Reunion Communications Workshop
Communications Goals Inform Connect Boost Reunion attendance
Timeline for 2005 Begin discussing Reunion via class letters, message boards, e-mail broadcasts, mini-reunions Give Reunion dates and brief info as reminder Send magnet, post-it notes, bookmark with dates Encourage classmates to update contact information with the College
Fall 2005 Send class letter with Reunion info Communicate with record book chair about schedule so letters build interest and don’t negate each other Send mailings separately—more effective Both have same goal: to get people to Reunion
Things to include in letters Reunion dates Class headquarters Events: Faculty lectures, First Night, Class Supper, Alumnae Parade Contact information Financial assistance (treasury/vol. donations) Surveys to find committee volunteers and ask about Reunion activities and classmates they’d like to see
Print Production Process Check price list Call Rachel Submit text and choose layout (use class stationery) Allow two to four weeks for production Approve proof Class treasurer billed
Production Reminders Include name, class year, address, and phone number Keep a copy
Text Submission E-mail Disk Typed hard copy
Photo/Image Submission Clear photos/images Digital images (360 dpi) Hard copy
Postage First class (fast, forwarded, more expensive) Standard A (10-20 days for delivery, forwarded pieces returned to Alumnae Association, third cost of first class)
Online Options Alumnae Association can post Reunion letters in PDF form on class web site Each class site will list contact information for reunion chairs
Sending Letters Yourself Proofreading available Current mailing labels (contact Alumnae Association for most current list; will take five to seven business days; requests placed within two weeks of ALC or Reunion may take longer) 10 copies for class file
December 2005 Deadlines Submit information to create reservation form and class schedule Include all necessary info so we can track it in the database—T-shirt sizes, Junior Show participation, kids’ meal information, etc. Submit changes to proof by mid- January
February 2006 Mailing Reservation form, class schedule, and preliminary program mailed in late February; sent Standard A Contact us if you do not receive your mailing and we will send one first-class All materials placed online; online registration opens
February 2006 Deadlines Submit Reunion chair letter with signatures and any other enclosures New class officers slate submitted by nominating chair Record book mailed in early March after registration materials drop
March 2006 Mailing Reunion chair letter, slate of officers, other enclosures mailed in late March; sent Standard A We pay to print and mail double-sided letter and slate Class pays to print and mail any other materials Older alums (guests of Association) receive reservation form, class schedule, and preliminary program with chair letter in late March
Confirmation Materials Info about transportation, parking, and Central Check-In Campus map Invoice about what alumna reserved
E-mail Reminders from Alumnae Association Day online registration opens One week before early registration deadline (to those not registered) Two weeks before final registration deadline (to those not registered) Three days before Reunion (to those registered) Evaluation e-mail after Reunion
Special Class Publications Memorial service programs Class song books Contact Rachel for assistance Class treasurer will be billed
Reunion Registration Packet Picked up during Reunion Weekend Final program Final class schedule Class cheer (optional) Nametag with meal reservations Reunion evaluation (available online) Parade map Class attendance list