Applying for a Year 10 Prefect for the 2017 2018 Academic Year Year 10 Prefects 2017 - 2018 Applying for a Year 10 Prefect for the 2017 2018 Academic Year
Year 10 Prefects 2016/2017
In 2017/2018 there will be 12 Prefects selected for each house In 2017/2018 there will be 12 Prefects selected for each house. Of these 12 elected prefects 2 will be elected as Head Prefects
Year 10 Prefect Criteria Good (but not necessarily perfect) school record, including punctuality Has demonstrated leadership potential by making a positive contribution to the school community including involvement in VTG activities, class activities, committees, extracurricular activities, clubs, teams, and special events Willingness to always dress smartly in correct uniform Reliable Confidence to carry out duties as required Ability and willingness to be a good role model for all students in years 7,8,9,and 10 Must have a strong endorsement from their form tutor, class teachers and Head of College Willing to be dynamic and be able to express ideas in a mature way to other students and teachers Be flexible and have the ability to adapt
Examples of Prefect duties Assembly duty Lunch duties Parent teacher nights Special event duties such as Challenge Week nights, EMOD, drama productions etc. Assist with other students in the KGV Middle School Liaise with Senior school student leaders Act as guides for visitors and guests to KGV Join committees as appropriate Contribute to decisions made at KGV eg MSC Coordinate KIVA. Other duties as required It is highly probable that more duties will evolve throughout the term
The Next Steps for Students in Year 9 Wishing to Apply for Year 10 Prefect
The Application Process Students wishing to apply to be a Year 10 prefect must fill in the application form that will be emailed to you. You will need to fill out Section 1 electronically. You will then need to print this form and complete sections 2,3 and 4 by hand. You DO NOT need to fill in Section 5. This will be done by your HOC AFTER you submit your application Application forms need to be submitted to the MS Office no later than 2pm on Friday 12th May 2017.
The Application Form – Section 1 Section 1 is to be filled out by you – the applicant. You need to word process this. Here you need to sell yourself as a MS leader. When you finish section 1 you need to print it as all other sections need to be hand written.
The Application Form – Section 2 This section is to filled out by the tutor. It is important it is done by hand. Make sure you give your tutor plenty of time to do this.
The Application Form – Section 3 This section needs to be ticked and signed by another teacher or coach that has witnessed your leadership skills.
The Application Form – Section 4 In this section you need to sign and date your application.
The Application Form – Section 5 YOU DO NOT FILL IN SECTION 5. This for your HOC to fill in AFTER you submit your prefect application
To summarise the steps in applying: Complete your section of the application form (Section 1) by word processing. Print off your application form – preferably double-sided. Ask you tutor to fill in Section 2 (handwriting only) Ask a teacher or coach of your choice to fill in Section 3. Applicant to sign and date Section 4. Hand your application to Ms Kwok in the MS office by 2pm on Friday 12th May 2017 Hopefully you will be notified on Monday 29th May 2017 as to if you were successful or not.
Year 10 Prefect Applicants What Else Do I Need to Know? 48 (12 per house) will be selected from those who apply. There will not necessarily be equal numbers of boys and girls or from all VTG groups. From the students selected to be prefects, 8 will form the prefect SLT. Each house will have 2 Head Prefects. Students interested in becoming Head Prefects will be interviewed for these positions. More details to be announced after prefect selection is completed.
FAQs 1. What happens if I miss the deadline? Sorry, you miss out. 2. What if my conduct and or punctuality record are not perfect? No worries – we forgive and forget at KGV. But you need to have shown a willingness to address any issues in a positive manner. 3. Where should I hand in my application form? To the MS Office by 2pm on Friday 12th May 2017 . 4. Can I email Mr Grady/Ms Kwok or my Head of House my application(s)? No.
FAQs 5. Can I hand in my application letter to my tutor and ask them to hand it in? No. You must hand it in to the MS office in person 6. Can I get advice from my tutor? Yes of course. Your tutors are a valuable resource that you should use. 7. Who selects whom will be a year 10 prefect? This will be done by your Heads of College who will work with your tutors very closely.
FAQs 8. Will all VTG groups have Prefects? Not necessarily. It is our aim to select the best. 9. When will I know if I am selected to be a year 10 prefect? The successful applicants will be announced on Monday 29th May 2017