WP3 Communication, Stakeholder Engagement and Knowledge Transfer Sara Garavelli, Trust-IT Services BlueBRIDGE Outreach Manager s.garavelli@trust-itservices.com @saragaravelli BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting 12 January 2017 Brussels, Belgium
BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting Outline WP3 Overview WP3 Objectives Results from Outreach & Impact (Task 3.1) Results from stakeholder Engagement and Events (Task 3.2) Results from Best Practices & Socio-economic Impact (Task 3.3) Results from Knowledge Transfer (Task 3.4) KPIs Conclusions Plans for the next 6 months BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting
BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting WP3 Overview 4 Tasks 56 PMs 7 partners involved [TRUST-IT, CNR, UOA, FAO, I2S, CITE, PMbret] 7 Deliverables 5 Milestones T3.1 Communication and outreach T3.2 Stakeholder Engagement and Events T.3.3 Best Practices & Socio-economic Impact T3.4 Knowledge Transfer M1 M5 M9 M10 M12 M15 M18 M27 M28 M30 D3.1 Comm. & Stakeholder Engagement plan D3.2 Best practices: Interim report D3.3 Training & Knowledge Transfer: Interim report D3.4 Comm. & Stakeholder Engagement: Interim report D3.5 Best Practices & Socio-economic impact: Final report D3.6 Comm. & Stakeholder Engagement: Final report D3.7 Training & Knowledge Transfer: Final Report MS2 BlueBRIDGE Web Portal MS12 eTraining web section & Training programme delivery MS20 Stakeholder Engagement workshop MS27 Stakeholder Engagement workshop MS10 Stakeholder Engagement workshop 4 Deliverables & 3 Milestones achieved in the reporting period BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting
BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting WP3 Objectives Blue Growth D3.1 Comm. & Stakeholder Engagement plan T3.1 Raising awareness of BlueBRIDGE results & its offer among key stakeholders Creating an international, multi-disciplinary community interested in uptake of BlueBRIDGE services eInfra & ICT Education BlueBRIDGE Stakeholders Building strategic alliances in Europe & globally Training target users on usage & benefits of BlueBRIDGE solutions Creating best practices for BlueBRIDGE knowledge transfer Educating stakeholders on different challenges surrounding BlueBRIDGE and the impact they could have on society at large 6 strategic objectives to raise awareness on BlueBRIDGE outcomes and to ensure uptake of BlueBRIDGE tools & services among key stakeholders, in the 3 focus thematic domains BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting
Results from Outreach & Impact (Task 3.1) ACTIVITIES Implementation of the BlueBRIDGE website (www.bluebridge-vres.eu) RESULTS 11,615 views 9 newsletters delivered to 1000+ stakeholders Reaching for international audiences, by means of 60 news, 9 interviews, 28 presentations, 9 newsletters, 2 articles, 2 reports, 1 survey, 2 use cases, 6 scientific papers Targeted promotional material produced bearing in mind target stakeholders Effective branding awareness creation (4 fliers, 5 posters, 2 pop up banners, giveaways) MS2 BlueBRIDGE Web Portal D3.4 Comm. & Stakeholder Engagement: Interim report Timely information provided to target stakeholders BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting
Results from Outreach & Impact (Task 3.1) ACTIVITIES RESULTS An online community of 1,200+ relevant, engaged stakeholders 17 press clippings on aquaculture, fisheries & research sector channels Consolidated synergies with 20 EU initiatives, projects, public bodies Active engagement of stakeholders on social networks 33 Facebook posts 980 tweets 5 Linkedin posts 28 ppts on Slideshare 28 Google+ post 973 retweets & 664 Likes! Outreach to target stakeholders through press & media 4 press releases 2 articles Liaisons with Blue Growth & eInfra sectors EGI-Engage Attica prefecture D3.4 Comm. & Stakeholder Engagement: Interim report The specific communication activities ensured a growing, engaged community of relevant stakeholders BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting
Results from stakeholder Engagement and Events (Task 3.2) ACTIVITIES EU Maritime Day, 18 May 2016, Turku, Finland RESULTS Around 100 relevant stakeholders engaged through the 4 BlueBRIDGE workshops 1 expression of interest from 1 SME and ongoing discussion with 4 aquafarming SMEs Engagement of the most relevant representatives of the VREs and Blue Growth sector communities Over 200 responses collected via the BlueBRIDGE online survey 40 participants; VREs recognised as future approach to address Blue Growth challenges. Annual ICES Science Conf., 21 Sept 2016, Riga, Latvia 15 participants; engagement of the ICES stock assess. WGs; feedback on the stock assessment VRE. VREs for the Open Science Cloud, 30 Sept 2016, Krakow, Poland 50 participants; engagement of the H2020 VRE projects; consensus on the BlueBRIDGE technological approach How BlueBRIDGE data management services can support the marine & maritime sector, 13 Oct 2016, Brest, France 16 participants; announcement of the call for SMEs; 1 expression of interest from 1 SME + participation to over 30 external events + dissemination of the BlueBRIDGE survey to collect feedback on current data challenges & the BlueBRIDGE offer MS10 Stakeholder Engagement workshop D3.4 Comm. & Stakeholder Engagement: Interim report 4 major workshops + participation to 30 external events, with overall excellent results in terms of engagement BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting
Results from Best Practices & Socio-economic Impact (T3.3) ACTIVITIES RESULTS 1 Best Practices Interim Report setting the scene for the final deliverable D3.5 Best Practices & Socio-economic Impact (M27) Description of the current challenges and existing best practices within the 4 BlueBRIDGE pillars Best practices definition and explanation of how BlueBRIDGE will benefit from them Definition of the methodology that will be adopted to identify and document best practices First consultation with the Pillar Managers CHALLENGES find or produce quality data & robust models to estimate biological parameters; data access limitations; computing capacity limitations; data-poor stocks; Etc. BEST PRACTICES Common, open, formats for the exchange of data among stakeholders or / and processes; Common APIs for interoperability of services; Etc. D3.2 Best Practices: Interim report Defined a methodology to document and share best practices with users from the Blue Growth sector and beyond BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting
Results from Knowledge Transfer (T3.4) ACTIVITIES SMEs Blue Growth & Research Sector RESULTS Over 280 Blue Growth and research sectors stakeholders educated on the benefits of adopting the BlueBRIDGE services Over 60 private companies engaged through the BlueBRIDGE survey; 1 expression of interest for the call for SMEs Creation of the right messaging to engage SMEs Engagement of the PMBret network (online survey + f2f meetings + SeaTech Week workshop) Enagegement of greek aquafarms (f2f meetings) Set the basis for a larger engagement: Launch of the call for SMEs WP8 training courses (See D8.1). Main topics: Stock assess.; Design and Analysis; Ecological /ecosystem modeling tools; EwE; eInfras & VREs; R; etc. 7 f2f knowledge transfer workshops MS12 eTraining web section & Training programme delivery Creation of the demo «Analysis of a species distribution» Set up of an eTraining web section http://bit.ly/2hsFt72 D3.3 Training & Knowledge Transfer: Interim report Effective training & knowledge transfer activities, onboarding potential target users BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting
WP3 Key Performance Indicators Name KPI Target EoP Achieved M15 Produce a detailed Comm. & Diss. Strategy Plan for the project duration 2 Average monthly visits to BlueBRIDGE web platform 500 800 Twitter Followers 400 426 Linkedin Connections 1118 Slideshare ppts 40 28 Google+ contacts 50 12 Generation of 50 press clippings 17 Dissemination of promotional material at events 8 fliers; 5 posters; 2 pop up banners; 1 catalogue of services at 20 events 4 fliers 5 posters 2 pop up banners 33 events Webinars 1 Name KPI Target EoP Achieved M15 Videos 2 Scientific papers 30 (of which 20 OA) 10 scientific papers 4 OA publications 5 different scientific journals 1 section on the web platform Monthly newsletters 30 9 newsletters (opening rate 22%) Workshops 3 workshops (40 participants each) 4 BlueBRIDGE workshops 100 relevant stakeholder engaged Set up eTraining section 1 with at least 10% of the overall visits to the website 1 with 1% of the overall visits to the website Profiled database 1000 contacts 1650 contacts Practical guides/manuals 4 f2f training events 2 f2f (30 pax) 9 f2f WP3 training & knowledge transfer event Over 300 potential users engaged All End-of-Project WP3 KPIs related to community engagement have already been achieved in M15! BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting
BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting WP3: Conclusions (M1-M15) Stakeholders provided with timely & quality information on the BlueBRIDGE project results and its offer Effective stakeholder engagement & a growing community established, showing relevance of BlueBRIDGE This paves the way for an even more impactful second period Laid the basis of a multiplier effect by educating potential end-users, including SMEs The basis for an efficient best practices identification have been set At the end of the first reporting period, many of the end-of-project KPIs have already been achieved Concrete communication and knowledge transfer milestones have been achieved for an even more ambitious second period BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting
WP3 Plans for next 6 Months Outreach & Impact Stakeholder Eng. & Events Best Practices Knowledge Transfer JAN-17 Use Case booklet Documenting Collaborations Targeted communication (incl. animated video) Preparation of the catalogue of VREs/Services 11th Jan Workshop; focus: Policy Makers, eInfras, Blue Growth 3rd April Workshop; focus: RDA community Documenting new practices Interviews with VRE managers on the description of the new solutions Summary of pros /cons of the new solutions Call for SMEs (Jan-March 2017) Knowledge transfer workshops for the research sector (Datathon) 1 webinar WP8 courses eTraining material FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUN-17 D3.4 Comm. & Stakeholder Engagement: Interim report Activities will focus on services & use cases to reinforce the benefits of BlueBRIDGE to target stakeholders, making sure their specific needs are addressed BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting
BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting Thank you www.bluebridge-vres.eu @BlueBridgeVREs Sara Garavelli, Trust-IT Services BlueBRIDGE Outreach Manager BlueBRIDGE 1st Review Meeting