ENGINEERING PLUMBING AND SANITATION Fluid Mechanics in Working of Plumbing and Sanitation
HIDROSTATIS PRESSURE Gambar 2.1 Tekanan hidrostatis h ρ A If a cross-area basin A contained fluid as high as h with specific mass hence, all contents of the basin will depress basin base Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Level of compressive force is experienced by basin base because fluid gravity in every set of wide called as dividing valve Hidrostatis (= Ph) level can be searched as follows : p = ( dividing valve public formula) Ph = . g . H keterangan : Ph = tekanan hidrostatis dalam N/m2 atau Pa (pascal) 1 Pa =1 N/m2 = massa jenis air dalam kg/m3 g =percepatan gravitasi =9,81 m/dt2 H = tinggi (dalam zat cair m) Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Hydrostatic Principal Law : “ Hydrostatic dividing valve at any point laying in flat to be conspecific of balance in a state of fluid is the same.” Teknologi dan Rekayasa
HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST Gambar 2.2 Uji tekanan hidrostatis C B U T A V h P S Q R h1 (h-h1) Teknologi dan Rekayasa
explanation of Drawing : Fluid P Q R S at vessel depress fluid R S equal to Ph = g h1. This dividing valve will be continued to direction flattened ( Hk. Pascal). One of them is to point of C laid at vertical vessel is upper B. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Menurut uraian I & II maka tekanan hidrostatis total di B ialah: Ph = g h1 + g (h – h1) = g h1 + g h - g h1 Ph = g h. Padahal Ph di A juga sebesar g h jadi (Ph)A = (Ph)B Teknologi dan Rekayasa
DRAWING CONCLUSION Hence proven that hydrostatic dividing valve at any point laying in the same flat though if it is seen at a glance fluid height to A and to unegual B. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Fluid ounce in a state of keeping quiet ( Static) Experiment : a tube containing of water which is part of sequentially side made hole direction in vertical. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
At lowermost aperture shines water with long distance compared to both of water apertures its above. While top of most water aperture transmits the shortest water aparted it Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Water internal pressure will increase along with increasing of depth There by hardly explains that speed of secretory sprinkle is through lowermost aperture Water internal pressure will increase along with increasing of depth Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Piston an air pump is depressed, hence atmosphere in platen would be solid and happened dividing valve Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Atmospheric pressure Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Teknologi dan Rekayasa
How we measure atmospheric pressure? Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Teknologi dan Rekayasa
HEAD LOSS IN INSTALLATION Head loss is pressure difference between silent state internal pressures and state internal pressure flows. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
- Silent state internal pressure is static pressure a fluid in a state of keeping quiet. - All of water apertures which have the same elevation will get the same dividing valve big also. -Level of water pressure in a state of keeping quiet depend on high difference. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Teknologi dan Rekayasa
FINISH Teknologi dan Rekayasa