St Faiths School Association
What are we here to do? Raise money for our children’s school Help create a St Faiths community
How do I contribute and where does it go? Regular contributions to school via monthly / termly /annual direct debit Support operation costs e.g. funds the teachers which allow for approx. 20 children per curriculum class Ad hoc requests for donations Go towards specific class events e.g. school trips Money raised by school association Non operation costs e.g climbing wall, story chair
How does the School Association raise money? Events Other revenue streams Grants Matched funding Easy fundraising Just giving Product donations Sponsorship Our challenge: St Faiths is a small school, so we need widen our pool of donors
Treasurer’s Report 1st October 2016 – 6th Sept 2017
Overview: 2016/17 (2015/16) Net amount raised = £11353 (£11799) Donations to school = £7600 (£8948)
Where does the money come from? Net income from big events: Xmas Cards £330 (£163) Xmas Tree Event £3386 (£3410) Quiz Night £1527 (£1218) Summer Fete £2198 (£1751) Film Night and Disco £793 (£628) Cake Sales £768 (£806) Sample Sale £1636 Other (donations, easyfundraising, PE bags,) £712 (£398)
How was £7600 spent? Ties for Year 6 £75 Contribution towards Greenwich outing £130 Contribution for National Gallery Outing £150 Year 6 Natural History Museum – Science visit subsidy £200 Listen2me for Year 4 (Part 1) £700 Life Education Bus – PSHE for every year £535 KS1 Furniture £1035 Shakespeare production deposit £275 Tree Bookcase for entrance hall £300 Take One Picture resources for whole school £200 KS1 Books £748.91 Royal Shakespeare Company KS2 £550 Projectors and Installation (Silver Birch & Maple) £2100 Xmas class gifts, Art for Willow class, sheep project, water butt, traverse wall and contribution to maths packs for Year 1 £601.09
Calendar of Events: Autumn 14th Sept, 7pm@school School Association Meeting 23rd September **NEW** Tough Mudder 29th Sept Year 6 cake sale 13th Oct Film and Pyjama night 20th Oct Year 5 cake sale 30th Nov **NEW** secret sample sale 2nd Dec Christmas Fayre
Calendar of Events: Spring 19th January Film and Pyjama night 25th January Year 4 cake sale 2nd February Children’s school disco 23rd February Year 3 cake sale 16th March TBC Quiz night 29th March Easter egg hunt
Calendar of Events: Summer 27th April Year 2 cake sale ? May ** NEW** Park Run 25th May Year 1 cake sale ?? Sports Day Refreshments ?? June Talk to new Year R parents 15th June Summer Fayre 13th July Year R cake sale 14th July **NEW** St Cross Summer PARTY!!!
Other Revenue Streams Grants Match funding – can your company help? Product donations – can your company help? Easy fundraising
Where will my money go next year? More iPads – approx £5500 Equipment for Lochburn Life Bus STEM equipment Books for book studies
But I don’t have any time! Join us at the events and spend a pound or two Match funding, product donations, sponsor tough mudder, easy fundraising….
I don’t have much time but I’d like to do something… Cook up a few sausages at the summer fayre Bake a tray of brownies Help clear up
I can spare some time… I’ll help To get involved contact: Jayne - or Kerry –