From Art to Store Commitment in motion Rashmi Sawant- Culture Aangan
About Culture Aangan 2005: Founded 2008: Developed 15 home stays and 30 rural activities, including the Pinguli Tribal Art complex in Sindhdugrh District, Maharashtra 2010: Awarded the Konkan Ratna as recognition for work done in the Konkan region 2011: Featured in Outlook Business as one of the 25 top Social Businesses in India 2013- Awarded the UNDP-GEF project as Tourism Consultant for the Development of Community based Biodiversity Inclusive Plan for Tourism Sector in Sindhudurg Coastal and Marine Ecosystem (SCME), Maharashtra Feb 2014- Received the award for the Most Innovative Community tourism Initiative at the hands of Secretary Tourism- Government of India at a Seminar organized By ASSOCHAM in association with Incredible India and Yes Bank.
Our Theory of Change Indian villages have for centuries been self sustaining units, conscious of their environment and rich cultural heritage Today, with increasing urbanization and unsustainable modes of living, rural India can show us an alternative path We believe this is possible through rural tourism, which, if developed in a responsible manner, will not only sensitize urban people but also generate vital livelihood opportunities for the rural people
The Background-
Location Sindhudurg is an administrative district in the state of Maharashtra in India, which was carved out of the erstwhile Ratnagiri district. It is in the Konkan area of Maharashtra on the west coast of India. Sindhudurg district is situated between Latitudes 15.37 and 16.40 North, and longitudes 73.19 and 74.18 East. It is boarded by the Arabian Sea on the West and Sahyadri hill ranges to the East with a total area of 5,207
The art and artists
The journey so far- Phase 1: Cow shed to puppet museum
Workshop 1- Skill up gradation Phase 2- in partnership with National Institute of Design
Workshop 2- Product design Phase 3- in partnership with National Institute of Design
Dancing with the puppets- Phase 4- Launched the package for visiting tourists- 3N/4 D
Initiation into the art - next generation Phase 5- ongoing workshops in the village
Merchandising Phase 6- From Art to Store
Journey ahead Culture Aangan Store- Online sales To transform the village into a tourism destination involving the villagers To create- Interpretation Centre Audio Visual centre Artists work station Cafeteria managed by self help groups of women Performance areas Village walk Home stays
Phase 7- Tribal Puppet village experience
“when the blood in your veins returns to the sea “when the blood in your veins returns to the sea. And the earth in your bones returns to the ground. perhaps then you will remember that this land does not belong to you. It is you who belongs to this land" a Latin American saying