Delaware Valley HS Library Orientation Welcome to the Library!
What will be covered? Library staff Hours Library and computer rules Checkout, renewals, and overdue books Tech information Navigating the library Using “call numbers” to find a book Accessing the library catalog
Library Staff Mrs. Anderson Librarian Mrs. Morley Library Assistant
Library Hours Monday – Thursday 7:50am – 4:20pm Friday 7:50am – 2:38pm
General Library Use Before school - No pass needed – you do not need to sign in No late passes With a class - No pass needed – you do not need to sign in During a class - Must have a pass – you must sign in and out During lunch - Must have a pass from the library or a teacher – you must sign in and out No late passes After school - Must have an after-school pass from the teacher who assigned the research - you must sign in and out
Library Rules All Student Handbook rules apply. No food, drinks, candy, and gum Cell phones should not be visible at any time. Ipods and/or ear buds are not permitted without permission. All purses and bags of any type are to be left in the cubbies by the door. Students are expected to be courteous, quiet and respectful at all times!
Computer Rules Computers are for educational use only. Games are not permitted at any time. You may email work to yourself or retrieve an email you sent to yourself only. Students must follow all computer usage guidelines located in the student handbook.
Book Checkout 3 book maximum for checkouts (includes magazines) Current month magazines may not be checked out. Length for checkouts: 2 weeks Books may be renewed twice unless there is a hold on the book Reference books are not checked out Students are responsible for all items signed out in their name.
Overdue Books and Fines A fine of 10 cents per day will be charged for overdue books and magazines. A fine of 25 cents per day will be charged for interlibrary loan books. If you have an overdue book or magazine, you will not be allowed to check out anymore items until the overdue book is returned and library fines are paid.
Lost or Damaged Books Please treat our books with care and respect. Students will be required to pay for the cost of lost or damaged books.
Overdue Notices Distributed in your homeroom every two weeks Read it carefully – Is your book late? Or do you just owe a fine for returning it late? Do not ignore
Tech Miscellanea Save all your work to “My Documents” Make a Gmail email account to send documents back and forth to yourself. Students do not need to ask to print Remember to LOG OFF when you leave!
Navigating the Library Our Collection Fiction Non-fiction Reference ebooks Biography Short Stories Bestsellers Magazines/Newspapers Graphic novels/Manga
Navigating the Library Call Numbers Each book’s Call Number is the address of that book in the library. Call numbers are made up of the Dewey Decimal Number for that subject plus the first three letters of the author’s last name. All books about a particular subject will have the same Dewey Decimal Number, but the author’s initials may vary. Books in the library are arranged on the shelves from 000-999. Those with the same Dewey Decimal Number are then arranged alphabetically by the author’s last name.
Navigating the Library Nonfiction Arranged in the library using the Dewey Decimal System 000 Generalities 100 Philosophy and Psychology 200 Religion 300 Social Sciences 400 Language 500 Natural Science and Mathematics 600 Technology 700 Arts 800 Literature 900 Geography and History
Using Call Numbers to Find a Book NON-FICTION is shelved by the Dewey Number & the first three letters of the author’s last name 302 GLA 791.64 VAL
Navigating the Library Biography BIOGRAPHIES all have the same Dewey Decimal Number - 92 They are arranged on the shelves according to the first three letters of the last name of the person they are about, not by the author’s last name. Here are a few titles of biographies and their call numbers: Michael Jordan 92 JOR Barack Obama 92 OBA Walt Disney 92 DIS Oprah Winfrey 92 WIN
Navigating the Library Collective Biography COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHIES are books containing biographies of several people, 920 is the Dewey Decimal Number. Here are a few titles of collective biographies and their call numbers: The Beatles: tens years that shook the world 920 BEA The literary 100 : a ranking of the most influential novelists, playwrights, and poets of all time 920 BUR
Using Call Numbers to Find a Book BIOGRAPHIES are a sub-group of non-fiction. They are shelved by the first three letters of the last name of the person the biography is written about. 92 WAS 920 BEA
Navigating the Library Fiction FICTION books are arranged on the shelves by the first three letters of the author’s last name. If there are several books by the same author, they are then placed alphabetically by the title of the book.
Using Call Numbers to Find a Book FICTION is shelved by the first three letters of the author’s last name F COL PB F STR
Using Call Numbers to Find a Book REFERENCE is shelved by a capital R, the Dewey Number and then the first three letters of the author’s last name. R 781.640 POP R 920 GRE
Accessing the Library Catalog At school: click on the DVHS Destiny icon on the desk top. At home: the url is
See you at the library!