The queen declared, “We will not mingle with the commoners.” Day 1 vocabulary “The Lady or the Tiger” * Turn to the front section of your binder and write the above title. * Write the number, the underlined word, and what you think it means in the front section of your binder. Touch screens on technology devices today represent our progressive technological society. The queen declared, “We will not mingle with the commoners.” The blackout in the Super Dome interfered with the continuation of the 2013 Super Bowl.
“Dictionary Definitions” Progressive: change, improvement, or improve Commoners: any person ranking below a peer; a person without a title of nobility. 3. Interfered: come in collision with or get in the way of
* Turn to the front section of your binder and find your vocabulary. Day 2 vocabulary “The Lady or the Tiger” * Turn to the front section of your binder and find your vocabulary. * Continue by writing the number, the underlined word, and what you think it means in the front section of your binder. 4. Katniss competed through the Hunger Games and rebelled against the Capital to fight for humanity. 5. The intensity of the pain radiating from my broken leg caused one to shudder and wail. 6. In the Hispanic culture, the ceremonial right of passage called quinceanaera help celebrate a young girl’s 15th birthday. 7. The gator is considered to be the fiercest reptile in Louisiana’s swamps.
“Dictionary Definitions” Humanity: humankind Intensity: great energy, strength, concentration, etc. Ceremonial: the formal activities conducted on an important public or state occasion Fiercest: violent in force
Gently set up your privacy folders. Take out blue, black, or pencil. Wednesday August 24, 2016 Gently set up your privacy folders. Take out blue, black, or pencil.
Reader’s Workshop Day Take a chart from the bin/cart. Thursday September 1, 2016 Take a chart from the bin/cart. Put your personal novel on the corner of your desk. Wait for further instructions.
If you were stranded on an island what would you want to have with you?
We love to play pirates and defend the fort where we live. My name is Phillip and this is my friend, Henrik. Although I am from Virginia and he is Dutch, we both live on the island of Curacao. We also love to play on the docks where the black men unload their banana boats. We love to play pirates and defend the fort where we live.
Our Home Both of us had to move to Curacao with our families because of World War II.
My life was pretty simple My life was pretty simple. Well, that was before the Germans came to our part of the Caribbean.
The Germans weren’t my only problem!
There are few things in life that change you forever…. And thanks to an old black man, I am alive to tell you.
Author Theodore Taylor These are some of the other novels he has written.
Place your project on your desk. Friday September 2, 2016 Place your project on your desk. Clear your desk of all materials, except a pen. Show me what a good audience looks like.