Studies End of Course Exams Grade 7 Civics High School US History Operational field in 2017 Students take the test based upon completion of the course
Contents Assessed X Grade Level ELA Math Science ELA 1 ELA 2 Algebra 1 Grade Level ELA Math Science ELA 1 ELA 2 Algebra 1 End of Course Geometry Biology 1 Civics US History 3 X 4 5 6 7 8 High School Highlights: Addition of SS – all content FT in 2017 Civics as grade 7 assessment – although on occasion may have students in 6 and 8 assessed Change in HS ELA – ELA 1 and ELA 2 to avoid linking to a specific grade. Grade 9 students will take the ELA 1 assessment and Grade 10 students will take the ELA 2 assessment.
Heidi Metcalf heidi.metcalf@fldoe.org (850)245-0475