MHA 601 Slingshot Academy /


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MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / Education is all about igniting young minds and enabling them to attain their fullest potential For More Tutorials Visit Now

MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Entire Course (2 Set) This Tutorial contains 2 Set of Papers for each Assignment (only 1 Answer for each DQ)  MHA 601 Week 1 Assignment Case Study A System Approach Texas Health Harris Methodist Cleburne (2 Papers) MHA 601 Week 2 Assignment Case Study Organizational Behavior Management Improving Responses to Medical Errors  (2 Papers) MHA 601 Week 3 Assignment Conflict Resolution at St. Clare Hospital (2 Papers) MHA 601 Week 4 Assignment Multimedia Innovative Business Solutions (2 PPT) MHA 601 Week 5 Assignment Patient Safety Culture and Health Care Ethics (2 Papers) MHA 601 Week 6 Final Paper Ashford General Hospital Proposal (2 Papers)

MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Week 1 Assignment Case Study A System ApproachTexas Health Harris MethodistCleburne (2 Papers) This Tutorial contains 2 Papers  Review the case study “Texas Health Harris Methodist-Cleburne: A System Approach to Surgical Improvement”.  In a three- to five- page paper (excluding the title and references page):  • Explain organizational theories evidenced in this case study.  • Analyze how Texas Health Harris Methodist-Cleburne is a learning organization.  • Explain the organizational structure displayed in this case study.  • Describe the leaders involved in this case study.  • Determine the role of the leaders in this case study. 

MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Week 1 Discussion 1 Executive Management MHA 601 Week 1 Discussion 1 Executive Management  Executive Management. Review the case study from Chapter 1 of the course text “Reinventing the Orange County Medical Association for the 21st Century.” Use Gulick’s seven major functions of executive management (planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting) to evaluate Michele’s work as the executive director of the Orange County Medical Association. For each function, cite facts or examples in the case study to support your claim and provide justifications by citing the course text or scholarly sources.

MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Week 1 Discussion 2 Modern Management Theory   MHA 601 Week 1 Discussion 2 Modern Management Theory  Modern Management Theory. In line with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, how are the contingency theory and resource dependence theory applicable to health care organizations? How can health care leaders apply strategic management to their organizations? Support your response with a minimum of two scholarly sources. Your initial post must be at least 300 words.

MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Week 2 Assignment Case Study Organizational Behavior ManagementImproving Responses to Medical Errors (2 Papers) This Tutorial contains 2 Papers   MHA 601 Week 2 Assignment Case Study Organizational Behavior Management Review the case study from Chapter 4 of the course text “Improving Responses to Medical Errors with Organizational Behavior Management”  In a three- to five-page paper (excluding the title and references page):  • Explain why the increase in the manager’s use of group behavior-based feedback is important. 

MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Week 2 Discussion 1 Cost and Quality MHA 601 Week 2 Discussion 1 Cost and Quality   Cost and Quality. 2011 Japan Germany U.S.A. Total Health Expenditure per Capital $3,174

MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Week 2 Discussion 2 Team Benefits MHA 601 Week 2 Discussion 2 Team   Team. Describe the benefits of teams for both health care organizations and individual team members. Discuss the characteristics of dysfunctional teams and potential methods for resolving the dysfunction. Your initial post must be at least 300 words. Support your response with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Week 3 Assignment Conflict Resolution at St. Clare Hospital (2 Papers) This Tutorial contains 2 Papers   MHA 601 Week 3 Assignment Conflict Resolution at St. Clare Hospital The St. Clare Hospital was founded in 1988. In the last few years, revenues at St. Clare Hospital have dropped steadily to a point where CEO James Edwards is considering cost control to improve the organization’s bottom line. Mr. Edwards understands that physicians play a critical role in controlling cost, but they do not have a great interest in cooperating with him to sustain the viability of the hospital. Mr. Edwards decides to hire Wendy Jones as the chief operating officer and empowers her to cut costs for the hospital.

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MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Week 4 Assignment Multimedia Innovative Business Solutions (2 PPT) This Tutorial contains 2 PPT   MHA 601 Week 4 Assignment Multimedia Innovative Business Solutions Review Table 7.1 “Entrepreneur Magazine’s 2012 Innovative Health Care Business Solutions Awards” from Chapter 7 of the course text. Select one product/service from the various companies listed and create a five-slide PowerPoint presentation (excluding the title and reference slides) that addresses the following:  • Describe the product/service and its use.  • Determine its threats to existing health care organizations. 

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MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Week 5 Assignment Patient Safety Culture and Health Care Ethics (2 Papers) This Tutorial contains 2 Papers   MHA 601 Week 5 Assignment Patient Safety Culture and Health Care Ethics Patient Safety Culture and Health Care Ethics. Go to the Univ University Library on the left navigation panel of the online course. Search and select two scholarly and/or peer-reviewed articles within the scope of patient safety culture and/or health care ethics. After reading both articles and reviewing Steps to Writing a Summary, summarize each article in one to two pages. 

MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Week 5 Discussion 1 Effective Listening MHA 601 Week 5 Discussion 1 Effective Listening   Effective Listening. Based on your textbook readings and the video 5 Ways to Listen Better , answer the following questions: • What factors influence effective listening? How? • What are strategies to overcome barriers to effective listening? • How can effective listening impact team effectiveness and quality of care delivered? Your initial post must be at least 300 words. Support your response with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

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MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Week 6 Discussion 1 Organizational Development MHA 601 Week 6 Discussion 1 Organizational Development   Organizational Development. Propose strategies for developing management staff, medical staff, and a governing body/board in a learning organization. What obstacles do you foresee? How will you handle potential conflicts that arise when implementing change toward becoming a learning organization? Your initial post must be at least 300 words. Support your response with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Week 6 Discussion 2 Changes in Health Care MHA 601 Week 6 Discussion 2 Changes in Health Care   Changes in Health Care. Describe three important factors that contribute to changes in the health care industry. Propose three strategies that health care leaders can employ to lead their learning organizations in today’s turbulent environment. Your initial post must be at least 300 words. Support your response with a minimum of two scholarly sources. Guided Response: Review your classmate

MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / MHA 601 Week 6 Final Paper Ashford General Hospital Proposal (2 Papers) This Tutorial contains 2 Papers   MHA 601 Week 6 Final Paper Univ General Hospital Proposal Focus of the Final Paper  Univ General Hospital is a 263-bed regional hospital located in California that has served its community for more than 50 years. The hospital maintains the only 24-hour emergency department in the area as well as an "extended hours" urgent care clinic. Similar to other hospitals in the United States, Univ General Hospital is encountering a nursing shortage. Sixty-eight percent of the nursing staff is over the age of 45, facing retirement. The retention rate on nurses is 61%, compared to 65% nationwide. Many of the nursing staff find the work too physically demanding and have a feeling of emotional burn out as well.

MHA 601 Slingshot Academy / Education is all about igniting young minds and enabling them to attain their fullest potential For More Tutorials Visit Now