Senior Presentation: Planning Your Educational Future BHS Class of 2018 By: BHS Counselors Ms. Hullman (A-F) Ms. Street (G-O) Ms. Roskovensky (P-Z)
Your School Counselors: BHS Class of 2018 Your School Counselors: A – F, Mrs. Susan Hullman G – O, Mrs. Lisa Street P – Z, Mrs. Karen Roskovensky
BHS Class of 2018 Housekeeping Items Sign in & provide email address, pick up blue folder Join Class of 2018 Schoology Page using access code - CMS28-FJQGV THEN turn electronics off & put them away Best respectful of presenter & those with questions You are encouraged to take notes (hint hint) Hold questions until the end Physicals/Immunizations for College are available at the Wellness Center
Attendance Policy for 2017/2018 BHS Class of 2018 Attendance Policy for 2017/2018 13 allowable absences 14 absences = NO CREDIT Being more than 15 minutes late to class = 1 full class absence Do not rely on an attendance appeal for your absences. It is not guaranteed!
BHS Class of 2018 Appointment Process Seniors are responsible for setting up their own appointments with their Counselor through Mrs. Steffin, the Counseling Secretary. Appointments can be made before school, after school, or during your lunch and you should bring your blue folder to make your appointment so Mrs. Steffin can put it right on the label. At your senior appointment, please bring your blue folder with the completed Brag Sheet packet. We will review your transcript, discuss your post-secondary plans and next steps.
Other Information Discipline College Representatives BHS Class of 2018 Other Information Discipline Keep in mind that out of school suspensions & legal convictions may be disclosed on college applications. College Representatives College representatives visit BHS throughout the school year. Students are encouraged to sign up to meet with college reps through Ms. Wilson in the library. College representatives sometimes offer on-the-spot admission decisions or will waive the application fee!! Dates and times for colleges visiting BHS are read on the daily announcements, included in the daily announcements email, and will be posted to the Class of 2018 Schoology page.
BHS Class of 2018 Transcripts If anything is missing or doesn’t seem right, let your Counselor know at your senior appointment. Use GPA and Rank data to complete your college applications. Use the GPA that is higher. Rank is weighted. Senior Year Counts!
Graduation Requirements BHS Class of 2018 Graduation Requirements English 4 Math Science *Biology 3 Social Studies *US History World Language 2 Physical Education 1 Health .5 Career Pathway Electives 3.5 Total Credits Required 24 *Only 2 World Language credits are required for graduation, however 3-4 credits at the high school level is recommended for 4-year colleges.
Diploma Name Verification BHS Class of 2018 Diploma Name Verification Must be your full legal name (as it is on your birth certificate) written legibly. Fill this out sheet out now and return it before you leave If you are unsure, return it to Mrs. Steffin in the Counseling Office by Monday October 2, 2017
BHS Class of 2018 Application Process Share with your parents where you are applying & to what major. Fill out online applications carefully and completely. Be sure to proofread, electronically sign and date them, and pay the application fee in order to fully submit. If required, ask teachers for recommendation letters Be mindful of deadlines – submit your application and Transcript Request Form to the Counseling office at least 2 weeks prior to the deadline. One request form per school. Rolling Admission – apply anytime & be notified within 4-6 weeks Early Action v. Early Decision (next slide) Create a Parchment account and order transcripts for each school through Parchment unless you have applied via Common App or the Common Black College App.
Early Action v. Early Decision BHS Class of 2018 Early Action v. Early Decision Early Action – you are just “acting early” on submitting your college application. Sooner deadline with sooner admission notification. Apply to as many schools as you want using the Early Action deadline. Early Decision – you have “decided” this is the one school for you. Sooner deadline with sooner admission notification, and a legally binding agreement to attend if you are accepted. You will be responsible for rescinding all other applications upon receiving acceptance. You may only apply to one school Early Decision.
Transcript Request Form (Blue Form) BHS Class of 2018 Transcript Request Form (Blue Form) Fill it out carefully and completely once you have submitted your application. It is expected that you will submit each request form at least 2 weeks prior to your deadline.
Student Information & Brag Sheet BHS Class of 2018 Student Information & Brag Sheet Student Information – including logins & passwords Employment History Extracurricular History Brag Sheet – open ended questions College Application Organizer Available on the BHS Website under College Counseling and on the C/O 2018 Schoology group
Application Components BHS Class of 2018 Application Components Student Items Information & Brag Sheet Completed Application (Proofread, Electronically Signed, & Submitted) Upload Essay SAT, AP & ACT Scores ( or Fee Recommendation Letter(s) Secondary School or Counselor Report Common App/Parchment Online Invitation to Counselor Blue Transcript Request Form Counselor Items Transcript Full Year Schedule Counselor Recommendation Letter (if required/requested) Secondary School or Counselor Report (If provided by the student) School Profile
College Admissions Testing BHS Class of 2018 College Admissions Testing SAT (10/7, 11/4, 12/2, 3/10, 5/5, or 6/2) $46 per exam without essay, $60 per exam with essay Tests Evidence-Based Reading & Writing, Math & Essay (optional) Score out of 1600 total points (200-800 per part), Score out of 8 for essay (2-8) ACT (10/28, 12/9, 2/10, 4/14, 6/9, or 7/14) $46.00 without writing, $62.50 with writing Tests English, Mathematics, Reading & Science; Essay (optional) Score out of 36 (average of 1-36 per part), Score out of 12 for essay (2-12) SAT Subject $26.00 for the first + $21 for each additional exam AP Exams $94.00 per exam and AP Seminar is $142.00 Scores of 3, 4, or 5 are accepted by most colleges. Some schools give credit; others advanced standing *Payment plans may be set up for you starting in October if needed. Fee Waivers & Score Reports For those who receive free/reduced lunch and/or in AVID. Consent form must be signed by parent & submitted prior to a waiver being issued for any of the above exams.
Admissions Decisions An application is a Comprehensive Snapshot BHS Class of 2018 Admissions Decisions An application is a Comprehensive Snapshot GPA (weighted & non-weighted) Rank (weighted) Academic Rigor Essay Legacy School/Community Activities Recommendation Letters Applicant Priority Don’t just meet expectations; exceed them!
Applications/Scholarships BHS Class of 2018 Applications/Scholarships Common Application – Fill it out online once and it is accepted by over 700 schools, but you pay each individual application fee. Schools may have individual supplements in addition to the general application. Common Black College App (HBCUs) - Fill it out online once and accepted by 51 HBCUs. Submit it to your top 4 HBCUs, paying one $35 application fee. No waivers available. SEED Scholarship - Apply to DTCC or UD AA, file FAFSA, then submit SEED application Cumulative 2.5 GPA and no felony convictions NCAA Eligibility – Determines eligibility as a college freshman ($80) Academic Common Market (SREB) – If UD or DSU does not offer your major, you may be able to pay in-state tuition at a participating out-of-state school. Not guaranteed but worth looking into if it applies.
College Application Week (CAW) BHS Class of 2018 College Application Week (CAW) BHS will participate in CAW - November 14th, 15th, and 16th College Application Month (CAM) is a national effort to increase the number of seniors applying to college. ALL students are encouraged to apply! Many online DE college/university applications will be FREE during the month of November. Students are encouraged to apply to a minimum of 4 colleges or universities. College representatives, school counselors, and community members will be on-site at BHS during CAW to assist you with your applications. Please ask for help if you need it!
*A SCHOLARSHIP WILL NEVER ASK YOU TO PAY!!! BHS Class of 2018 Scholarships BHS Website under Counseling, College Information - Bulletin Board Counseling Office Delaware Scholarship Compendium - www.Raise.Me - create an account, and enter accomplishments such as grades, work hours, volunteer hours, sports, club activities, etc. More than 200 colleges determine their own values and if a student decides to attend one of these schools, the scholarship dollars are applied to their financial aid award. *A SCHOLARSHIP WILL NEVER ASK YOU TO PAY!!!
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) BHS Class of 2018 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Wednesday 10/18/17 – Senior Parent Information Night and $tand By Me financial aid presentation at 6:00 in the Auditorium! Scholarships, grants and loans and the FAFSA must be completed to be considered for any/all of these funds Available in October of your senior year and must be completed by students & guardians each year that you are in college. The deadline is April 15th but it’s best to complete the FAFSA by 2/14 FAFSA determines the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and thus, the financial aid available to you An FSA ID number is required by both the student & guardian to electronically sign the FAFSA and can be done NOW
Resources Available Parents College Representatives Counselor BHS Class of 2018 Resources Available Parents College Representatives Counselor Senior Parent Information Night 10/18/17, 6:00pm – 8:00pm with financial aid presentation as well College Application Week 11/14 - 11/16 College Fairs NACAC College Fair @ Pennsylvania Convention Center: Sunday 11/12/2017, 11:00am - 3:00pm. Visit for information. New Castle County College Night @ UD Bob Carpenter Center: 11/14/2017, 6:30pm - 9:00pm.
NCAA Eligibility Eligibility Center determines athletic eligibility for college sports as a first year student Minimum GPA of 2.3 is required for Division 1 and a minimum of 2.2 for Division 2. There are SAT cut scores as well for both divisions. Create account during 11th grade and submit transcript Athletic Aid is only given for Division I and II to download the College Bound Student Athlete Guide
BHS Class of 2018 Your Next Steps Complete and return your Diploma Name Verification Form Schedule an appointment with your Counselor and complete the Brag Sheet Packet to bring with you. Ask teachers to write recommendation letters, if required. A coach or employer may be OK, application may specify Use for your college searches and to send SAT scores. Talk with Parents/Guardians about your plan. Take SAT/ACT again, if necessary. Visit campuses if you haven’t already. Organize deadlines and apply. Learn to study – effectively. Stay involved and well-rounded. Ask for help if you need it. Have fun while making good choices! DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!!!