Social Studies Grade 8 – Ms. Dina Coppes
The Big Apple
Essential Question: What is the meaning of history? Semester 1 Semester 2 Intro to Historiography Nation-Building Revolution Service-Learning Project (KIVA) Research Process
Historiography: What makes the document true? Skills of a Historian Sourcing Contextualization Corroboration Close Reading
Sourcing How do I determine the reliability of a historical document?
Contextualization How might the circumstances in which the document was created affect its content?
Corroboration Do the multiple historical documents agree? If not, why?
Close Reading How does the document’s language indicate the author’s perspective?
The Concept of Revolution Why do people revolt?
The Research Process Why must we follow steps in the research process?
The Concept of Nation-Building How does a nation rebuild itself?
Our Service Learning Project: KIVA
How Kiva Works
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