HRMOB 300 Managing for Organizational Effectiveness Professor Xiao-Ping Chen Session 1 Course Introduction
Today’s Class Course overview Course mechanics Group formation
Course information Course materials posted on the web syllabus class notes for each session will be available for downloading the morning of the corresponding class other important course announcements
Readings Robbins Reserved readings, cases and books in Foster library and online Additional readings and cases will be handed out in class
Requirements 5 quizzes (100 points) Individual reflections (50 points) 4 journal entries (20 points) 1 summary: 5 pages (30 points) 5 self-assessment exercises (50 points) Group case analysis (100 points) written report: 10 pages (40 points) group presentation: 15-20 minutes (60 points) Participation (20 points)
Contacting the professor office hours: 12:30-1:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or by appointment M215 emails welcome (
Course overview….
Critical issues What do successful managers do? Clue: “just do planning, organizing, controlling and directing” is not enough. Why our behavior in decision-making is less rational than we’d like to think How to design and lead teams and avoid team disaster Clue: sometimes teams are not necessary How cross-cultural differences affect management
More critical issues How to communicate and negotiate effectively active listening integrative bargaining How to manage human capital training performance appraisal rewards *How to deal with change
Course overview Part 1: Introduction what is organizational behavior international dimensions of OB Part 2: Individual behavior in organization personality and emotion motivation decision making
Course overview Part 3: Groups Part 4: Organization teams communication leadership conflict and negotiations Part 4: Organization organization structure human resource management organizational change
Assignment for next time Read Robbins chapter 1 Read “what effective general managers really do” Organize your groups choose a case for your group project
Next session A cross-cultural simulation Choose any of the following questions for journal entry: Is it possible to talk about another culture without using evaluative terms? Does prolonged contact with another group increase understanding and appreciation between various groups? Suppose one were assigned the responsibility of preparing people to go to another culture or work with members of a subculture, what would be the specific objectives of such a program and how would you recommend that it be accomplished?