Techno-commercial Training on CWM, VAM and JPC
Contract Worker Management
Contract Worker Management Ensure the Contractor’s efficiency Worker’s presence for the work order
Contract Worker Management Time spent for work orders Hassle-free management improves creativity and enhances productivity
Contract Worker Management CREATE DIFFERENT WORK-ORDERS New Building Construction Maintenance Work Employees on Contract
Contract Worker Management CREATE DIFFERENT CONTRACTOR TYPES Electrical Contractor I.T. Contractor Civil Contractor
Contract Worker Management CONTRACTOR PROFILE Basic details Type Validity License information Basic Details Validity License Details
Contract Worker Management Worker Profile Contractor Work Order Assignment Period
Contract Worker Management Worker Registration By Employer Direct Approval
Contract Worker Management Worker Registration Approval through Approval stages
Contractor Self Service Contractor Web login Now I can manage my work-orders from anywhere.
Contractor Self Service Worker approval from concerned approval in-charge
Features of Contract Worker Management Attendance management of workers Blacklisting Workers and Contractors Bulk import from Excel sheet Access Validity for workers
Features of Contractor Self Services Worker Pre-registration Status of workers and work-order Worker`s Attendance details
Sample Reports `
Sample Reports
Companies who give the contract to other companies Target industries Companies who give the contract to other companies
Target industries Consulting companies to track the employees job when he goes to some other company and work there
Vehicle Access Management
Why VAM ? Generating vehicle passes and capturing vehicle details, owner details, driver details leading to a secured premises
Vehicle Access Management features Capturing every possible vehicle detail Tracking vehicle movement
Vehicle Access Management features Restricting the vehicles to park in specific zones only Multiple authorization levels for accessing the parking area
Vehicle Access Management Categories available in VAM Utility for pass generation: Personal Vehicles Contractor Vehicles Visitor Vehicles Material Transport vehicles Company owned vehicles
Basic flow Vehicle Registration Pass Generation Surrender Vehicle Pass Vehicle allowed access as per assigned Smart Access Route Pass Generation Vehicle Registration
Vehicle Registration Vehicle Registration Personal Vehicle registration from ESS Contractor vehicle registration from CSS Visitor’s vehicles, company owned vehicles and Material Transport vehicles have to be added manually from SA
Personal Vehicle Registration Vehicle will be added in vehicle List Approval from reporting In-charge Specifying vehicle details from ESS
Contractor Vehicle Registration Vehicle will be added in vehicle List Approval from system administrator Specifying vehicle details from CSS
Other Vehicles Registration For Visitor’s vehicles, company owned vehicles and Material Transport vehicles, vehicles will have to be manually added in Vehicle List in COSEC Web. Vehicles added from ‘sa’ account will be directly verified Multiple vehicles can also be uploaded all at once from Excel sheet
Adding Vehicles in Vehicle List Once the vehicle has been added in Vehicle list, its pass can be generated from Vehicle Access Management Utility
Blacklisting Vehicles/Driver Blacklisting of vehicles/drivers will add more security
Importing multiple vehicles Multiple vehicles can be imported via Excel sheet
Sample Reports Pass Count Report
Sample Reports Pass Details
Sample Reports Pass Events
We can pitch this module to each and every existing Matrix Customer.
Job Processing and Costing Management
Job Processing and Costing Common challenges while planning a project:
JPC at your helping hands Project planning
JPC at your helping hands Project-1 Phase-1 Job-1 Job-2 Phase-2 Job-3 Defining phases and jobs under project for easy execution
JPC at your helping hands Improved productivity and optimum time management
JPC at your helping hands Cost estimation
JPC at your helping hands Efficient manpower utilization
JPC at your helping hands Defining deadlines for the jobs
Why JPC ? Ease of managing projects, jobs and effective utilization of human resource resulting in increased productivity
Job Processing and Costing Defining and executing projects effective manpower utilization Dividing project into phases for quick execution
Job Processing and Costing Forecasting the time required Project status tracking to complete project live tracking of manpower spent for different jobs
User will choose job and system will provide us the calculations Basic flow User will choose job and system will provide us the calculations Defining jobs Defining phases Defining projects
Target industries Consulting companies to track the employees job when he goes to some other company and work there
Target industries Manufacturing industries where measuring the output of every job at the end of the day is required
Target industries In schools and colleges for students attendance period wise
Target industries Project based companies