What’s New in GridPro v6.6
Non orthogonal Intersection Block Visualization Bad Good Non orthogonal Collapsed Block Non orthogonal Intersection Valid Block- Has 2 faces creating a collapsed cell Valid Block- Has faces which are non orthogonal to the surface assigned Valid Block- Has faces which need internal surfaces to guide Valid Topology Block Invalid Topology Block
Error and Quality Groups ERROR Group : A new reference group which store all the corners/blocks/faces/blocks which have validity errors. Bad QFAIL Group: A new reference groups which store all the corners/blocks/faces/blocks which have quality errors Collapsed Block Non orthogonal Non orthogonal Intersection
Toggle Display ErrorError ERROR TOGGLE: Toggles the errors which are highlighted in the topology. Figure 1: In Show mode Figure 2: In hide mode BLOCK TOGGLE: Toggles the block representation Figure 1: In Show mode Figure 2: In hide mode
Label Block/Surfaces PURPOSE: Label a group of surfaces/Blocks. How to use : Group desired surfaces/Blocks Click on Label button in the Groups section. Select the corresponding option. Select from the drop down Menu. Enter the desired label name and click ‘Apply’ These labels can be viewed from the drop down list
A key PURPOSE: A key functionality is now implemented into the GUI as a separate button. Applications : To select a sheet of faces from the given topology Add/Subtract/Intersect a sheet of faces to the existing corner group. How to use(Add + A key) : Switch on the desired corner group Click on Add button first and then A key button Click on the edge closer to the desired sheet of faces to be added to the existing group. Figure 1: A key button
Figure 2: Add a sheet of faces to existing corner group
Figure 1: Workplane handles Enhancement: Workplane handle has been enhanced Indicates the axis of rotation using a smaller ring around the axis. The axis of rotation handle becomes thinner compared to other two axes. Arrows are added to each of the axis at the border of the workplane Figure 1: Workplane handles
Reset button PURPOSE: Resets the values entered in the dialog box. For easier workflow, Reset button has been added to few dialog boxes where it is difficult to modify the manually entered input values. It clears all the manually modified values to the default values. Figure 1: Reset button
Load Template- Advanced Enhancement: Matrix transformation can be used to transform while Loading topology template . How to use : Select the desired topology to be loaded Select the groups to be imported. Enable ‘Matrix form’ check box Enter the desired matrix and click ‘Ok’ to execute Figure 1: Load topology Template dialog box
Figure 2: Current dialog box Wrap Enhancement: Wrap dialog box has been enhanced to simplify the options. Figure 2: Current dialog box Figure 1: Old dialog box
Internal wrap - direction Enhancement: A new direction option is provided to facilitate the direction in which the internal wrap is extruded. Internal wrap, inherits assignments to ensure that the topology stays valid. How to use: Select the desired corner group to be wrapped Enter the desired ratio and click ‘Ok’ If the output has not modified the assignments as expected, then reverse the direction of internal wrap and try again. Figure 1: Internal wrap dialog box
Copy - Inheritance option Enhancement: Copy has a 3 assignment inheritance options to build topology in an intuitive manner, the option to copy with links and without links is retained. How to use : Group the corners to be copied. Open the Copy dialog box. Select the desired ‘Inherit assignments’ option from the drop down. Click on either of two buttons “With Links” and “No Links” to copy. Enabling “Project Corners” projects the corners on to the workplane. Auto: Intuitively decides whether to carry forward the assignments or not. All: Inherits all assignments to the copied corner group None: Does not carry forward the assignments. Figure 1: Copy dialog box
Figure 2: Output of different Copy options Note: Copy ‘Auto’ option, transfers surface assignments to the new parallel face, but the assignments of perpendicular surfaces will be inherited . The auto inheritance focus on keeping the topology in a valid state.
Figure 3: Copy Auto With reference to the previous slide, note the assignments of the current surface is inherited to the newly copied face.
Update Density while Gridding PURPOSE: Updates the density of the modified edges while running the grid generation process. It is now included under density dialog box for easier workflow. Figure 1: Reset button Ggrid Menu If checked, it automatically updates the density while running the grid generation process.
Figure 1: Grid Schedule dialog box Ggrid Schedule Enhancement: Ggrid Schedule dialog box is enhanced to include all the available options under ggrid. Once the start button is clicked, a dialog box pops up as shown in the figure. Figure 1: Grid Schedule dialog box
Generate partial grids PURPOSE: Generates grid for a given group. Conditions: given topology group should contain valid blocks and surface assignments. To generate grid for a corner group, all two sided surfaces are automatically converted on the boundary faces of the given group to one sided ensure the input is valid. Figure : Running Ggrid on a corner group
Generate partial grids How to use: Load a valid topology. Group the desired corners on which the gridding process has to be run. Click on Start button and select the corner group in which the corners are grouped. Click on the validity button next to the drop down to check the validity of the given group. 5. If it is valid, Click ‘Ok’ to run the gridding process on the corner group. By default, the input group is set to default. If it is changed, the validity button next to it gets enabled, which helps in finding out whether the given group is valid or not.
Advance Grid scheduler PURPOSE: Generates schedule file which controls the grid generation process. It is a UI version of the schedule file editor explained in Appendix C of the WS_GUI_Manual How to use: Load a valid topology whose grid has to be generated Click on Start to start the grid generation process. Click on the Advance Schedule to open the editor. A tabular form dialog box opens as shown in the figure. Figure 1: Advance Schedule
Overall it runs for 4200 sweeps. step1 : Sets the density to half of the input densities and runs it for 100 sweeps & writes the grid. step 2-5: Runs it for 2000 sweeps in total and writes every 500 sweeps. step 6: Sets the density to full and runs it for 100 sweeps & writes the grid. step 7-10: Runs it for 2000 sweeps in total and writes every 500 sweeps. Overall it runs for 4200 sweeps. Figure 2: Advance Schedule - UI Figure 3: Advance Schedule - TEXT
Boundary layer Clustering PURPOSE: Creates boundary layer clustering for the given surfaces How to use: Load the grid to be clustered Select the grid file name in the pop up Click on the CLU button to set the clustering for desired surfaces Enter the necessary inputs and click on ‘Set parameters’ Click ‘Ok’ to run the set parameters. The output grid will automatically load into the UI. Before CLU After CLU Figure 1: Before and After CLU
Figure 2: Clustering button Figure 3: Clustering Dialog box
Extrude Block Faces PURPOSE: Extrudes the given faces of a grid linearly in the normal direction Figure 1: Extrude button
How to use: Load the grid to be extruded Select the grid file name in the pop up Select the mode using which the parameters has to be input, ‘property id’ or ‘surface id’. Enter the necessary inputs and click on ‘Ok’ Enter the output file name and click ‘Apply’. The output grid will automatically load into the UI. The given input faces are extruded one after the other and outputs the final grid. *Property id can be found in the *.pty file *Surface id can be found in the Show/Hide grid sheet section. Note that the surface id is not exactly the surface id. It is surface grid sheet id which is always n+1 surface id. Figure 2: Extrude Dialog box
Merge blocks/grids PURPOSE: Merges the blocks in the given grid to reduce the total no. of blocks in the grid Merges two different grids into one by welding them at the command interface Figure 1: Merge dialog box Figure 2: Merge blocks within a grid
How to use: Load the grid/s to be merged Select the grid file name/s in the pop up Click ‘Apply’ to merge the blocks/grids together. *User-defined output file name capability will be added soon. For now, it takes the default name mentioned in the dialog box. Figure 3: Merge two grids
gp_utilities trim_grid_blocks -ifn blk.tmp -s 4 5 6 -p trim_grid PURPOSE: Splits the given grid into many grids based on the input surface grid sheet id’s. Surface sheet id’s must be an internal grid sheet. How to use: Load the grid Note down the surface id’s of the internal grid sheets at which the grid has to be split. It can be noted down from the show/hide section of the Grid tab. FacesInternal has to be executed first to figure out the id’s. Run the following syntax to output the split grids “gp_utilities trim_grid_blocks -ifn <grid file> -s <s1> <s2> ... <sn> -p <prefix>” gp_utilities trim_grid_blocks -ifn blk.tmp -s 4 5 6 -p trim_grid Figure 1: Before and after splitting the grids
Node PURPOSE: Moves the grid node to a desired location similar to moving a corner in a topology. It helps in tweaking the quality of the grid. Figure 1: Before and after tweaking the grid nodes
How to use: Load the grid Create a cross sectional grid sheet whose grid nodes have to be moved Click on the Node button. Once clicked, it highlights all the grid points It keeps track of all the nodes which are moved. Users can undo any node movement by selecting the desired node from the list. Figure 2: Node dialog box
Measure distance/Spacing Enhancement: Output of spacing is displayed next to the highlighted line instead of a popup How to use: Click on Spacing button Select two grid nodes whose distance has to be measured. Figure 1: Spacing
Quality - bad blocks Enhancement: Bad blocks are highlighted with thicker red lines when the advanced quality check is done. How to use: Click on Quality button and switch to Advanced tab. Enter the desired input and click on ‘Load bad cells’ button. Figure 1: Spacing
Quality - Orientation Enhancement: Quality check can now find out the left handed orientation blocks in the GUI and modify it to right handed. How to use: Load the grid Click on quality button and enable ‘Check block orientation’ option. Click on Evaluate button. If there are left handed blocks, it pops out a dialog box to modify them to right handed blocks. Figure 1: Check block orientation
Save pty file PURPOSE: Saves the pty file of the given grid with a user-defined name. Can save steps for user generating a series of Grids How to use: Load a grid Go to SaveGridGrid property file. Enter the desired output file name in the dialog box. Figure 1: Save pty file
Import/Export - 2D Iges PURPOSE: Export the triangulated mesh of ana Iges or Step file as a 2D linear file. How to use: Load a CAD geometry in STP or IGES format. Generate the triangulation on the geometry using Mesh button. Select ‘2D Linear’ from the Export drop down list under Mesh button. Applications: Extract a 2D profile of a 3D geometry for 2D CFD analysis. Figure 1: Export options
Export - GridPro PURPOSE: Export and load the triangulated mesh directly into the GUI as GridPro surfaces, for topology building. How to use: Load a CAD geometry in STP or IGES format. Generate the triangulation on the geometry using Mesh button. Select ‘Load as surface’ from the Export drop down list under Mesh button. It reduces the user effort by automatically exporting the mesh to tria format and load it into the GUI in a single step. Figure 1: Export options
Figure 1: Export formats Export Grid-KIVA PURPOSE: Support for KIVA format starts from V6.6 How to use : FileExportGridKIVA Figure 1: Export formats
Export Grid-Higher Order PURPOSE: Support for CGNS higher order element starts from V6.6 How to use : FileExportGridCGNS Higher order Choose the desired higher order from the drop down. Where 2 represents quadratic elements, 3 - Cubic elements and 4 - Quartic elements Note: You can also use command line tool, change_format to export the grid to CGNS higher order elements. Please refer section 6 in GridPro_Utilities_Manual v1.6. Figure 1: Export formats
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