SUNDAY 26th March 2017 EASTER HOLIDAY CLUB For primary school age children Tuesday 11th April from 9.30am - 4.30pm at St. Matthew’s Church. A day of craft, games and Easter fun, based on the stories of Jesus. Please bring a packed lunch. Contact Taizé Prayers Sunday 26th March at 8pm at Stainbeck URC (LS7 2PP) is another opportunity to share in Taizé-style Prayers as we find a space to be still and recognise God’s presence among us. All are invited and all are welcome. Please email Angela Hughes to find out more about Taize prayer in Leeds. Her email is Forgiveness Workshop Does forgiveness seem impossible? Join us in thinking about what 'forgiving' really means (and what is doesn't mean!) and explore how the unthinkable might just begin to be possible... Saturday April 1st from 10am - 3.30pm at Moortown Baptist Church To book a place please contact Anne Cope tel. 0113 268 9780 or email Anne on Anne is a trained therapist and a member of Bridge Community Church Counselling Team. Anne also has links with Moortown Baptist Church and the Beacon Wellbeing Group. Pray for Leeds Pray for Leeds (P4L) is a grassroot prayer movement to see the city of Leeds transformed by the Glory of God through 24/7 united prayer and worship. Continuing the bi-monthly meetings, the Citywide Prayer Lunch, will be at midday on Thursday 30th March, meeting at St George's Centre in Leeds City Centre, LS1 3BR. Please email Pray for Leeds to let them know if you are thinking of going along. Today Stuart will be leading our worship. After the break Mark Prothero will be speaking on ‘Fruitfulness on the Frontline: Moulding Culture’. Welcome to Chapel A THIS COMING WEEK Tuesdays at 11am in the church office - a short prayer meeting with the staff and whoever would like to pray for Chapel A. Housegroups generally meet on Monday, Tuesday and alternate Thursday evenings. Please see notice board in corridor. Tuesdays - Totally Tuesday for Years 5-7, 6.30 - 8pm in Chapel All. Methodist Hall. Wednesday – WOW youth group for Years 8+ in Chapel Allerton Methodist Hall. Please contact Hannah Dey on 0113 320 1350 or 07930 330389 about any of our usual groups for young people. Welcome Team Welcoming people into the Church, especially new people or visitors, is obviously a very important part of being in and helping to build our community. Hopefully, you have experienced a positive welcome experience. We now need at least 2 volunteers to join the Welcome team from mid April. We aim to have a rota that allows someone to be on once every 4-5 weeks. If you can help with this important role, please can you contact Gary Farquhar asap on 07872 503216 or Thank you.Gary Set up in March – Non housegroup people Set up in April – Lis Farquhar’s housegroup Please note that we are not allowed to use the equipment in the lower playground and that any children playing there must be supervised by an adult. Thank you! Send newsletter notices and news to or phone the church office on 0113 320 1350 . Thursday is the cut-off for any notices for that Sunday’s news-sheet. Our new office address is First Floor, 126 Harrogate Rd, Chapel Allerton, Leeds LS7 4NZ. The ministers of the church are Simon Hall (0797 375 6440) and Robin Thomson (0798 035 6178).