Pre-Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Unit 8: Spring is in the Air ET = explicit teaching, P = practice, R = revisit Alphabet Knowledge Learning the Alphabet - focus on letter names and shapes ET - recognition of own written first name P - identification of letters in first name - identification of letters in last name - introduction to letter sounds - identification of some letters of the alphabet - association of letters with their shapes and sounds - identification of all uppercase letters of the alphabet - matching upper- and lowercase letters - identification of all lowercase letters of the alphabet - distinguish between capital and lowercase letters - letter/sound correspondence for use in decoding words **Grey highlighting indicates that this is the first time a skill is being introduced.** Yellow highlighting indicates that skill has shifted from Explicit Teaching to Practice. Pink Highlighting indicates that skill has shifted to Revisit.
Pre-Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Unit 8: Spring is in the Air ET = explicit teaching, P = practice, R = revisit Writing Letter Writing Knowledge - correct use of writing tools R - uppercase letters taught as letters ET - lowercase letters introduced - sounds in words are represented by letters of the alphabet - write left to right, top to bottom and front to back - capitalization and punctuation Writing for Composing - an understanding that print conveys meaning - use of pictures, talk or words for thinking about and planning writing p - use of pictures to convey meaning - use combination of dictation and drawing to tell story - use combination of dictation and drawing to explain information - dictation of words, phrases, ideas - dictate words to express preference or opinion P - use of letters to form words to convey meaning Writing in a Variety of Forms - writing has different purposes - there is more than one form/genre of writing Writing Clearly and Effectively - selecting a topic - organization of writing around one topic - use of a variety of words
Pre-Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Unit 8: Spring is in the Air ET = explicit teaching, P = practice, R = revisit Print Awareness Concepts of Print - discrimination between drawings/pictures and writing/print in books R - connection between oral language and print - print carries meaning - proper use and care of books P - print runs from left to right and top to bottom - books are read right side up - identification of front, back and title page of book - name the author and illustrator with prompts - define role of author and illustrator with prompts - pages in book are turned in sequence from right to left, front to back - beginning awareness of sound/symbol correspondence ET - letters form words - words are separated by spaces - counting of words in sentences Recognition of Letters and Words - awareness of letters - letters and numbers are different - recognition of environmental print - recognition of first name - recognition of last name - recognition of simple sight words Text Forms - different text forms are used for different functions - recognition of common types of texts (poetry, storybooks. Etc.) Conventions of Print - appropriate use of capitalization **Grey highlighting indicates that this is the first time a skill is being introduced.** Yellow highlighting indicates that skill has shifted from Explicit Teaching to Practice. Pink Highlighting indicates that skill has shifted to Revisit.
Pre-Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Unit 8: Spring is in the Air ET = explicit teaching, P = practice, R = revisit Phonemic Awareness Listening -attention to sounds in the environment and in speech P -discrimination of sounds in the environment and in speech Rhyme/Alliteration/Assonance - identification of oral rhymes - production of oral rhymes - listening for beginning sounds - production of words with same beginning sounds - isolation of beginning sounds ET Oddity Tasks (chooses odd one out in groups of 3 or more) - rhyme - beginning consonants Oral Blending - syllables - onset/rime Oral Segmentation - clap words in a sentence - phoneme by phoneme **Grey highlighting indicates that this is the first time a skill is being introduced.** Yellow highlighting indicates that skill has shifted from Explicit Teaching to Practice. Pink Highlighting indicates that skill has shifted to Revisit.
Pre-Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Unit 8: Spring is in the Air ET = explicit teaching, P = practice, R = revisit Comprehension Making Connections - making connections using illustrations/photos P - making connections using prior knowledge and real life experience - noting details Inferencing - predictions using pictures and text features - predictions using background knowledge - characteristics of poetry - facts and opinions - cause and effect - generalizations - conclusions ET Synthesizing - bringing information about story together - act out characters and events in stories - characters in stories - recognition of story structure: characters, setting - respond to a regular beat in poetry and song by movement and clapping - the meaning of the story - recognition of story structure: beginning, middle and end - determining cause and effect - comparing and contrasting - classify and categorize - develop conceptual understanding of new words R - identifying sequence of events - summarize - retell story Asking and Answering Questions - a story or poem read aloud - informational texts read aloud - anything not understood - story meaning - author's purpose - unknown words in text - fantasy and reality **Grey highlighting indicates that this is the first time a skill is being introduced.** Yellow highlighting indicates that skill has shifted from Explicit Teaching to Practice. Pink Highlighting indicates that skill has shifted to Revisit.
Pre-Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Unit 8: Spring is in the Air ET = explicit teaching, P = practice, R = revisit Oral Language Listening - attentive listening by facing the speaker and maintaining eye contact R - following one step directions - listening for rhymes P - deriving meaning from non-verbal cues - following two and three step directions - listening to and engaging in sustained conversations - responses to questions Speaking - participation in group discussions - understanding ideas expressed by others - understanding and use of question words - understanding and use of frequently occuring prepositions - logical self expression - use of appropriate volume when speaking - recitation of short poems from memory - speaking in complete sentences - increased vocabulary while interacting with environment ET - increased use of action verbs - use of regular plural nouns - increased use of descriptive words to communicate ideas - use of vocabulary specific to book reading experience - apply words learned in classroom activities to real life - use of vocabulary acquired through conversations, activities, play - fluent verbalization of ideas - identify and apply new meanings for familiar words - explore word relationships and nuances of meaning - grammatical sentences - speaking in large groups/small groups and formal/informal settings - recall of main idea of an oral activity - recall of the sequence of an oral activity - expression of feelings about self and others in socially acceptable ways - describe personal experiences; tell real or imagined stories - create representations of experiences or stories and explain to others - engage in imitative reading at an appropriate rate - recite nursery rhymes, poems and finger plays with expression - listen actively to a variety of age appropriate texts - use vocabulary to express concepts related to length, area, weight, capacity, volume **Grey highlighting indicates that this is the first time a skill is being introduced.** Yellow highlighting indicates that skill has shifted from Explicit Teaching to Practice. Pink Highlighting indicates that skill has shifted to Revisit.