PHED 1111: Physical Education Spring 2012 Section Name: Maram M. Al-Hussain ID:200800864 Major: Management Information system Assignment: Nutrition Analysis (30%)
Assessment Rubric Criteria Assessment Rubric For Nutrition Analysis Scores Daily Diet Record – day 1 Include food types, amounts, calories, food servings, and estimated meal calorie %. Include a Word document page showing your calculations for % proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for each meal (worth 6/14%) 14% Chart 1 Use your answers from your Daily Diet Records to answer the 19 questions 3% Chart 2 Use your answers from Chart 1 to complete this chart 1% Conclusions and Implications Answer typed. Using your results from this lab discuss your diet. Mention the % of food types you eat from the 4 main food groups. Compare your % values with the recommended % values. What diet changes should you make? Are you eating enough calories? (completely fill in the box – use 10 font, 1 line spacing) 12% TOTAL 30% Criteria Assessment Rubric for Selecting Nutritious Foods SCORES Favorite versus Nutritious Food Choices Include food names (not food numbers), calories, protein calories, carbohydrate calories, fat calories, and total calories 16% Food Selection Results Use your answers from the Favorite Versus Nutritious Food Choices Table to calculate the various calories % 4% Conclusions and Implications Discuss the differences between your nutritious diet and your favorite diet (mention food servings and % values). Discuss how you designed your nutritious diet (mention your ideal calorie number, food servings, % values). (completely fill in the box – use 10 font, 1 line spacing) 10% TOTAL 30%
Orange juice Corn flakes Wheat toast Apple Cream cheese 1 cup 1 bowl 1 slice 1 piece 1 spoon 114 97 67 96 52 8 16 76 40= 100% 2 2 1 426 100 Broiled fish Vegetable soup Mexican rice Small salad Apple juice 1 piece 1 bowl 1 plain 1 cup 228 160 213 37 117 16 58 54= 100% 755 1 3 1 1 100 Whole milk Corn Small salad Banana Corn flakes 1 cup 1 ear 1 plain 1 piece 1 bowl 159 70 37 101 97 13 20 66 99=100% 464 1 3 3 100 Gelatin Apple juice Yogurt Grapefruit Ice cream 1 plain 1 cup 1 piece 1 bowl 70 117 227 40 257 8 27 63 98=100% 100 711 3 1 1 11.25 21.75 65.75 2356 98.75% = 100%
1 day 16492 1. Compare your food servings with the recommended servings for the 4 main food groups. The first group of food serving is Bread/Cereal, the recommended serving for this group is to eat 6-11 servicing per day, and I am eating 4 serving. So, I need to increase the number of servicing by 2 servicing minimum to reach to recommended servicing. I will add one in dinner and one in snack. The next group of food serving is Fruit/Vegetable, the recommended serving for this group is to eat 3-5 servicing per day for vegetable, and I am eating 4 serving. So, this is good number of servicing. And, the recommended serving for this group is to eat 2-4 servicing per day for Fruit, and I am eating 6 serving. So, I need to decrease the number of servicing by 2 servicing minimum to reach to recommended servicing. I will eat less of fruit in the lunch and dinner. The next group of food serving is Meat/Milk, the recommended serving for this group is to eat 2-3 servicing per day for Meat, and I am eating 1 serving. So, I need to increase the number of serving by 1 to reach the good number, so I will eat more meat in the dinner. And, the recommended serving for this group is to eat 2-3 servicing per day for Milk, and I am eating 4 serving. So, I need to decrease the number of servicing by 1 servicing minimum to reach to recommended servicing. I will drink less of Milk in the snack. The last group of food serving is Fat/Sweet, I am only eating one serving per day. 2. Compare your % values with the recommended % values for protein, carbohydrates, and fats. From the DRI chart values, the % of protein should be between 10%-20%, and I am eating 11.25% that’s good because I am in between. And, the % of the Fat should be between 20%-25%, and I am eating 21.75% that’s also good because I am in between. And, the % of carbohydrate should be between 55%-65%, and I am eating 65.75% that’s look not bad but also not good because I have .75 higher than the chart. So, I need to eat less of carbohydrate. 3. What diet changes should you make? (Mention fiber, types of protein, drinks, types of fat, etc.) From the 1 and 2 questions, I need to increase the number of serving in Bread/Cereal by 2 serving, and the number of meat by 1 serving. Also, I need to decrease the number of serving in fruit by 2 serving, and the number of milk by 1 serving. 4. Are you eating enough calories? How many calories should you be consuming daily? (see I am 20 female the number I have it from the link is 2356 and the number I used do it is 2000 calories , So, I need to decrease this number
33 10 226 864 357 99% 15% 59% 25% 1713 55 1038 33 98% Discuss the differences between your nutritious diet and your favorite diet. There are several differences between my nutritious and my favorite diet. My favorite diet contains most not healthy serving food but the nutritious diet contains the four main group of food serving. Also, my favorite diet does not follow the number of serving for each type of food serving, it randomly chooses, but my nutritious has certain of number food serving for each type. Also, my nutritious follow the right percentage of proteins, carbohydrates, and fat as the chart. 2. Discuss how you designed your nutritious diet (mention your ideal calorie number). To make a schedule to your healthy food it is easy but it is difficult to follow this schedule. For example, the first week you might have discovered that when you cut out sodas you end up snacking less between meals. The next week, perhaps you found that eating on smaller plates helps you feel satisfied with less at meal times. And last week, maybe you realized that you eat more vegetables when you cook more of your meals from scratch