AMS WMC and AMS Annual Conferences Track Chairs: How to Assign Submissions to PC Members/Reviewers in EasyChair AMS WMC and AMS Annual Conferences
Contents Managing Your Track Assigning Submissions to PC Members/Reviewers Monitoring the Progress of PC Members/Reviewers Making Decisions as a Track Chair
Log in to EasyChair EasyChair account setup instructions are located at under the “help” tab in the menu at the top of the page.
EasyChair Navigation “Submissions” tab - allows authors to submit papers and track status. All of your papers are listed here. “Reviews” tab - allows you to see progress of reviews for which you have responsibility. “Status” tab – allows you to track progress on paper submissions and entering decisions; provides an instant overview of progress at any given time. “Assignment” tab - facilitates paper assignments to PC members/reviewers. “PC” tab – allows you to see when and if a PC member/reviewer has logged in. “Events” tab - displays a listing of events. “Email” tab - stores all email and allows you to send group emails. “Administration” tab - provides access to key functions. “WMC_20 Canterbury” tab - allows templates to be modified, among other things. The tab will list the specific conference you’ve selected. “Support” tab - gives a link to the help desk. “News” tab – provides news about EasyChair. “EasyChair” tab - allows you to access any conference for which you have logged in and information about EasyChair.
Managing PC Members/Reviewers in Your Track We got here by clicking the “Assignment” tab Click on “Interactive Assignment.”
Managing PC Members/Reviewers in Your Track The “Interactive Assignment” webpage will list all PC members/reviewers. Clicking on the parentheses by a PC member/reviewer’s name assigns and unassigns papers.
Assigning Submissions to PC Members/Reviewers Clicking by one’s name places a “1” in the first column, assigning a PC member/reviewer his or her first paper to review. A “2,” for example, would mean two reviews assigned. A number in the second column indicates how many reviews have been completed. When finished, click on “Send Assignment.” Then inform reviewers by using the email template that appears.
Assigning Submissions to PC Members/Reviewers Complete the “Assignment Notification” and click “Send Email to PC members.” Select who will receive the assignment
Assigning Submissions to PC Members/Reviewers Clicking the “status” tab will take you to the review monitoring page Once you send assignments your PC Members, they can now login and review the manuscript
Monitoring the Progress of PC Members/Reviewers
Monitoring the Progress of PC Members/Reviewers We are in the “Status” tab The status tab gives you an overview of the current status of all papers in your track. To view detailed information about a specific submission, click on the “submission” tab
Monitoring the Progress of PC Members/Reviewers We are in the “Submissions” tab Here you can access detailed information about each submission. Click on the Blue “I” for more information about each submission in your track
Monitoring the Progress of PC Members/Reviewers Use this menu to interact with a specific submission To get here we clicked on the Blue “I” located to the right of a paper when on the “submissions” tab page. – look at previous slide for illustration
Checking Reviews & Comments
Checking Reviews & Comments We are in the “Status” tab Clicking the paper title will give you access to the reviews and comments for that specific submission
Checking Review Status We got here by clicking the submission title on the “Status” page You can change decisions and see individual reviews from this page
Notifying Authors Easy Chair uses the term “SuperChair” to refer to conference/congress program chairpersons. Track Chairs are not SuperChairs. Conference Program Chairs or the VP of programs authorizes the release of official Accept/Reject notices through the EasyChair system ONLY after all track chairs have entered their accept/reject decisions for each submission. Thus, track chairs Do not send the formal notifications of accept/reject, which are sent through the system. As a track chair, you do not have SuperChair capabilities. Track chairs may informally communicate the likely acceptance outside of using EasyChair (if an author inquiry arrives) if allowed to do so by super chairs. From time to time, a track chair may get a request for a letter on official university stationary. Track chairs may send a letter on their school stationary to anyone requesting a formal acceptance letter (following the reception of an official acceptance email from EasyChair). Templates for acceptance, rejection and reviewer thanks are available in the timeline document. Remember to thank your PC members/reviewers.