Welcome to our Nursery Meeting 2017
Attendance at Church 12 O'clock family Mass at St John’s Church every Sunday. Your child will learn the sign of the cross and new prayers in nursery. Take part in whole school Masses.
St John’s Website All our school information is on our website www.stjohnsrc.net. This presentation is on the blog under parent info. You will find any letters, school calendars, school dates etc. Please fill out the office pack a.s.a.p so we have your contact details.
Nursery visits In your pack, you will all have a date for a nursery visit. The visits last for approx. 15 minutes when your child will meet their teacher and be informed which group they are in. We will also ask you to bring their ‘All About Me’ booklet along with you so that any important information can be passed on.
Staggered intake Children all have different admission dates. Only 4 children per day They stay for lunch until 12.30 on the first day. Then they stay until 1.30 the next day. We only take them full-time when we feel they are ready.
School uniform School uniform is not compulsory for Nursery children. School uniform can purchased on-line. Please label all items of clothing, including shoes! Your child can wear their own clothes, but please do not send your child into Nursery with their best clothes on, as they will get messy. Velcro shoes for dance and to encourage independence.
Pastoral Groups All the children will be placed into a colour group, with a key worker. The key worker will be responsible for your child whilst they are in Nursery. You must enter Nursery and hand your child over to the key worker.
Lunch and Snacks School lunches are available and you can pay for school lunches using Parentpay. They cost £2.30 which is paid weekly in advance on-line. Your child can bring their own packed lunch if you prefer. Your child does not need snacks, as fruit and snacks are provided daily. All children need a water bottle with their name on.
Early Years Foundation Stage Framework Made up of 8 areas of learning. RE Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design All play based activities Very messy, so be prepared for your child to come home messy!! Weekly baking so we ask for a £1 donation towards ingredients and nursery funds.
Nursery times Nursery starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.20pm. If your child is being picked up by someone different, let a member of staff know. If your child is sick, can you please let school know by 9 a.m. If your child has been sick, they cannot return to school for 48 hours.
Morning and Aftercare provision Morning care is available from 7.45am. Aftercare is available from 3.20-5.30pm. Booking forms will be available from the office in September. Morning and aftercare need to be booked a half term in advance, once your child has settled.
Peg and Tray Your child will have their own peg where they can hang their coat. You can also send in raincoats and wellington boots for wet weather. Your child will also have their own tray, their tray needs to be checked on a daily basis. All letters are emailed to you, so can you please make sure the office has your correct email address? Email is the school’s main form of communication!
Spare clothes Could you provide a bag of spare clothes, with your child’s name clearly labelled, to be kept on your child’s peg in nursery in case your child has a accident. Your child must be fully toilet trained before he/she starts nursery.
Golden jumper and Birthday treats Every child will receive the golden jumper at some stage. They can keep it for a week and then bring it back to nursery. When your child celebrates his/her fourth birthday, you can donate a book to school for your child to share with his/her friends. No sweets please!
Parking We have a voluntary one way system, please could you try your best to adhere to this system - coming in at Oswald Road and going straight down Longford and turning onto Ryebank Road. Additional parking is available at Longford stadium.
Home School Agreement & PTA Every Parent has sign the home school agreement in the nursery packs and bring it with them on their nursery visit. PTA information in your packs.