Vocabulary and legacies Native Americans Vocabulary and legacies
Southwest Native Americans Which Native American group is located here?
homes made out of adobe bricks Pueblo -Southwest homes made out of adobe bricks
Hogan- Southwest homes made with wooden poles covered with mud, clay and tree bark; front door faced the sunrise
mantas-Southwest colorful, light cotton dresses worn by women
Gods or spirits of nature kachina-Southwest Gods or spirits of nature
a special room used for religious ceremonies kiva-Southwest a special room used for religious ceremonies
Plains Native Americans Which Native American group is located here?
groups who move from place to place and do not have a permanent home nomads-Plains groups who move from place to place and do not have a permanent home
tan-Plains to turn animal hide into leather
spiritual leader who is in charge of leading religious ceremonies medicine man-Plains spiritual leader who is in charge of leading religious ceremonies
Eastern Woodlands Native Americans Which Native American group is located here?
longhouse-Eastern Woodlands very long homes made from long poles of wood covered with tree bark
wigwam-Eastern Woodlands temporary homes that were smaller and easy to build to build
chickee-Eastern Woodlands small huts with raised floors, open sides and roofs made out of palmetto leaves
Pacific Northwest Native Americans Which Native American group is located here?
harpoon-Pacific NW a type of spear used to hunt whales
plank houses-Pacific NW houses made to keep the natives warm and built out of cedar trees
fancy festivals with gifts, dancing, stories to show off potlatch-Pacific NW fancy festivals with gifts, dancing, stories to show off a tribe’s wealth
laced in front of a family’s house to show their history totem poles-Pacific NW laced in front of a family’s house to show their history made out of cedar poles placed in front of a family’s house to show their history
small groups of Native Americans clans-Pacific NW small groups of Native Americans
agriculture Producing food by growing crops and raising livestock
irrigation The watering of land to make it ready for agriculture
anthropologist A social scientist who studies cultural development, customs and beliefs- especially of prehistoric groups.
Cultural group A group of people united by common ancestors, customs, and traditions or loyalty to the same leaders.
Cultural practices The traditional way of doing things in a specific culture. This includes: art,language, religion and food.
diverse Differing from one another; Having unlike traits or characteristics
legacy What remains now from a culture from the past, may include: art, architecture, religion, foods, language, customs
Eastern Woodlands What Native American group has the legacy of birchbark canoes?
Pacific Northwest What Native American group has the legacy of totem poles?
Southwest What Native American group has the legacy of kiva rooms for special ceremonies?
Plains What Native American group has the legacy of winter counts on buffalo hides?