A Brief Overview Of Contract Controller Software for managing; Sales, Estimating, Production, Job Costing & Accounts. Written, controlled, maintained and supported by people who have worked in the industry.
What is Contract Controller? Contract Controller is software for managing your contracts from Quotation to Sales Invoice, no matter how large or small a company. Being logical and straight forward to use, regardless of company size, Contract Controller is organised into a series of areas to reflect the various functions within your company: Sales - Estimating - Production - Accounts - Customers & Suppliers - Materials & Labour The system is easy to implement and may be done in an incremental fashion; For larger companies, by department, without the need to switch your whole company over at once. For smaller companies, using one area of the system to begin with and then gradually using more areas and features. As well as controlling Contracts, Contract Controller has may other functions to help with every day administration such as a Journal Log and To Do List, Reminders of contracts due to end, Valuations due to be made, Phone calls to make, Retentions to be claimed, Contact Logs and many more.
Share Information so that it may be accessed by all departments from one central source and data is always automatically saved and backed up. Estimating Data On Central Server Sales Management Reporting Production Accounts
A Brief Overview Of Contract Controller A fully relational system with each department adding information to the contract. Enquiry Contract Quotation Interim Valuations Enquiry Details Quotation(s) Contract Details Contact Log Variation To Orders Interim Valuations Purchase Orders Job Costing Time Sheets Purchase Invoices Sales Invoices Time Sheets Bill Items Variation To Orders Sales Invoices Purchase Orders Item Library Materials & Labour Library Stock Control
A Brief Overview Of Contract Controller From the following slides, we aim to give you a “feel” of what the system looks like, how it operates and what may be achieved by using Contract Controller. This is by no means a complete demonstration of the system, for this we would welcome the opportunity to present the system to you person to person. So, on with the show – Why use Contract Controller?
A global overview of the status of a contract within the company.
A fast Estimating process showing real time costs.
Use library items to speed up estimating.
Quickly & easily prepare revised quotations whilst preserving all previous quotations already sent to client.
CRM - To have a complete audit of all contacts with a client , supplier or sub- contractor.
Quick & Easy Reports:- E.g. Analysis Of Contracts Tendered For.
Analyse materials allowed for in the quotation.
Analyse production hours allowed for in the quotation.
Complete job costing (Showing costs of purchase orders as soon as they are placed, along with time sheet costs from manufacturing.)
Generate interim contract valuations.
Generate interim contract valuations.
Generate interim contract valuations.
Report on retentions due from clients.
Report on retentions due to sub-contractors.
Track a contract through all areas of the company. General Details Screen.
Track a contract through all areas of the company. Project Details Screen.
Track a contract through all areas of the company. Valuations Screen.
Track a contract through all areas of the company. Accounts Screen.
Track a contract through all areas of the company. Job Costing Screen.
Track a contract through all areas of the company. Document Register Screen.
Enable your company to grow in all areas without losing control. Estimating Sales Production Contract Data Management Accounts
Single System Contract Controller may be used as a single “stand alone” station: Based on one computer and may only be accessed by that computer
Multi User System Or based on a server where work stations access data based on the central server: WORK STATION WORK STATION SERVER WORK STATION WORK STATION WORK STATION WORK STATION
The System is easy to navigate and users can select their own dashboard styles. Contracts Manager.
The System is easy to navigate and users can select their own dashboard styles. Estimator.
The System is easy to navigate and users can select their own dashboard styles. Sales Support.
The System is easy to navigate and users can select their own dashboard styles. Stores & Goods Receipts.
The System is easy to navigate and users can select their own dashboard styles. Contracts & Purchase Ordering.
Restricted access areas are used to set your preferred classifications that are used within the system during data entry.
All employees are added to the Contract Controller from a secure area.
Employees are then only given access to areas that have been sanctioned.
Shift Patterns & cost rates may be set for employees that will be used in the time sheet system.
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: The required function is selected from the menu system.
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: Basic details about the enquiry and quotation are entered.
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: This then forms the basis of the Quotation.
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: Invitation To Tenders may be sent out to Sub-Contractors.
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: For the Tender Invitation, details are taken from the basic enquiry and added or amended as required.
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: Invitations are printed or created as PDFs that may be emailed to Sub-Contractor.
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: Sub-Contract Comparisons may be made.
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: Bill items are added into the quotation. (Either manually or from an import)
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: Bill items are generated from adding materials from a source library.
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: Bill items may also contain pre-priced items from the Components library.
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: Prelims may be added from a standard listing or manually as required.
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: On the Summary screen the required % margins may be added to achieve the required quotation figure.
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: On issuing a quotation, an “in-house file copy” may be produced detailing the all the costs.
Brief Overview Of Entering A Quotation: Also on issuing a quotation, a client copy may then be produced as a print or PDF to be sent to the client.
Contracts may also be generated without having to prepare a quotation. Once a quotation has been sent to the customer the system will record this fact, and the enquiry will remain on a listing detailing all quotations that need following up. A Quotation may be revised as many times as required with all previous quotes and costings remaining as quoted to the customer. A quotation may be classed as lost for any given reasons or may be converted to a contract. On converting a quotation to a contract, a full production package is generated detailing materials allowed for within the quotation and a full labour analysis. Contracts may also be generated without having to prepare a quotation. Once a contract is live, purchase orders, variation to orders, time sheets, interim valuations and sales invoices may all take place against the contract.
Brief Overview Of A Contract: Convert a quotation to a contract. (There is also the facility to create a contract without a quote.)
Brief Overview Of A Contract: An Acknowledgement of Order may be generated to sent to the client.
Brief Overview Of A Contract: A “Production Package” may then be generated from the quotation details.
Brief Overview Of A Contract: A “Production Package” may then be generated from the quotation details.
Brief Overview Of A Contract: Contracts may then progress the contract through the company and add or amend appropriate details.
Brief Overview Of A Contract: Bill Items may have production notes added and bar codes printed to track through workshop.
Brief Overview Of A Contract: At any stage the quotation may be viewed to get information about the costs allowed for.
Brief Overview Of A Contract: Time sheets are entered and recorded in job costing against the contract.
Brief Overview Of A Contract: When processed, will reflect in the Bill item analysis along with any items ordered against the bill item.
Brief Overview Of A Contract: Purchase Orders may be placed against the contract – (Standard Purchase Order)
Brief Overview Of A Contract: Purchase Orders may be placed against the contract – (Hire Purchase Order)
Brief Overview Of A Contract: Purchase Orders may be placed against the contract – (Sub-Contract Purchase Order)
Brief Overview Of A Contract: Purchase Orders printed or sent as PDF documents:
Brief Overview Of A Contract: Purchase Orders printed or sent as PDF documents:
Brief Overview Of A Contract: Purchase Orders relating to the contract may be viewed or placed from the contracts screen.
Brief Overview Of A Contract: Contracts may also view any costs occurred to the contract so far.
Brief Overview Of A Variation To Order: Once a contract is live, Variations to Orders (Add & Omits) may be added to the contract.
Brief Overview Of A Variation To Order : Variations are prepared with the same methodology as a quotation.
Brief Overview Of A Variation To Order : Appropriate mark up % may then be applied in the same way as the quotation.
Brief Overview Of A Contract: Any V.O.s generated are automatically saved to the contract and shown on the contracts account screen.
Brief Overview Of A Contract: Interim Valuations may be scheduled so that reminders will be issued.
Brief Overview Of A Valuation: Interim Valuations may be prepared.
Brief Overview Of A Valuation: Indicating the % complete of the various bill items on the quotation and any V.O.s.
Brief Overview Of A Valuation: A valuation document may then be issued to the client for approval.
Brief Overview Of Accounts: Purchase invoices are entered against purchase orders and will be shown as invoiced in job coring.
Brief Overview Of Accounts: If the purchase invoice is for a sub-contractor a payment certificate may be generated.
Brief Overview Of Accounts: Payment certificate is printed and may be given to the sub-contractor. If the sub-contractor is registered as Higher Rate or Standard Rate CIS, the system will calculate the tax % based on the cost of labour against material cost entered.
Brief Overview Of Accounts: Customer sales invoices may be generated.
Brief Overview Of Accounts: Customer Sales Invoices are generated and may be printed or sent as PDF documents. Sales Invoices (and purchase invoices) entered onto Contract Controller may be downloaded and imported into Sage accounts. Customer & supplier details may also be downloaded and imported into Sage accounts.
Brief Overview Of Accounts: Invoices created will be shown against the relevant customer with the facility to add payment receipts.
Brief Overview Of Accounts: Facility to add expense receipts to a contract.
Brief Overview Of Accounts: Facility to add & process employee expense sheets.
Brief Overview Of Accounts: Numerous reports are available from data added to the system – E.G WIP Report.
Brief Overview Of Accounts: Numerous reports are available from data added to the system – E.G WIP Report.
Time Sheet Data Collection Facility: Using Datalogic scanners, shop floor data may be used to collect time sheet data. This may be used for clocking employees in and out of the premises and recording the time employees are working on certain contracts and even a specific item of a contract, if required. This can also be used to determine real time machine capacity. Each employee scans their own unique ID card and then the contract that they are working on. Non productive cost codes may also be set up. The system is capable of running shift patterns if required and on uploading into Job costing will determine if the time taken is to be costed at single, time & half or double time from the time breaks set against the operative. It can also automatically deduct lunch breaks to save the employee having to log out of the system.
Time Sheet Data Collection Facility: Scanned Contract documents are added to the tracker system.
Time Sheet Data Collection Facility: Time sheets are listed in accounts before processing to job costing.
Time Sheet Data Collection Facility: Each time sheet may opened and amended & verified by accounts before processing to job costing.
Time Sheet Data Collection Facility: Complete reporting facility available on all time sheets.
Facility To Run An Equipment & Transport Maintenance Schedule: As many items as required may be added and classified by type and manager.
Facility To Run An Equipment & Transport Maintenance Schedule: Full details about the item along with scheduled and unscheduled maintenance details may be added.
Materials & Labour Library Contract Controller The Complete Solution. Enquiry Contract Quotation Interim Valuations Enquiry Details Quotation(s) Contract Details Contact Log Variation To Orders Interim Valuations Purchase Orders Job Costing Time Sheets Purchase Invoices Sales Invoices Time Sheets Bill Items Variation To Orders Sales Invoices Purchase Orders Item Library Materials & Labour Library Stock Control
The Complete Solution Contract Controller is the solution to sharing and locating information. Ensuring all employees are aware of how a contract is performing. Contract Sales Estimating Production Job Costing Accounts Managemnt Control For more information or to request a demonstration, please do not hesitate to contact us. Quotations, Purchase Orders, Job Costings, Labour & Material Analysis, Sales Invoices, Time Sheet Collection Contract Controller. Tel. 0151 558 1964 www.contractcontroller.co.uk email info@contractcontroller.co.uk