Word of the Day Pragmatic (adjective)- dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way, sensible, practical Write the word of the day and definition in your journal. Then, come up with an antonym. Finally, think of someone you know in real life or from a book, movie, or tv show who embodies this word.
Characterization Figurative Language Record examples of figurative language in the text. (Imagery, similes, metaphors, etc) Record quotes that help to illustrate the characters. How does the character change from the beginning to end of the story? Analyze the figurative language to determine the tone of the story. Change in Character Tone Theme Statement Resolutions Conflicts Quotes related to theme Record types of conflicts in the story and describe how they appear. Record quotes that help demonstrate possible themes. How are the conflicts resolved in the story? Write a sentence that expresses the theme of the story. Use your quotes to figure it out!
Tone: the writer's/speaker’s attitude toward his/her subject. Tone is found through: 1. Figurative Language: a tool that an author uses to help a reader visualize what is happening in his or her literary work 2. Diction: an author’s choice of words. 3. Denotative/Connotative Language: denotation is the literal meaning of a word. Connotation involves a cultural or emotional feeling associated with a word.
Tone Words Afraid Fanciful Restrained Allusive Frivolous Sad Angry Giddy Sarcastic Apologetic Happy Seductive Audacious Hollow Sentimental Benevolent Horrific Sharp Bitter Humorous Shocking Boring Irrelevant Silly Candid Joking Somber Childish Joyful Sweet Cold Lugubrious Sympathetic Complimentary Mocking Tired Condescending Nostalgic Upset Confused Objective Urgent Contemptuous Peaceful Vexed Detached Pitiful Vibrant Didactic Poignant Zealous Dramatic Proud Dreamy Provocative
I never said she took my money. Practice finding the tone: Try saying the above sentence with emphasis on a different word each time. You can see the tone and meaning change as you read it. Here are some tones that the sentence conveys: Sarcastic Defensive Accusatory
Word of the Day Cynical (adjective): distrustful of human sincerity or integrity Write the word of the day and definition in your journal. Then, come up with an antonym. Finally, what do you think would cause someone to become cynical?
Finding literary elements in poetry Look for characterization, tone, and theme Mother to Son Poem by Langston Hughes
Class Literary Analysis Paragraph What message do you think the speaker in "Mother to Son" and the narrator of "Rights to the Streets of Memphis" are trying to convey? Support your answer with evidence from both texts.
Group Literary Analysis Paragraph What is one similarity between the mother in “The Rights to the Streets of Memphis” and the mother in “Mother to Son”? Support your answer with evidence from both texts.