Organizational Behavior Modification (OB Mod): Effectiveness Influencer Presented by: Dr. Jan I Fox, Marshall University Digi D Edwards, Management Consultant, Principal, EllucianTM April 6, 2014 Session ID 1718
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Introduction The presentation will outline key organizational change management behaviors, processes, planning and training that are required for a successful progression of an ERP project. Attendees will benefit from lessons learned in change management from one of the first Banner implementations and the required institutional behaviors that are necessary to achieve the benefit of an evolving ERP platform and product.
AGENDA 6 5 4 3 2 1 Next Implementation Challenges Strategies Organizational Change Issues 1 Institutional Growing Pains
Marshall University Overview Public Higher Education institution founded in 1837 located in Huntington, WV. @14,000 Students (HC) with multiple campuses Merged with other institutions and removed a community college Implemented Banner SIS in 1987, Human Resources, Finance and Alumni in 1998. Portal in 2000 and change in 2013 Cognos Warehouse in 2011, ellucian Enrollment and Retention Performance in 2012
Unified Digital Campus A “Digital Campus Platform” (DCP) provides all of the critical elements for creating and unifying a digital campus, and all the constituents therein The MU Portal is called MyMU It was first installed in 2000 and currently integrated student email, online course delivery, calendar, existing SCT Banner self-service products like Banner Student and Financial Aid
AGENDA 6 5 4 3 2 1 Next Implementation Challenges Strategies Organizational Change Issues 1 Institutional Growing Pains
Institutional Growing Pains Growing Pains of an Organization lead to the need for Organization Behavioral Modification Increase in size Resources (scarcity and surplus) Goals and Objectives Change Institutional Competition on Enrollment Strategic Goals
Phases of Growth (Larry Greiner)
AGENDA 6 5 4 3 2 1 Next Implementation Challenges Strategies Organizational Change Issues 1 Institutional Growing Pains
Organizational Change Issues Cultural – behavior modification (psychological aspect) Structural – routines of the organization Political – leadership influence Strategic – visions aligned with mission/timing of change
External and Internal Change Factors Reduction is state appropriations Incorporation of Marshall Research Corporation (MURC) into the university Business processes State level new ERP WVOASIS New agreement with INTO International Partnerships Revitalized of executive commitment Data warehouse
Executive Leadership Changes Over Banner Deployment MU Leadership Changes President’s 8 CFO’s 3 CAA’s CHO’s CIO’s 1 Executive Leadership Changes Over Banner Deployment
Support Structure Issues Marshall University Information Technology Enterprise Systems provides the central support for the core ERP systems and software. Functional areas have their own technical support staff. Functional technical support staff have no reporting to central IT Issues with management, and ongoing technical training
Change Management Governance
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Strategies Organization Change – what are the strategies supporting the change Where is change being sanctioned (leaders/employees) What are the goals? Are they defined? Are the goals of the change two-fold – short/long term Will changes be sporadic or consistent? Will the change stabilize the environmental structure
Process Review External Consultants Gap Analysis Process Review Recommendations Safety Net for Functional Areas Get key executives to committee to a process review, improvement method and timeline for change Hold each person accountable
Data and Information Data Quality Get it right first time and keep it right Data Definitions Archiving and purging policy that works Ensure users have regular and effective housekeeping routine Define data stewards in each functional area and hold them accountable
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What are the Challenges? Lack of Accountability Technical Expertise is Functional Units Independent Business Units Politics Business Process Issues Data Quality Issues Role Definition Issues
Change Resisters Jeopardizes Success Supporters Resisters
AGENDA 6 5 4 3 2 1 Next Implementation Challenges Strategies Organizational Change Issues 1 Institutional Growing Pains
How Will Change be Implemented? Process Improvement Team (PITs) approved by the cabinet Weekly meeting of the PITs (CIO, CHO, CFF, CPO and selected support staff) Cabinet updates on progress of PITs Part of the university 2020 Plan 4a Process Improvement Session ID 1718
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Next Steps Continue working through the consultant recommendations Continue open communication Implement accountability measures and requirements in all units. Implement Key Performance Indicators for the ERP Continue improving workflows
Summary ERP are more than the best hardware and software People and processes are key to ongoing success of the project Quality and Accountability are key Organizational Behavior Modification will need to be incorporated into your plans
Questions & Answers
© 2014 Ellucian. All rights reserved. Thank You! Presenter Name Dr. Jan I Fox, Senior VP for IT/CIO, Marshall University Digi D Edwards, Management Consultant, Principal, EllucianTM Please complete the online session evaluation form Session ID 1718 . © 2014 Ellucian. All rights reserved.